Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2125 2125 [The end of the consortium]

The son was so angry that he ran away, and Chairman Fuze didn't care. His attention was quickly drawn to the television again, and he happily continued watching the baseball game.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the voice of the commentator who was tinged with excitement and fatigue came from the screen: "Home run, 9 to 8, the overtime has entered the second half of the 11th inning... The air-to-air team ended the game!"

"Oh!!" Chairman Tomize cheered. After shouting for a while, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

Looking back, he saw a group of young people sitting at the table, yawning and looking at him quietly - obviously everyone wanted to sleep, but because there was a high-ranking elder visiting at home, they couldn't just leave. .

"..." Chairman Fuze looked at his watch nonchalantly and slapped his forehead, "Oh! It's already so late. It's time for me to say goodbye."

Suzuki Ayako maintained an elegant and decent smile, while the others couldn't hold back their smiles, and almost had "go quickly" written on their faces - it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Thanks to this elder, they started from noon. Until now, I'm sitting with you in the living room, so bored that I'm going to grow mushrooms.

Chairman Fuze didn't take this matter seriously because he was the only old man here. And it’s not like he was watching TV at someone else’s house, but at his future daughter-in-law’s house. In addition, these young people have nothing to do tomorrow. Why don't they watch a game with him and sleep a little later?

The little old man was in a good mood and didn't feel embarrassed at all. He said goodbye and went out.

A group of people walked him to the door. It was raining lightly outside. Chairman Tomizawa held an umbrella. After walking a few steps, he turned back to Suzuki Ayako and said: "I will bring my three useless sons over tomorrow - don't you mind?" ."

Suzuki Reiko smiled and said: "You are very welcome."

Chairman Fu Ze waved to them and walked through the small garden to his villa.

As soon as the door was closed, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but said: "He won't come over to watch the game again tomorrow! I'm going to buy a TV for him now. Can I ask him not to come?"

Jiang Xia: "How about adding a mahjong machine, and we can play mahjong while he watches the game."

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up: "Wonderful."

Maya Hashimoto is also looking forward to it: Although he is now a law-abiding citizen and cannot gamble, he can still play two laps for fun.

Conan noticed his expression and his eyes were complicated: "..." Are you sure you want to play mahjong with Xiaolan and Jiang Xia?

...This man has never been beaten by Emperor Ou at first glance.

Suzuki Ayako listened to her sister's request of "Buy a mahjong machine!" and smiled helplessly: "Go to bed quickly, it's already half past eleven. We'll talk about the rest until we get up tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and the whole villa suddenly went dark.

Suzuki Sonoko was startled: "The light is broken? - Sister, the villa you picked is not second-hand, right?"

Suzuki Ayako, who likes to browse various villas in the mountains, blushed: "This one is newly built."

The group of people happened to come to the corridor while they were talking. Jiang Xia walked to the window and glanced at the villa next door: "It must have been affected by the lightning strike just now. The entire area was without power."

As expected, the rainstorm became more and more intense. As soon as he finished speaking, another bolt of lightning struck, briefly lighting up the outside.

Maya Hashimoto casually glanced outside and suddenly froze: a figure appeared in the yard at some point. The man was squatting on the ground, holding a stone in both hands, and banging something on the ground with all his strength.

Others also saw it and looked puzzled: "Who is that? What is he doing?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." First of all, judging from the sound, it is definitely not cracking walnuts.

At this time, another bolt of lightning fell.

The courtyard was illuminated by thunder and lightning, and all the details were clearly displayed - the person in the courtyard was smashing hard, and it was another man who fell to the ground!

When Suzuki Sonoko saw the clothes of the man on the ground, she was so shocked that her voice broke: "Uncle Tomizawa?!"

Perhaps it was this voice that alerted the murderer who was beating people up. The man turned around quickly, revealing a face wearing a hat and a mask. The white mask was splattered with ferocious blood.

Although the murderer was masked, only his eyes were exposed, but those round eyes and thick eyebrows were very iconic - he was Yuzo Tomizawa, the one who didn't even dare to say anything back after being scolded by his father. What a cowardly son!

Suzuki Ayako was stunned for a moment and murmured: "This, how is this possible?"

Maya Hashimoto also murmured in agreement: "Yeah, why..." Why was he seen directly? ! Could it be that Uzo hated the Tomizawa family so much that he even wanted to skip the reasoning process and plan to pack up the father and son and send them away as quickly as possible? ?

Just as he was wondering, Jiang Xia pushed open the corridor window, climbed out of the window with the real detective next to him, and rushed over there.

But after all, they were separated by a distance, and there were many hiding places in the garden here. In addition, the sky was dark, the sound of rain and thunder and lightning obscured all movements. Tomizawa Yuzo finally succeeded in escaping, leaving only his head on the ground. Poor old father with broken blood.


The Suzuki sisters came to their senses at this time, climbed out of the window, and staggered to the side of Chairman Tomizawa.

Chairman Fuze fell to the ground, already lifeless. His eyes were wide open and he was still staring blankly, and his body was spattered with tiny blood stains. What is concerning is that the watch on his left wrist is missing, leaving only a circle of blood spattered and covered.

Suzuki Ayako shed anxious tears as she looked at this elder who was so proud when he left and then lost his temper in the blink of an eye.

Maya Hashimoto also carefully climbed out of the window and came to the side.

He knelt down and took a look to confirm that the person was gone. He scratched his head, and a question mark appeared above his head: Is he really dead? The head of the Suzuki family marriage consortium died so hastily?

While everyone was busy with their own business, Mao Lilan was not idle in the room either.

After her initial fear and confusion passed, she immediately called the police. However, the signal here is very poor and cannot be connected.

So she had another idea and ran to find the landline phone. This time she finally reported it. Not only did she call the police, she also considerately helped the elder call an ambulance.

Unfortunately, heavy rains washed away the road leading here.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that police cars and ambulances arrived in a hurry.

The ambulance came and left, neatly and gracefully.

The police couldn't leave.

Henggou Police Department, with his coral-like curly hair, first ran to shake hands with his idol detective, and then confirmed the situation with a serious face: "You are saying that around 11:30 last night, you witnessed Tomizawa Yuzo Killed his father with his own hands, and in a very cruel way?"

The group of people nodded with lingering fear.

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

The murderer Tomizawa Yuzo wandered back from nowhere. He looked at the police in the courtyard and was confused for a moment before looking for his fiancée: "Ayako? What happened? Why are so many people here?"

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