Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 195 Kidd’s Substitute

Jiang Xia threw away the drink laced with unknown drugs, held the empty cup, and drank the air.

He secretly looked at other security colleagues who had drunk their drinks. During this period, Jiang Xia glanced at the bulletin board in the security room and saw the notice issued by the police a few days ago.

——There is a group of robbers in Tokyo recently who specialize in ransacking department stores after they close, stealing jewelry, antiques and other valuable items. Currently, three buildings have been damaged one after another. This is one of the reasons why the Mihua Department Store has to temporarily recruit security guards.

Seeing this, Jiang Xia gradually became deeply impressed by the related cases.

From this point of view, the robbery pattern of this group of robbers is probably that Nakamura Mio first relied on her harmless appearance and excellent business ability to apply for a job and break into the building. After getting familiar with the situation, she cooperated with her robber accomplices inside and outside. .

Jiang Xia remembered that no one was killed in this incident.

However, the robbers targeted jewelry and antiques...

Jiang Xia touched the rim of the cup and began to think.

In the world of psychics that he was familiar with, corpses and murderers could provide ghosts and murderous auras. Jewelry and antiques can provide energy cores for upgrades.

However, in the current Ke Xue world, the rules seem to be slightly different.

Jiang Xia spent more than a year before, but could not find items containing energy cores in museums or jewelry stores.

But last time, the moment Kidd stole the "Dark Star" from the Suzuki family, an energy core was immediately generated in the Dark Star.

...I don’t know whether the conditions for the formation of energy cores in this world are “jewellery and antiques stolen” or “jewellery and antiques stolen by Kidd”.

Nowadays, it is rare to encounter a robbery in progress, so why not follow up and see the situation.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia noticed that the security colleagues in the room began to yawn one after another and everyone started to wander.

Jiang Xia observed the situation and yawned a few times.

He was originally sitting at the table. At this time, when the first security guard fell to the ground, Jiang Xia also fell on the table.

It didn't take long for the security guards to fall down.

Nakamura Mio smiled coldly, walked to the console, controlled the security equipment, and put several of her accomplices into the room.

The accomplices were obviously well prepared. They carried a bundle of hemp ropes and quickly tied up the security guards on the ground one by one and threw them into the corner.

Nakamura Mio is not only a member of the robbers, she is also the leader of this group of robbers.

Originally, she was just calmly supervising the work of her subordinates.

But when she passed by Jiang Xia, her heart suddenly moved and she stopped.

Nakamura Mio frowned and hesitated for a moment, then suddenly waved her hand and drove away the subordinate who walked to Jiang Xia with the rope: "Go and tie something else up."

Then she looked at Jiang Xia from a close distance, and then looked at the security guards who were thrown into the corner casually, and suddenly had the thought of "can't throw Jiang Xia over together" - piled together with a bunch of strong men, suppressing her What to do if it becomes flat.

The subordinates hummed as they tied up the people and eliminated the hidden dangers.

When he turned around, he found a person lying calmly in front of the table, and that person was the famous detective they were most afraid of.

The robbers suddenly stopped talking: "Boss, just leave it like this, he will be in trouble when he wakes up later. It will take a lot of time to search the building."

Nakamura Mio knew intellectually that her subordinates were right, but in her heart she didn't know why and didn't want to take action at all.

After a moment of pause, she personally took a piece of rope and tied Jiang Xia casually a few times: "Okay."

"..." The boys stared at the rope that was neither loose nor tight, and they always felt that something was not right.

However, at this time, Nakamura Mio had already focused her energy on the business. She slapped the table fiercely: "What are you still doing? Remember the map, divide the work and take what should be taken!"

Nakamura Mio had been gaining authority in the gang for a long time. Now her tone was harsh, and the younger brothers immediately did not dare to say anything more.

... They comforted themselves by thinking that anyway, according to the plan, the eldest sister would stay in the security room for a while, and she should be able to keep an eye on the detective by then - the boss's sleeping pills should be reliable.

The first floor of the building.

The Mihua Department Store has installed an automatic security device. At a fixed time every day, the rolling shutter door will fall.

On their way home, the Young Detective Team remembered that something was left behind in the building, so they sneaked back to get it.

However, by the time they got their things, it was already past the off-duty time, the gate was closed, and they could not get out.

Three real children were lying on the closed door, thinking that they had to spend the night here, and they were very panicked.

Hui Yuan Ai reminded me: "Don't go to the place where you are about to get off work without permission in the future, remember."

Ayumi and the others nodded reluctantly.

Conan remembered that Jiang Xia was working here today and comforted the naughty children: "Don't worry, there will be security guards on duty in the building. Brother Jiang Xia might be here too. Let's go talk to him and he will let us out."

With that said, Conan walked towards the elevator.

However, after taking a few steps, they only heard a series of footsteps following them, and the remaining three people did not move.

Conan turned around in confusion and saw that only Haihara Ai was following.

The other three children clung to the door in fear: "Well... we should wait for you here!"

Huiyuan sighed and pulled them forward: "If I leave you here, who knows where you will run around again... Let's go and apologize properly, Jiang Xia won't hit anyone."

The three children had "disbelief" written all over their faces.

But when they thought that Jiang Xia was in the security room downstairs, in the same confined space as them, they unconsciously put on a layer of well-behaved buff and didn't dare to mess around. In the end, he followed Conan and Haihara Ai downstairs silently.

Originally, the children thought that leaving the building was a goal they could achieve simply by admitting their mistake.

However, when they arrived outside the security room, Conan and Haihara Ai immediately realized that something was wrong - the people in the security room were not wearing security uniforms.

Conan took a closer look and found that all the serious security guards had been tied up and thrown into the corner.

Around the table, there were only a few robbers gathered around the map, discussing where to go to collect things... Oh, there seemed to be another one who was also beaten up, but for some reason he was not thrown away, which was very inconsistent. Jiang Xia was mixed in with the robbers.

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