Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2154 2157 [The Failure of the FBI] Please vote for me

Jiang Xia frowned slightly as she thought of the nicknames her younger brothers had used without permission in those years, and some painful memories that made people wish they could lose their memory on the spot came to mind.

Conan was curious about another thing: "'Lucas of Cupido-cho'? Who is Lucas?" He couldn't be referring to the economist.

A voice floated from the top of the head. A tall and thin man apparently heard their conversation just now. He stopped and smiled and said: "'Lucas' is a character in that game - there are a total of 8 characters to choose from in the game. Each one has different characteristics and skills, and the one I use most easily is 'Lucas' among them."

The old man in the felt hat was startled when he heard this voice. He turned around, saw the person clearly and said in surprise: "It's you? 'Lucas from Cupido Town'!"

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." A person of his age shouts out the name of such a middle-aged person in a middle-aged tone. This scene is really...

She lowered her head silently and began to dig at the castle under her feet with Jiang Xia.

However, it turns out that most people like this.

When everyone in the arcade heard this nickname, they all turned around like chasing stars, and all looked at 'Lucas of Cupido Town', their eyes shining.

Oto Kengo also noticed the movement. He put aside the scary episode just now and devoted himself to his "business".

He laughed at the tall and thin man who had just arrived and said: "Finally here, I'm waiting for you! - Come on, let's have a showdown and see who is the emperor here."

‘Lucas from Cupido Town’ also showed a leisurely attitude: “Don’t be busy, wait for me to have a cigarette.”

Kengo Oto laughed and said: "You are not so nervous that you need to smoke to calm down, hahaha, give in early, so that I can save some face for you!"

‘Lucas from Cupido Town’’s hand holding the cigarette froze slightly, Oto Kengo said it right, he was really nervous at the moment.

However, the cigarette was already lit, and it would be foolish to pinch it out at this time, so he pretended that he didn't hear anything and started smoking like a master.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko watched this scene like a duel between masters, and finally couldn't hold it any longer. They whispered: "How about we leave first."

In the competition for the strength of the second grade students, these high school sophomores were defeated by the uncles in the arcade.

Judy was still watching Tokyo culture, but when she heard this, she suddenly became alert: As a teacher, she couldn't stick to these three people after she left. A rare and impressive encounter occurred today. We must not let this opportunity pass easily!

Thinking like this, Judy looked left and right and found the racing game she was interested in.

She pulled a few students with her, looking extremely reluctant to leave: "We're here, let's have a fight before we leave."


The enthusiastic high school students looked at this foreign teacher who went to Tokyo specifically to play games. They couldn't bear to refute and sighed: "Okay then."

Judy was overjoyed and pushed the three of them to the racing game: "This can have up to 8 people online, let's try it!"

Conan who was accidentally ignored: "..."

Conan followed silently: Look down on elementary school students? He wants to play too.

After a while, the game starts.

Conan glanced at the screen and then at the brakes, which were half a meter away from him: "..."

...Is this suspicious foreign teacher targeting him?

"Are you ready?" Judy led the three students to sit in front of the machine and flipped their hair coolly, "Go!"

Although she wasn't too familiar with this racing game, it didn't have too many messy skills. As long as she knew how to steer and brake, and her reactions were fast enough, it wouldn't be difficult to achieve results.

Judy used her superb skills in racing for many years and launching street chases with various vicious criminals. She is an FBI who has experienced a lot of practice, just a racing game...

Two minutes later.

game over.

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at the ranking in the upper left corner and patted Judy on the shoulder: "Not bad, teacher, second place, so awesome!" Let's go when we've had enough fun.

Judy: "..."

Why not first? !

And forget about second place, how could Jiang Xia surpass her by so much? !

Judy's prepared line of "You are very good, just a little worse than the teacher. You are welcome to challenge again when you have time!" was aborted in such an aggrieved manner.

Jiang Xia stood up from the game console and found Judy looking directly at him. Their eyes met unexpectedly, and it was hard to pretend that they didn't see him. He said smoothly: "You are very good. You are only a little worse than the first one. You will definitely do it next time."

Judy: "..."

She felt an arrow stabbed in her heart.

At this moment, a short and exciting piece of music suddenly sounded from the big screen in the game room.

Jiang Xia looked away and saw a fighting competition being broadcast live on the screen - the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes finally ended their long and difficult prelude, controlled their respective characters, and entered the arena.

Each character has its own advantages and disadvantages - what Kengo Oto is best at is the black-skinned character he used to beat Mourilan just now, named 'Caesar', and what 'Lucas of Cupido Town' is best at is of course Lucas.

At this time, on the big screen of the live broadcast, the lean 'Caesar' and the fat and muscular 'Lucas' were silently confronting each other. With the support of the veterans of the game arcade, the two ordinary-looking characters actually set off a... An atmosphere of world decisive battle.

Mao Lilan's eyes were also attracted. She finally became interested in this fighting game.

I thought that the duel between masters would be very exciting, but unexpectedly, the situation was not optimistic.

——‘Lucas of Cupido Town’ started half a beat too late, so his opponent immediately seized the opportunity and launched a set of silky combos. Every bit of strength in the combo was precise, and 'Lucas' couldn't find a chance to counterattack. He was kicked and beaten like a sandbag throughout the whole process. In the end, the character's face turned blue and Peng fell to the ground.

The audience was stunned and started to hum:

"I thought 'Lucas of Cupido' could teach Caesar a lesson, but he got beaten."

"Is it because he doesn't come here often and is not used to the machine?"

"I think it's a problem with the game design. This kind of mechanism that connects you to death is simply rubbish! This company only uses the latest sensor equipment as a gimmick and doesn't put any effort into the game content at all."

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe that 'Lucas from Cupido Town' is not strong enough. The Caesar people are a little annoyed, and his skills are really useless!"

For a time, everything was said, and Feng Ping even gradually fell in favor of Kengo Oto.

However, at this time, after knocking down 'Lucas' again, Caesar did not go up to make up for the attack, but suddenly stopped in place.

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