Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2167 2170 [Secretary]

Judy looked at three scorching eyes and deeply felt the sinister nature of people called him meow.

Whether it was an illusion or something else, she seemed to see a ruthless black hand hanging in the void through these three people - that thing indeed took action against her.

Thinking of this, Judy felt helpless and a little bit tragic: her bait had worked after all, and she hoped that her reliable teammates could find clues and catch "that person"'s clues.

in addition……

Judy quietly moved next to Jiang Xia: "You will find the real murderer, right."

Jiang Xia looked upright: "Don't be anxious, everything depends on the evidence."

Judy: "...?" Wait, shouldn't you say something like "Don't worry, I believe you" at this time. What does "see the evidence" mean? Do you think even you think I am the murderer?

The Memu Police Department noticed the mutterings here, winked wildly, and asked Officer Takagi to separate the two of them calmly: Jiang Xia is good at everything else, but he is very talkative in front of acquaintances - but we can't let this suspicious female teacher slow us down. The speed with which he solves crimes.

As soon as Judy was separated, the surroundings became silent for a moment.

Jiang Xia glanced at her and felt extremely regretful: She still didn't risk murderous intent - it was the FBI, could she learn from Akai Shuichi's speed of taking murderous intent?

But speaking of this, Jiang Xia felt a pity: he thought Akai Shuichi had noticed Judy's recent movements and would follow him to take a look. However, it turns out that this FBI ace is far more cautious than he thought: he didn't know whether he didn't come or was hiding too far away, and even the ghost couldn't find where he was.

"Let Subaru Okiya pay more attention." Jiang Xia sighed inwardly, "A rare peripheral member who survived after defecting, even if it is an obvious bait, Akai Shuichi should not be willing to let it go easily. However, This guy is too patient...can't you learn from Gin and become a little more impatient?"

A voice came from the side: "What's wrong? There's something wrong with this picture?"

Jiang Xia came back to her senses and realized that she had been looking at it for a little too long. He put down the floor plan of the lounge, nodded casually, and turned to the Memu Police Department: "Where is the air cushion the deceased was riding on now? I want to take a look."

Of course the Memu Police Department would not refuse.

So soon, everyone went back outside.

Seeing the air cushion, they immediately discovered the problem: "Why is it leaking?"

The Mumu Police Department was also a little confused. The thing didn't seem so deflated when it was fished out: "Maybe it was accidentally scratched by the murder weapon when it tipped over?"

Conan walked around the air mattress. The low chassis was convenient for checking physical evidence. He soon discovered something. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of the air mattress: "There is a pinhole here!"


A group of people gathered around and took a closer look, and found that it was indeed the case. The pinholes are right on the edge of the air mattress, along the seams, very hidden.

In addition to the air mattress, there was also a folding knife and two drink cups next to it.

Seeing Jiang Xia looking at those things, Mumu Police Department said: "This was also fished out of the water. It should be something that was placed on the air mattress at that time."

Conan found it strange: "It's normal to have drinks at hand when rafting, but why did the deceased put two drinks?"

Police Department Mumu scratched his head: "Could someone be with her at that time? But this air mattress can only carry one person."

Officer Takagi thought hard with him: "There is a difference between one person and one person. It can be a person weighing 200 pounds, or it can be two people weighing 100 pounds!"

"So that's it!" The Mumu Police Department suddenly realized, but then felt something was wrong. He whispered, "Then don't we want to investigate everyone in the park who weighs less than 100 pounds?"

Officer Takagi: "Ahem, I think there is something wrong with my idea just now. That...Jiang Xia, go ask Jiang Xia!"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the two muttering policemen and sighed helplessly: "You guys think too much. If you ask me, she must be too difficult to serve. She feels that this cup is not good, and that cup is not good, so the waiter is I had to give her two cups."

The waiter responsible for distributing drinks at the entrance of the tunnel was also among the onlookers. When she heard this, she quickly distanced herself from the relationship: "I didn't! The water supply had just been restored at that time, and I hadn't had time to return to the entrance of the tunnel. Those two drinks should have been for the deceased. Bring your own.”

Jiang Xia nodded, as if he had a guess: "Can the deceased's locker be opened? I want to see what's inside."

The deceased's locker had been checked and the contents had been sorted and placed on the table.

A designer handbag, a makeup bag and various cosmetics inside, a pair of jeweled earrings and necklaces, as well as a dress and sandals of the same color.

Suzuki Sonoko wandered behind Jiang Xia. She didn't know why, but she felt much more comfortable doing this action recently.

After a while, when he accidentally saw Judy, Suzuki Sonoko slapped her palm and suddenly realized: No wonder, it turned out to be because there was one less foreigner around these two times.

——The former Mr. Hashimoto always followed Jiangxia in an inconspicuous place not far behind him. Suzuki Sonoko would trip over him even if she wanted to get close to him, so while following Jiangxia, she had to be careful not to follow Maya Hashimoto. hit.

But now, Maya Hashimoto is not present because of something, and Jiang Xia's back suddenly becomes spacious. Without a sizable adult man blocking the road, Suzuki Sonoko now swayed to the left if she wanted to, and to the right if she wanted to.

After discovering this, she happily walked around Jiang Xia several times. After leisurely patrolling the assistant's territory, Suzuki Sonoko accidentally looked up and was slightly startled.

"Xiaolan?" She walked over and patted Mao Lilan, "What's wrong with you, your face is so red?"

Mao Lilan looked at the relics in the deceased's locker and whispered to Suzuki Sonoko: "Did you notice, she, her luggage seems to be missing something."

"What?" Suzuki Sonoko looked over curiously. She did feel that something was wrong, but she couldn't remember it for the moment. She scratched her head and said, "What's missing? It can't be a suicide note."

Mao Lilan came close to her, humming like a mosquito: "It seems like she has no underwear."

Suzuki Sonoko: "!"

She just looked at the pile of things again and found that there was indeed none.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." Summer actually takes to the streets in a vacuum. This is too trendy.

But after a while, she realized it again: "I know, she must have worn that three-point swimsuit as underwear!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that everyone in the room was looking at her.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." Why is my voice so loud?

Fortunately, at this time, Jiang Xia nodded and drew all the attention with one sentence: "I guess we know who the murderer is."

The eyes of the police, who were preparing to investigate people who weighed 100 kilograms, lit up.

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