Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2171 2174 [Scored twice]

Chapter 2171 2174 [Scored twice...once]

Jiang Xia gave Mao Lilan serious advice: "If you really want to sign, you can start a fight and let them argue after the signing is completed."

Mao Lilan: "..." It seems okay? But she didn’t expect Naoya Saijo to have such a personality in private. She didn’t want this player’s autograph anymore...

While he was struggling, suddenly, another man in a team uniform walked over and got in between the dark-skinned man and the pretty boy to start a fight: "Okay! There are still guests around, and there are many reporters outside. Do you have to quarrel today?" "

The pretty boy thought it was right, so he gritted his teeth and endured it.

The dark-skinned man did not give face to the person who started the fight. He gave the person who started the fight a sideways glance: "How dare you teach me a lesson? Your tone is getting louder and louder."

The person who started the fight was glared at by him, and he said nothing.

When the dark-skinned man saw this, his arrogance suddenly became more arrogant: "Look at your sissy look with earrings, it's really annoying - from now on, you should avoid me consciously, otherwise I will scold you once I see you." once."

After saying that, he strode away as if he didn't recognize his relatives. Behind him, the "girlie" and the "sissy with earrings" glared at him angrily without speaking.

Mao Lilan's eyes fell on the man wearing the earrings, and he suddenly recognized him, and he became energetic again.

Jiang Xia noticed: "Is this person also a diving star?"

Mao Lilan nodded repeatedly and said: "His name is Kijima Hisashi, and he is a strong rival of the Saijo player. In fact, I think his diving skills are better than the arrogant Saijo player. But for some reason, he changed his career and became a swimmer a while ago. , the team’s right to represent the team was also taken away by Saijo.”

Suzuki Sonoko saw the two of them muttering, and had already come over to join in the chat. When she heard this, she touched her chin and reasoned: "Maybe it was an injury in the past that caused the disease. I heard that athletes are prone to injuries."

Just as he was talking, a series of footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Looking back, I saw the president and her press team coming with a rumble - the center of this sports club is diving, and this diving venue is of course also the core of the reporter's interviews.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the door, Chairman Saeki introduced in a loud voice: "This is the special diving swimming pool that we are most proud of - everyone, please look up, it is the time for the divers to practice now."

The reporters found the diving platform and focused their cameras there.

The dark-skinned man had already noticed the movement below. He walked to the edge of the stage, made a few ostentatious moves, bowed and jumped.

As soon as she started to fall, President Saeki's expression changed - she was also a diver, and she could tell at a glance that Saijo Naoya was too close to the platform, and he might hit the springboard if he continued like this.

She blurted out: "Be careful!"

Naoya Saijo also discovered it himself. He had to destroy his perfect shape and pushed on the platform.

His body almost changed direction and fell towards the swimming pool. Although he didn't hit his head, his diving posture was completely broken. He finally fell into the pool below in a panic.

Judy's heart skipped a beat - the person who went down was a whole person, and what came up should be a piece of blood and a person with his throat cut. Just like at the water park not long ago.

Her heart beat silently and she stared at the figure below across the water, trying to see if there was any mechanism underneath.

However, what he imagined did not happen. Saijo Naoya swam to the shore smoothly and climbed onto the shore with a black face.

Judy: "..." Survived?

Next to them, the reporters and colleagues who came to visit were also a little embarrassed, and they pretended not to notice the diving mistake just now.

President Saeki just wanted to show off his swimming pool, but unexpectedly he almost had an accident.

While she was scolding in her heart, she could only kindly smooth things over: "Although the diving competition is approaching, you must pay attention to safety when practicing - this kind of mistake cannot happen next time. Especially you, you But our ace player is the face of the entire club."

Saijo Naoya was in a bad mood. When he heard this, he glanced sideways at the president: "Really? But it seems like it's a pity that he didn't fall to death written on your face - tell me, you probably wish I was there just now He made a mistake and died in public, right?"

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned: "..." Even if you treat your colleagues, you are so arrogant towards your sponsor! Is this the confidence of a diving master?

President Saeki was insulted by one of his team members in front of so many people, and his face was a bit offended.

But Naoya Saijo can do without image, but she can't. President Saeki could only apologize and said with a smile: "Don't make such a joke. Okay, you must be tired after practicing for so long. Go and take a rest."

Naoya Saijo really has no intention of continuing to practice. He put on his coat, checked his pockets, and left the swimming pool, leaving only the murderous aura behind him floating by the pool.

Jiang Xia: "..." As expected of a player, even he wanted to get an autograph.

One swimming pool was being cleaned and renovated, while in the other swimming pool there was a group of stupid swimmers diving into the water. It was impossible to swim in either side.

But now that they have arrived, the high school students are too lazy to change places. And there are indeed some interesting new equipment here. Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan quickly started playing with them and even brought Judy along.

Jiang Xia rode the spinning bike for a while, but it was not as fun as riding on people. He happened to be a little thirsty, so he ended today's exercise neatly and went to the vending machine in the corridor to buy a cup of coffee to reward himself.

Conan really wanted to exercise, but unfortunately there was no machine suitable for his size here. Seeing Jiang Xia leaving, he immediately followed.

The two of them finished shopping and walked back with drinks. When they were about to pass the corner, they suddenly heard a crisp "pop" sound.

Conan: "!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

The two of them looked at each other, instinctively slowed down their breathing, and stuck half of their heads out of the corner to peek.

When they saw that the interview had ended, President Saeki was standing in the corridor chatting with the arrogant dark-skinned man.

The dark-skinned man covered his face with a sneer, looking like he had just received a fresh slap in the face.

"You are truly the worst scumbag I have ever seen." President Saeki, who hit the person, looked angry. She scolded, "Without any evidence, just relying on the rumors you spread, you want the media and the tax You’re going to screw up my opening ceremony tomorrow—what you think is too beautiful!”

In anger, she wanted to hit someone again, but when she raised her hand and turned her body, she suddenly found two more melon-eating girdles in the corner.

President Saeki: "..."

Her movements froze, she immediately calmed down her tone, and changed her words nonchalantly: "By the way, Saijo, we have an internal celebration party at 8 o'clock tonight. It will be held in the office. Don't forget to come."

After speaking, she did not dare to think about how much her words were heard, and left in a hurry on high heels.

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