Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2165 2168 [Conspiracy]

Qianji Liangling finally calmed down a little: just because her family has money doesn't mean she doesn't like money. The more expensive the gifts given by others, the happier she will be. Of course, compared to the gifts, the feeling of a poor man spending all his money to buy gifts to please her excited her more.

However, today seemed to be particularly bad. Not long after, Qianji Liangling's mood dropped again after he had just gotten up.

Because the water park's broadcast suddenly said: "Is the owner of the red sports car near the first parking lot there? I'm sorry, your car is blocking traffic, please move the car as soon as possible. Near the first parking lot, the owner of the red sports car is ——”

The repeated announcement made Senji Liangling click his tongue: "Isn't this my car?"

The place where she parked was indeed a bit in the way. If she ignored this announcement, it would be troublesome for her car to be towed away. But Qianji Liangling was too lazy to go there by herself. After thinking about it, she randomly found an unfortunate guy: "Qianhua, go to the parking lot and move my car for me."

The short-haired girl was busy running around. When he heard her words, he had to stop what he was doing, took the car keys and ran outside the park to run errands for her.

The high school students happened to be lying on the floating board and floating by nearby.

Suzuki Sonoko sipped her coke and glanced here from a distance, a little speechless: "This guy is really capable of tossing things around. Fortunately, Teacher Judy has already agreed to pay for her bag. Otherwise, would she have planned to quarrel with us at the door?" A day?"

Just as the circle was about to end, Mao Lilan jumped into the water: "Ignore them, it has nothing to do with us anyway. Let's eat something first. I made a lot of snacks in the morning, which is just in time to replenish my strength."

The group of people went ashore nearby and found a round table to sit down at.

After taking the meal prepared by Mao Lilan and preparing to eat, suddenly there was another movement nearby.

Qianji Liangling covered her head and tossed and turned on the recliner irritably. Finally, she stood up and sat up.

In addition to working as a follower for Qianji Liangling today, the young man with glasses also has to work in this water park. He was arranging the equipment when he suddenly heard movement behind him and asked with concern: "Xiao Ling, what's wrong?"

The other two people also ran over after hearing this. When they saw Qianji Liangling, they were both startled: "You look so ugly."

"Is everything okay?"

Qianji Liangling looked at the people gathered in a circle and became even more irritated: "It's okay, I just felt a little dizzy suddenly. Maybe it was heatstroke from being in the sun for too long - by the way, since you guys work here, you should know where the employee lounge is, right? , is there a bed there?"

The bespectacled young man nodded enthusiastically: "Yes, I'll help you go!"

Qian Ji Liangling slapped his hand away: "I'm dizzy and my leg is not broken. I want you to take advantage of it? I'll do it myself."

She put on her slippers and walked away.

The young man with glasses who had been slapped away by her turned pale and blue at one time or another. He smiled dryly despite the sympathetic looks of his two companions and said, "Haha, there's really nothing I can do about her, she's too willful."

The black-skinned young man comforted her optimistically: "Look at it, she is the daughter of the chairman of the hospital. She has power and money, and it is normal to be willful."

The short-haired girl has obviously complained a lot to Qianji Liangling for a long time: "Then you can't always push your nose and face like this, we are not her slaves."

The dark-skinned young man spread his hands: "I'm about to graduate anyway, so just be patient for the sake of future development. It's so difficult to get a job now. It's not easy for ordinary working-class people like us to find a job. I just let her vent my anger. It will be a great deal to be able to work in her big hospital in the future - when you are angry, think more about our student loans, you don’t want to be unable to repay the loan after graduation."

The other two people were silent. The three migrant workers did not speak anymore and continued to do their own things bitterly.

Staff lounge.

Qian Ji Liangling was lying on the small bed, feeling increasingly dizzy. After rolling around for a while, just as she began to think about whether to go to the hospital, sleepiness overtook her and she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

No one noticed that there was an extra bed-sucker here, and the water park continued to operate as usual.

At noon, the broadcast started: "Visitors, please note that it is maintenance time for the jungle swimming pool. The water flow will be temporarily stopped. Please wait."

Even if the water flow stops, it's just that you can't use floating boards to float, and tourists can still go into the water to play.

And because the water flow in the pool slowed down, some guests who were not good at swimming happily went in, and there were more people in the water than before.

A few high school students finished their meal and played volleyball in the water. Jiang Xia took Suzuki Sonoko's waterproof camera and took pictures of them while sitting leisurely on a recliner drinking Coke.

Suzuki Sonoko heard the noise, glanced towards the shore, and sighed bitterly: That camera is not used for this... Oh, forget it, I brought it with me, it's better than taking no pictures at all.

The optimistic high school girl quickly continued to participate in the volleyball game.

Of course Judy also went into the water to play with them: the patient FBI knows very well what it means to save the country through curves - if Jiang Xia can't be dealt with in a short time, why can't they deal with these two girls who are easy to talk to? As long as you are familiar with them, it is not difficult to get close to Jiang Xia.

Judy: "..." Speaking of which, there has been no follow-up investigation news about the arcade case from Akai Shuichi. I don’t know whether they were suspicious last time or whether there was really “that person” in that case.

These days, she has almost recalled the whole story of that case eight hundred times, but she never felt that there was any violation: even the trigger of that case - the girl who was almost blind because of love, was later listed on the On the news.

She seemed to be just a very ordinary woman, without any trace of being manipulated. According to gossip reporters, she has been like this since junior high school and never looked back for love. Everything she did was... Purely natural and interference-free.

After combing through it carefully, the only thing that stood out the most was that she, the FBI, was following Jiang Xia.

Judy: "..." Could it be that I am the problem?

...No, it should be just a coincidence. After all, in that case, she was just an ordinary passerby, and she did not play any role in keeping Jiang Xia and the others outside the game hall.

Just when I was a little distracted, the water park's radio announced: "The inspection time is over and the water flow has been restored. Please enjoy your time."

"Teacher Judy, the ball is going to float away!!"

Judy came to her senses, quickly caught the ball, and then smacked it towards the two female classmates.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko scrambled to catch the ball, laughing and joking.

Judy looked at this scene of youth and smiled unconsciously.

At this moment, an air cushion floating on the water came out of the tunnel. It carried a fashionable woman lying face down on an air mattress and hit Judy on the waist from behind.

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