Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2158 2161 [Fat Beaten]

The Mumu Police Department has met many foreigners, but not many in-depth conversations. In short, in his concept, foreigners are similar to aliens, and it is not surprising that they don't know anything.

So he didn't listen carefully to Judy's chat, and only moved forward based on the newly acquired clues.

Mumu Police Department waved his hand: "Go and search quickly to find that poisonous needle!"

Officers began searching the entire arcade and surrounding areas to find the needle-like object that was suspected to be the murder weapon.

But nowhere.

"It's strange." Memu Police Department scratched his head, "Judging from the surveillance footage, none of the three suspects left the game arcade. They must not have accomplices."

Suzuki Sonoko had an idea: "Could they be so cruel that they poke the needle into their own flesh and hide it?!"

"..." Jiang Xia reminded in a low voice, "That will poison people."

Suzuki Sonoko: "!"

She also asked in a low voice: "Can't you just wipe it clean and hide it again?"

Jiang Xia said tactfully: "Theoretically, it can be considered, but in practice, I don't think the murderer is so... fearless of death."

"Well..." Detective Suzuki came back frustrated and could only continue to rub his chin and think hard.

However, the Memu Police Department listened. He carefully looked at the three suspects, but unfortunately he didn't notice any of them acting strangely.

The Mu Mu Police Department had no choice but to say: "In that case, let's search you. This is also to solve the case faster, so you guys shouldn't mind."

The tall and lanky man laughed: "Of course I don't mind, but if you search for me, your efforts will be in vain - when that guy died, I was sitting in front of another machine the whole time. The two machines are several meters apart, and I I also have to control the machine to fight. If I leave the show in the middle, it will immediately show on the big screen that my character is disconnected. How can I be a murderer like this?"

The curly staff member quickly said: "Me too! I came into contact with the deceased a few minutes before the start of the game, and I never got close to him again after that. During that period, he was alive and kicking, and he even scolded several people. I Not a murderer either!”

With that said, the two people looked at the old man in the felt hat: "If you want to search, you should focus on this person - he was the only one who passed by the deceased during the game!"

The old man in the felt hat was besieged by two people and gradually became less calm.

He suddenly remembered something and looked at Jiang Xia quickly: "So, this detective is also very suspicious - I remember that the deceased had a conflict with them, and he also walked over and patted Jiang Xia on the shoulder, and then he seemed to be He withdrew his hand as if something had stabbed him."

Suzuki Sonoko was startled. She didn't expect that one of her own people would also be shot in. She said angrily: "What do you mean 'like being stabbed'? That guy was obviously just scared! He must have done something illegal and bad, so he thought After leaving Jiangxia, I was so scared - and wasn't the deceased stabbed on the inside of his right arm? He only photographed Jiang Xia with one hand, so there is no way Jiang Xia could have killed him."

It was well-founded and made great progress. Jiang Xia nodded in agreement.

When Suzuki Sonoko saw it, she snorted and put her hands on her hips proudly.

The uncle in the felt hat was not discouraged. He quickly calmed down and said, "In this case, I can't poison the deceased. When I was picking up coins, I passed by the left side of the deceased. He was stabbed. Right hand, I am also innocent.”

After speaking, he looked at Judy: "Speaking of which, when this foreign friend went to watch a fighting match, he also passed by the deceased's chair. Her limbs were so slender, it must be easy to poison her."

Judy: "..."

Mu Mu Police Department: "..." How many people are you going to shoot at? Do you think our workload is not big enough? These old fritters in Tokyo are really troublesome.

He sighed and said to Xi Ni: "Let's search together."

While he was haggard, suddenly a voice came from the side, Jiang Xia said: "There is no need to search so many people."

Memu Police Department: "!"

He stopped and looked over in surprise: "Who is it?"

Jiang Xia: "Actually, what the suspects just said is very reasonable. If you want to inject poison into the inside of the deceased's right arm, you first need to go to a specific location. Based on this rule, I, the clerk, Teacher Judy, and even The old man who picked up coins doesn’t meet the requirements.”

The only person who had ever been to the right side of the deceased and leaned down to speak to him was the deceased's opponent - "Lucas of Cupido Town", Shimizu Takayasu.

The surveillance picture just now was still in everyone's mind. A group of people immediately understood what he meant and looked at the tall and thin man in confusion.

Shimizu Takayasu suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

But he soon laughed nonchalantly: "It's not okay to rule it out in such a random way. Didn't your teacher just say that? The deceased died immediately after being injected with the toxin. I was not next to him at the time.

"Speaking of which, I'm quite a celebrity in the arcade. Even if it was dark now, I couldn't have walked across the aisle in front of so many people, ran over and stabbed him to death and then returned to my seat to continue the game."

Jiang Xia suddenly glanced at Judy: "In this case, why not let Teacher Judy demonstrate it in practice."

Judy: "?"

Does this have anything to do with her?

However, it was a good thing for students to take the initiative to get close to her. Judy felt as if she had been hit by a pie. She deeply felt that her reference books were not in vain. She stepped forward happily: "What are you demonstrating?"

Jiang Xia began to secretly push the FBI towards the path of detective, commanding the tool man who came to his door: "Use those two game consoles to play a fighting game with Officer Takagi."


The group of people was a little confused, but of course the police would not object to Jiang Xia's opinion, and the onlookers in the game room had no objections - there was an interesting fight ahead, why not watch it?

Not long after, the two of them took their seats.

After putting in the game currency, with a burst of passionate cutscenes, the characters controlled by the two people jumped out on the big screen and entered a fighting state.

The characters are male and female. As soon as the scene started, the female character stood there blankly, while the male character strode forward and struck with an uppercut.

Followed by upward kicks, downward kicks, forward punches... For a time, the sound of one-sided beatings filled the entire game hall, mixed with various sound effects of the female character being beaten.

Mumu Police Department: "..."

He whispered to Officer Takagi: "You should take care of your international friends. Why are you beating them so hard? Just make do and win."

Officer Takagi laughed awkwardly. Even with the helmet on, you couldn't see his expression. You could only see that his hands and feet covered in sensors continued to shake, while the muscular man on the screen was still beating the female character.

Mumu Police Department: "..." Tsk, you deserve to be single until 26.

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