Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2156 2159 [Internal fighting on the red side]

In addition to the machine, the people who control the machine are of course also important.

The Mumu Police Department asked: "Who was the person who competed with the deceased at that time? Come and ask him."

The curly-haired staff member looked troubled. At this moment, another player, "Lucas of Cupido", took the initiative to come over.

"It's me." The tall and thin man chewed gum and explained impatiently, "But in this game, although the player will receive feedback from the impact, the degree is very light, about the same as the vibration of a mobile phone. You will never Because of this, you want to regard me as the murderer."

After a pause, he laughed at himself: "Besides, even if this game console can really kill people, I should be the one injured - I suffered a whole set of combos, which was much worse than the opponent. ."

The Mumu Police Department looked disappointed: They thought they could easily find the cause of death, but now it seems there is no chance.

Officer Takagi flipped through the information in his hand and reminded in a low voice: "There were no obvious external injuries on the body of the deceased. It really looks like a sudden death. In this case, if the family does not agree, we may not be able to directly conduct a judicial autopsy."

Jiang Xia: "The corpse has the characteristics of suffocation, maybe it was poisoned."

Officer Takagi was startled: "But he was playing games at the time and couldn't eat or drink."

Jiang Xia glanced at Conan's watch and said, "Maybe it was inserted into the body. Although compared to eating and drinking, injection is more likely to cause resistance and anger from the deceased, but the environment of the game hall is noisy, and no one can hear it if you don't speak loudly. .Even if you say it loudly, it may be regarded as an argument and ignored."

Conan: "..." The heroes see the same thing! ...But look what I'm doing, my anesthesia watch doesn't have poisonous needles in it!

The owner of the game hall next to him nodded quickly after hearing this: "That's right! The game screen at that time was transferred to the big screen, and for everyone to watch, the overall light in the game hall was dimmed. In that case, even if someone left If you go next to the deceased and stab him, no one will notice."

——I hope this is a murder case. Anyway, don’t die suddenly while playing games, otherwise his game arcade will be in trouble.

Police Department Megure and Officer Takagi looked at each other and understood: "That's right... In this case, let's send the body for autopsy first to confirm the real cause of his death."

When technicians are busy dissecting.

Of course, the criminal police here in the arcade can't be idle either.

Police Department Memu looked at the list handed over by Officer Takagi and felt his head tremble: "More than 30 people?"

Officer Takagi nodded. In order to comfort him, he whispered: "If Jiang Xia and others are included, there will be 35 people." Looking at it this way, 30 people are not very few!

Mumu Police Department: "..."

He threw the information back to this incompetent subordinate and launched his ultimate move: "Brother Jiang Xia——!"

Jiang Xia came to her senses and patted Conan.

According to experience, the chances of finding a suspect and exposing him yourself are completely different from having a weak and pitiful primary school student step forward to expose him and squeeze out his murderous intent.

Conan had been eager to try it for a long time. He immediately counted the people: "I remember that among the people who had come into contact with the dead, the main ones were..."

He turned around and looked, raised his hand and pointed at a circle of people: "This curly-haired staff member, this big brother nicknamed 'Lucas of Cupido Town', and a few of us - right? , Teacher Judy.”

... I just took the opportunity to check on this suspicious foreign woman.

Judy looked at this strange primary school student and smiled: "That's right, but to be on the safe side, it's better to check the surveillance - I remember there is a camera that can cover this area."

Conan looked at her and touched his chin: "..." They deliberately didn't mention the camera just now, but Teacher Judy immediately noticed it - this woman had just arrived in Tokyo not long ago, but her reaction to the murder seemed normal. Observation The power is also good.

Suspicious, getting more and more suspicious!

In any case, with monitoring, things will be much easier to handle.

The Mumu Police Department gathered a few key suspects and grabbed the detective: "Let's go and have a look at the staff room in the back."

Some of the group were reluctant, others wanted to join in the fun, so they followed sparsely.

And just as everyone started walking around, a metal friction sound of "click" and "click" sounded, and was quickly drowned in the buzzing discussion of the crowd.

The curly-haired staff member in the game arcade was somewhat resistant to checking the surveillance for some reason.

However, the owner of the arcade is very proactive. No one wants to solve the case as soon as possible than him.

He quickly called up the monitor and adjusted it to the corresponding time: "This is it!"

The fast forwarding screen is restored to normal speed and adjusted to maximum.

In the dim picture, the deceased was sitting impatiently in front of the fighting machine, while the curly-haired staff member was squatting at his feet, taking away the coins from the game machine. The two of them seemed to be arguing for a while.

There was no sound in the picture, and the Mumu Police Department looked at the curly-haired staff suspiciously: "What were you talking about at that time?"

The curly-haired staff member said: "It's nothing, it's just that he thought my speed of collecting coins was too slow and it affected his game playing, so he scolded me a few times."

"That's it."

The Memu Police Department wrote this down and let the scene continue.

In the surveillance camera, the staff member collected the coins and left, while Oto Kengo sat on the chair with his arms crossed, shaking his legs impatiently, as if he was a little anxious. But soon, as he thought of something, his expression changed again, becoming sinister and at the same time hiding expectation.

After that, the deceased's depressed mood was gone, and he started playing games to warm up.

During this period, no one came to see him, so the police department moved in quickly.

When the next figure approached, he reset the surveillance camera, and saw the tall and lanky man nicknamed "Lucas of Cupido Town" walking up to talk to him. The two sat and stood and chatted for a few words.

Memu Police Department: "What are you here for?"

The tall and lanky man: "Of course I came to him to start a fight - we had already agreed to have a showdown. Now that I'm here, of course I have to say hello to him first."

Sure enough, the two people in the picture just said a few words, and the tall and thin man left the deceased and went to another machine. Regarding this upcoming battle, his heart was obviously not as calm as his appearance, and he even dropped the lighter when he took out the game coins.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but whisper to Jiang Xia: "No wonder the fight is so one-sided. This person's psychological quality is not very good."

However, the tall and lanky man did not escape from the fight. Soon, the big screen in the surveillance room lit up. The crowd gathered in front of the screen and excitedly began to watch the live broadcast of the actual battle.

Officer Takagi took a closer look and saw a familiar head of curly hair among the crowd of onlookers - the curly-haired staff crowded enthusiastically in the front row and even took out their cameras and started recording.

Officer Takagi asked the staff in surprise: "Is this you? Why are you taking pictures of this?"

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