Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2173 2176 [Suspicious Person]

Officer Takagi was well prepared and took out his notebook: "The specific cause of death remains to be dissected, but judging from the general condition of the body, he should have died between 8:00 and 9:00 pm, and the cause of death should be drowning."

There was a small amount of bleeding in the deceased's ears, and a lot of mushroom-like foam accumulated around his nose and mouth. This kind of tiny white bubbles formed by respiratory mucus stirred up by vigorous breathing can often remain for a long time and is a common feature of drowning while alive. The presence of this thing at least shows that the deceased was not thrown into the water after death.

Mao Lilan didn't expect that the diving star who she couldn't resist asking for an autograph one afternoon died miserably in the water that night.

She touched the out-of-print signature on her little book, feeling very sad and lamenting the impermanence of life: "The diver must be very good at water, how could he suddenly drown?"

Judy: "..." Maybe it was because of someone's murder.

But don't be too preconceived - what if, what if this is really just an accidental case.

Conan noticed something and squatted down and pointed: "There's something strange on his forehead, as if he was hit - look, there seems to be blood."

"Hit your head and drowned?"

The two pieces of information were combined in his mind. Police Officer Mu Mu looked at the platform above his head and suddenly realized: "That's it! - It seems that when he was practicing diving, he accidentally hit his head on the platform, and then his limbs He lost control, fell into the water dizzy, and drowned."

President Saeki and her pretty boy were also there.

President Saeki sighed after hearing this: "The time of death is eight to nine o'clock in the evening...that is exactly the time when we have a celebration banquet. Player Saijo has always been unsociable, so we didn't care when we found out that he did not go to the banquet. What if If I had known he was training alone at that time..."

She shook her head and sighed, which was a pity.

Pretty boy Naruse Kei comforted her dedicatedly: "Everyone knows how dangerous diving training is. And I remember that in the afternoon, he almost accidentally hit the stage. He dared to practice alone even though there was a precedent. It was Saijo who raised him. No one else is to blame.”

The athlete who switched from diving to swimming also said: "Saijiao looks carefree, but in fact he attaches great importance to the results of the competition. There is a diving competition on the day of the opening ceremony, and it is tomorrow. He must be too anxious to come to practice—— We have a rule about not practicing alone, and that’s really his responsibility.”

Judy looked at the three people: "..." Recently, she was making up all kinds of murder cases around Jiang Xia, and gradually summed up some of the preferences of "that person".

Fortunately, the deceased's three colleagues didn't speak. Now that the three of them spoke one after another, Judy's bad premonition gradually increased: You'd better stop talking. The more you talk, the more it looks like someone is behind the scenes.

At this moment, Sato Miwako trotted in: "Police department, I found a witness at the time of the crime. The deceased was indeed diving alone at the time."

"Witnesses? Are they really found?" Police Department Memu was startled: Although he hoped that today's incident was just an unfortunate diving accident, he actually had a hunch in his heart that the matter was not that simple.

...The result is really that simple?

...If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have asked Jiang Xia to come back, and let his detective brother go all the way in vain.

Miwako Sato obviously felt the same way. She nodded and rigorously recounted the process of finding the witness:

"The witness is an old painter who lives in the apartment opposite. He usually lives alone. The balcony of his home is facing the wall of the diving pool here - the diving pool here uses a curved glass curtain wall, which is very bright during the day and night. It was beautiful, so the old man often used it as a theme for painting.

"Just now he was changing the painting, and suddenly he noticed a lot of police cars gathered here, so he took the initiative to ask. I asked him about the situation, and he said he saw someone diving alone just now."

Jiang Xia listened and asked, "The painting he painted tonight is also based on the theme of this diving hall?"

"Well, that's probably it." Miwako Sato didn't expect this, so she slapped her forehead and said, "I'll ask him again."

She ran away again.

The Mumu Police Department looked at the subordinates who were being ordered around: "..."

...Forget it, anyway, Jiang Xia commanded his subordinates, and Jiang Xia told him the matter first and then he took command. The end result was the same, and there was no need for middlemen to waste words.

Earned, this is earned.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that first-grade kid brought by Jiang Xia stopping the Forensic Division police officer. Conan looked at the evidence bag in the policeman's hand: "Uncle, are these the deceased's earplugs?"

The police officer glanced at Jiang Xia behind him and nodded: "It was just taken out of the deceased's ear and is still fresh."

Inside the evidence bag was a pair of orange earplugs with blood still stuck to the inside.

Judy, who was also looking here curiously: "..." Indeed, it is indeed fresh.

Conan didn't notice her gaze. He touched his chin and whispered to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "I remember when I took a photo of him before, he used a pair of blue earplugs."

The Mumu Police Department still held on to the hope that "this was an accident" and tried to use his brain: "For people who soak in the swimming pool every day, it is normal to have a few sets of earplugs!"

Jiang Xia nodded: "But the deceased didn't seem to wear a swimming cap when he practiced diving during the day."

Memu Police Department: "Maybe he suddenly wanted to wear it at night?"

Judy came to her senses and shook her head. Unlike a cautious mixed-race assistant, Judy still persists in the idea of ​​"beating Jiang Xia in any field" and can't help but add a few words:

"Compared with other competitive sports, diving pays more attention to the viewing effect. If everyone wears a swimming cap in the same way, it will not look so good. Moreover, wearing a swimming cap while swimming can reduce the resistance in the water and speed up the swimming speed, but diving does not There is no such need.

"In the most extreme cases, some divers are not even very proficient in swimming. They just need to know how to flop to the shore after falling into the water. In addition, if the impact is too strong when falling into the water, the swimming cap is likely to be pulled off, and eventually it becomes When an adult goes up there, he has to go back into the water to retrieve his hat, so it’s better not to wear it.”

Mumu Police Department wiped the sweat from his forehead: "..." Stop talking, the more you talk, the more it sounds like there is something fishy. By the way, isn't this foreigner's Japanese poor? Why is he so quick to talk about the case? ——Suspicious, a little suspicious!

He came closer to Jiang Xia: "Brother Jiang Xia, look at this..."

Jiang Xia: "It should be murder."

Memu Police Department: "?!"

The deceased's three colleagues and boss heard this and felt a thump in their hearts.

Even the detective said so, it seems...

The three of them looked at each other, like a cowboy duel in the West. Invisible smoke filled the air, and a fierce battle was about to break out.

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