Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2160 2163 [Case closed]

Chapter 2160 2163 In addition, if this unlucky passerby does not operate properly, another 'secret room poison needle death case' may occur the next day. "

The Mumu Police Department broke into a cold sweat when they heard: "..." Life is so fragile, and the traps of overtime are everywhere... Fortunately, Jiang Xia discovered it early.

The frightened police department just wanted a quick solution.

The Mumu Police Department looked at the colleague from the forensic department and pointed to the curly-haired clerk's shoes: "Extract the physical evidence and fingerprints on them immediately!"

Although Shimizu Takaho did not panic, he actually laughed: "What a pity, I have never touched those two things, and look -"

He took out the cigarette case from his arms, smoked out a cigarette and showed it to the police: "The cigarettes I smoke are not that brand. Someone must be trying to use this to frame me. After all, I often chew gum when playing games." To relieve tension, this matter has long been no secret - this is a frame-up tailor-made for me."

Memu Police Department's head is almost turning into a pendulum, looking this way and that.

Jiang Xia: "The cigarette butts and chewing gum used to hide the poisonous needles were probably found by the murderer from the ashtray in the game arcade. As long as they are padded with something, such as a cigarette case or something, they will not leave fingerprints easily."

The Mumu Police Department was shocked: "What should we do?"

Jiang Xia: "In the game console used by the deceased, there were game coins thrown in by the murderer himself. His fingerprints should be on the coins."

The curly hair clerk came to his senses and quickly found the key to open the machine.

Pulling out the drawer, I saw that there were only a few game coins left in the coin box.

When Shimizu Takaho saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Xia raised her hand and patted his shoulder, as if taking off the dust on his body: "Unfortunately, before you came to challenge, the clerk just collected a wave of game coins - so among the few coins in the box now , there is a coin you put in when you restarted the game for the deceased, and your fingerprint should be stuck on that coin.


Shimizu Takaho sighed heavily: "I didn't expect that my luck would be so bad - before I came here, I always thought that this was the last game of my life, so I held the coin tightly for a long time. Unexpectedly, my fingerprints were clearly left on it. Now this really became my last game."

The curly-haired clerk originally planned to find an opportunity to challenge this "Lucas of Cupido Town" to start his own road of revenge. When he heard these words, he was suddenly shocked: "What is the last game? Do you want to wash your hands in a golden basin?!"

Shimizu Takayasu sighed: "Yes, I originally planned to finish today's game and say goodbye to Oto and the arcade forever - all for the sake of my incompetent sister."

Uncle Mao Xianmao didn't expect that the motive he casually pulled out would actually come true at this moment. He scratched his head: "As for it, free love is popular now. If your sister likes it, just let her go. Why do you have to sacrifice yourself to beat the mandarin duck. "

"Free love?" Shisui Gaobao snorted coldly, and his anger surged:

"My sister is now hospitalized. She was almost blind due to severe lack of nutrition - I'm afraid you won't believe it. In this day and age, there are still people suffering from malnutrition because they don't have enough to eat, and they live such a miserable life.

“This is all because that guy Oto is addicted to gambling, and my stupid sister worked hard to raise money for him, but was not willing to spend money on good food, so she finally ended up in this situation.

"After all this, she still refused to break up with that man. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I came to Oto and asked him to get rid of my sister.

"But I also know that it is not easy for this kind of person to find a money bag that will never change, and no matter what, it is impossible to let go easily - so Oto said that as long as I beat him in this game, he will break up with my sister.

"In order to defeat him, I spent countless hours practicing, but never succeeded. Finally, my vision jumped out of the game - as long as I can kill him in reality..."

Amid the sighs of the onlookers, the cup owner who successfully cashed was handcuffed away by the police.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the sky and sighed: "It's actually so late."

As soon as Judy heard that they were leaving, she immediately became alert: the first encounter could be considered a chance encounter, but it would be too suspicious if they met again by chance - she must seize this opportunity to integrate into the team, or at least find a legitimate excuse to contact Jiang Xia. .

Thinking like this, the foreigner once again used his advantage as a foreigner and said to Jiang Xia with a stickiness far beyond that of a normal person: "Oh, what a pity, our duel is not over yet - how can we give up halfway like this? Why not make an appointment?" Come again sometime?"

"Duel?" Suzuki Sonoko thought of the racing game just now, "Didn't you already lose?"

"..." Judy blushed, then had an idea, "Actually, it's not good to play games all the time. Many problems can only be solved by putting them into reality, and as a teacher, I should set an example - why not In this case, let’s compete in swimming!”

It was her fault.

Wanting to win over Jiang Xia and make Jiang Xia have a desire to win against her is not just through playing games and solving crimes: young people have a wide range of interests, and as long as they can beat him in a certain field, they can hope to achieve their goals.

So instead of looking for projects that Jiang Xia is good at, she should actually look for things that she is better at: As an FBI who has trained for many years, where is she better than a high school student?

——Remove those items that need to be kept confidential and illegal, and the rest is physical fitness.

Judy felt that it was a coincidence. She remembered the gift she had received not long ago: "My friend just gave me a few tickets to the water park. I heard that the swimming pool there is very large and the equipment is the best. If I go by myself, the package ticket will be wasted - why don’t we all go together.”

"Wow, a water park?" Ling Muyuanzi didn't swim much recently, so she was moved when she heard it. However, she thought of something and looked at Jiang Xia, "Jiang Xia doesn't seem to..."

Jiang Xia interrupted: "I'll go too."

Unless all the ghosts floating outside are taken back, going into the water will expose the tattoos on his chest, so he doesn't like to swim in public.

——But who says you have to swim when going to a water park?

It's okay if he doesn't go into the water.

Anyway, it seems that Teacher Judy just wants to go out with him - after experiencing the cold rejection and avoidance of Amuro Toru, Curacao and others, Judy's friendship seems extremely precious.

It's rare for someone to be so enthusiastic, so of course I have to agree.

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