Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2176 2179 [Jiang Xia Longping’s Network]

After Suzuki Sonoko finished chatting with Mao Lilan, she looked at Judy guiltily.

I saw that for some reason, Teacher Judy was distracted and didn't seem to hear the topic here.

The two looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Judy really didn't have time to pay attention to what the classmates next to her were whispering quietly at the moment.

After saying goodbye to several high school students, she quickly told Akai Shuichi about her new discovery - Jiang Xia might also be their teammate, and he was also fighting against the insidious mastermind behind the scenes!

Akai Shuichi in the distance: "..."

I almost forgot that Judy didn't know that Jiang Xia's family was related to the organization.

I don’t know how much interaction “that person” has with Jiang Xia. However, even if a mastermind like this who is keen on playing with other people's lives really targets Jiang Xia, he probably will not reveal his existence directly to Jiang Xia. In that case, most of his fun would probably disappear.

Therefore, compared to "'that person' ordered, Jiang Xia cooperates in solving the case and acts", Akai Shuichi prefers that this is a relatively fair game. And now...

He refreshed the web page.

The quick reporter has already published the report.

Akai Shuichi quickly scanned the newly released facts of the case, and his eyes stopped at the murderer's reason for the murder: he lost his life because of a car accident while racing...

Drag racing?

Jiang Xia's figure appeared in Akai Shuichi's mind.

As far as he knew, Jiang Xia also had exactly the same hobbies. Once, Akai Hide went out in the middle of the night to follow members of the organization, and the two sides almost bumped into each other.

Fortunately, both of them had good driving skills and narrowly missed each other in the end. And after that, I don’t know whether Jiang Xia got playful and wanted to compete with him, or whether he thought he was a criminal who drove late at night. In short, not long after Akai Shuichi left the scene of the encounter, he saw in the reflector The motorcycle actually followed. At that time, he spent a lot of effort to be able to get away from others by relying on the superior performance of the sports car and his driving skills.

...Anyway, for a righteous detective, this is obviously not a good hobby to match.

Just like the murderer who was caught just now, if someone deliberately threatens Jiang Xia with this, he may have a chance of success.

Akai Shuichi: "..." So, combined with Judy's discovery, the thing became that while Jiang Xia vaguely hinted to "that person" that he knew about his existence, that person also used a human life as a letterhead and sent a personal message to Jiang Xia. His response and warning?

Akai Shuichi figured out a possibility in his mind, and then replied to Judy, "Yeah."

There is no need to tell his colleagues about Jiang Xia's entanglement with the organization. After all, Shuichi Akai also understands the level of his colleagues to some extent.

Since Jiang Xia seems to have his own plans, it is better to observe secretly first and then look for suitable cooperation opportunities.

Akai Shuichi flipped through the news in front of him while thinking. Soon his eyes fell on the sentence that the reporters copied - Jiang Xia said, "Humans are not inanimate objects. If you want to turn living people into props, you must be prepared for backlash." .”

From the perspective of those who don't know the inside story, this is just a righteous detective's sentiments about this case.

But in the eyes of those who know "that person", this is undoubtedly a tit-for-tat provocation, almost slapping the challenge on the other person's face.

"I really didn't expect that your son would grow up to have such a character." Shuichi Akai sighed inwardly as he thought of his old friend who passed away not long ago, "But objectively speaking, it's not surprising. Just like you There is a heart of steel hidden under the appearance of a coward. Your will is hidden from outsiders, but it is inherited by your children... I really don’t know whether this is lucky or unfortunate for Jiang Xia. "

Akai Shuichi was watching the news on the rooftop and remembering his old friend.

The same news also fell into the eyes of another person.

Vodka: "..." Ha!

——Look at this powerful sentence, look at this magical picture with a righteous face! If he hadn't known the inside story, he might have been deceived by that little yinbi, and he would have been treated as a just detective.

"It was obviously you who manipulated the unlucky murderer and let him manipulate others to testify, but you gave yourself a clean slate."

Vodka cursed in his mind, and quickly and rigorously corrected it: "But that's not necessarily the case. At least in this case, what Uzo wants to see may be a version without the painter's testimony.

"The deceased had already missed once in public during training during the day. With this impression, even without the painter, when everyone rushed to the scene and saw a diver drowning in the swimming pool with a wound on his head, they would definitely think of it spontaneously 'This man was secretly training for tomorrow's game, but accidentally hit his head and fell unconscious in the swimming pool. Unfortunately, he drowned.'

"Perhaps that mistake during the day was Uzo's handiwork. So the correct approach is to avoid the painter's painting time, remove the superfluous witness, and disguise everything as a complete accident. In this way, even if others want to find ideas to solve the case , it’s not that easy either.”

After thinking about this, and then looking at Uzo's words, Vodka was suddenly enlightened and understood:

This is not Uzuo scolding himself, it is clearly the rebuke and disgust of those in high positions towards those who are imitating others - he will not eat the food when it is brought to his mouth, but wants to transcend his rank and use living props that he cannot control, a rookie. It’s no wonder that after trying to play high-end gameplay, he could only kneel down and cry in front of everyone.

After analyzing Uzo's thoughts, Vodka put down his mobile phone with satisfaction: In Tokyo, only by grasping the movements and current thinking of this dangerous person could he gain a little sense of security.

Next to him, Gin saw his expression and knew what news he had read: "What did Uzo do again?"

The vodka jolted him out of his comfortable state, and he didn't dare to fool him, so he quickly picked out some general things and talked about it.

Gin glanced at the pictures on the news, his eyes stopped on one of the blond women, and he frowned: "Who is this person?"

Vodka: "This is the English teacher of Uzuo's class..." At this point, he paused strangely - I always felt that the word "Uzuo" did not match "class" and "teacher"... ...But they just happen to go together.

Vodka shook his head, silently shaking off the strange distracting thoughts, and continued: "She is a foreign teacher from the United States. Recently, she encountered three cases next to Uzo. In the last case, she was also regarded as a key suspect. .”

After saying that, Vodka also dedicatedly retrieved the photo.

In the photo, there is a thick stain of blood rising from the bottom of the clear water. The blond foreign woman stands in the blood with a confused look on her face.

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