Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2121 2121 [Buying land]

Not long after, the police officers came back with a full load: A young man like Tatsumi Ryunosuke committed crimes on his own territory, and he had an arrogance that he didn't know how to restrain. Maybe no one in their small village pays much attention to it, but now the police just have an advantage.

The group of people embarked on the journey back to Tokyo in sadness.

Then the next day, another person secretly made a reverse journey and returned to the Xun family's old house.

I was exhausted from trekking through mountains and rivers in Curacao, but I could only hide the dark circles under my eyes and put on an elite look to hand over the task target.

——This time when the Xun family changed hands, she actually came over on orders from the organization to intervene.

When she first took over the task, she was still thinking very professionally about how to calmly let Tatsuma Seimaru and Tatsumi Ryunosuke give way. However, when the mission actually started, all she could think about was how to survive without getting hurt.

Fortunately, that Uzo guy is not only used to murder his colleagues. As long as his colleagues can survive, the harvest is not small - for example, this time, her mission was solved in a way that left no consequences at all, and The price was just a few days of being toyed with by Uzo.

Curacao: "..." But if she was asked to choose again, she would rather do ten such tasks than run into Uzo again.

In the Xun family, Xun Falcon did not notice the slight fatigue of this mysterious woman. He welcomed her in through the side door, held hot tea in his hand, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work. Although I don't understand how you did it at all. ."

Curacao heard the temptation in his words and sneered in his heart: Ha, if you can tell, you may be on the organization's silence list.

After all, she didn't have time to do anything this time. The one who made all this happen was Uzo, who was bathed in the camera and sunshine.

Of course, these words cannot be said too much.

In the end, Curacao just acted like an efficient working machine and said coldly: "I'm glad you chose us. I believe you won't regret it in the future."

Sunda Falcon has a student face, and when he is not pretending to be stupid, his temperament looks a bit like Jiang Xia at first glance. Curacao felt uncomfortable facing this face, so he even skipped the polite steps: "Are you ready?"

Sunda Falcon nodded, took out a half-meter-square metal box, put it on the table and pushed it to her: "I suggest you wait until you go back to open it. This thing seems to have a certain amount of radiation, although my mother tried her best to pack it It’s isolated, but we usually don’t get too close to it.”

Curacao nodded. Anyway, with such a big Xun family here, there is no need to worry about finding someone if there is a problem later. She didn't hesitate anymore and quickly left with the things - compared to the Xun family that came with it as a gift, these things on hand were the main goal of the organization.

After Curacao left, a black cat walked quietly into the house and stopped next to Sunda Falcon.

Sunda Falcon touched the cat's head, looked at the cup of untouched black tea from Curaçao opposite him, and sighed: "When the inauguration ceremony of the head of the family ended today, many cups were full - there was that fake big brother With his mother’s case, it seems no one will dare to drink our tea in the future.”

Xun Menghuang walked in from the door. She was too lazy to add a new cup. She sat opposite her brother and took a sip from Curacao's teacup: "It always feels like she didn't do anything. It was the stepmother who solved everything by herself. We Isn’t it true that you were prostituted for nothing?”

Sunda Falcon said gently: "How can it be a free prostitution? Even if the two eldest brothers' abdication really has nothing to do with her, your life and mine are still worth those things."

Xun Menghuang was startled: "If you don't cooperate with her, is it possible that the people behind her still dare to kill people and silence them?"

Sunda Falcon looked at the middle school girl who was still a student: "Isn't the headless eldest brother enough to explain the problem?"

Xun Menghuang: "Is that the result of stepmother's hard work... Or have you encountered some shady events in the past few days, so you firmly believe that this is the work of Miss Shirai?"

Sunda Falcon: "Maybe because I almost died once, my sense of danger is keener than others - that woman is very dangerous to us. But..."

But what's even more strange is that Miss Shirai, who should be very cruel, has a very strange attitude towards Jiang Xia, as if she is... afraid of the detective.

Is it because of the natural antagonism between dark men and detectives, or something else?

Xun Menghuang listened to his "but" for a long time but didn't say anything or ask any more questions. The brother and sister sat on the tatami, each thinking about their own things. Only the bamboo tube in the yard knocked on the stones.

And outside the Heshi courtyard, which is full of Zen.

A sneaky figure left quietly.

Toru Amuro walked through the jungle, picked off the fallen leaves from her head, and bent down to get into a car.

Kazami Yuya, who was yawning, quickly sat up straight and sat in his seat seriously.

Toru Amuro closed the car door and laughed: "As expected, there is indeed something going on between the Tatsumi family and the organization."

When those people left yesterday, Toru Amuro, who was hiding in the forest, felt a sense of liberation that he had "finally gotten off work" for a long time.

However, such a big case had just occurred, there were many police around, and there were only one or two roads to the village. He was worried that finding someone to pick him up right away would arouse suspicion, so he had to stay in the woods for one more day and asked Yuya Kazami to come over today.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected reward - while waiting for the bus by the woods, Toru Amuro noticed from a distance that a person who left yesterday actually slipped back.

He immediately sneaked into the woods, followed all the way to the Xun family's old house, and then witnessed a secret transaction.

Although Uzo hasn't been caught yet, this trip finally paid off.

Maybe it was because he had tried to go to Uzuo many times before, but he always returned without success, and even suffered persecution. This time, although the harvest was not huge, Toru Amuro felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

——Having gains is progress.

Moreover, Wu Zuo may be involved in the affairs of the Xun family. As long as you pay more attention and study carefully, you will surely find unexpected gains.

With this thought in mind, Toru Amuro finally happily embarked on his journey back to Tokyo.

On the other side, Maya Hashimoto was in a daze for a while, and suddenly received a call from Jiang Xia, asking him to go to a hotel.

When he arrived at the private room, Maya Hashimoto found that besides Jiang Xia, there was also a rich woman sitting lazily on the sofa.

"Are you..." Maya Hashimoto thought this person looked familiar, and remembered after a moment, "Mrs. Asahi?"

Mrs. Xu nodded: "Do you still remember what I promised you before? - That land is yours."

If she didn't mention it, Maya Hashimoto really almost forgot.

Not long after, Mrs. Xu’s lawyer arrived. After the two parties signed the contract, Maya Hashimoto held the deed for the land for the undersea restaurant, and it seemed like a world away: Finally, the land Uzo wanted was finally obtained.

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