Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2181 2184 [Fishing]

There was a security guard who had seen him on the news. Now that Jiang Xia took the initiative to ask, the old security guard seemed to be grasping at a life-saving straw and said quickly: "When we were looking for someone just now, we also came to the swimming pool. Just about 10 minutes ago—— There was obviously no one in the pool at that time, so we went elsewhere..."

In short, it’s not that they didn’t rescue in time, they really tried their best!

No matter what, everyone is gone, but solving the case is still important.

The fiancé remembered his fiancée whom he didn't know well for a while in the water, and then waded ashore with Nagami Oiso in his arms.

The elderly hotel manager also went into the water just now, and his fiance took the body away. The hotel manager couldn't go back empty-handed, so he picked up the heavy oxygen bottle.

When he was approaching the shore, he suddenly staggered in pain: "What?!"

The hotel manager handed the oxygen bottle to the security guard, took a deep breath and plunged into the water.

Looking at the bottom of the water, he was surprised: "Why are there so many broken glass at the bottom of the pool! My feet..."

He stepped on a piece just now, and now the sole of his foot started to bleed.

In the chaos, the police car rushed in.

"It's the swimming pool again." Police Department Megu looked at the sparkling water and sighed, then turned to Judy, "It's you again."

Judy: "..." I was also wondering why it was me again.

...No, this incident obviously has nothing to do with me!

However, the police obviously had no time to listen to her excuses. Soon, a group of police officers took up their positions under the command of the Memu Police Department and began their work skillfully.

Judy numbly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Shuichi Akai from an angle that no one could see: "Something happened again. How did you investigate the previous cases?"

In the distance, Akai Shuichi lowered his head and glanced at his phone: "..."

To be honest, the progress is almost 0. After all, it would be infinitely more difficult to investigate an unknown enemy without alerting them. They didn't even know how broad "that person's" field of vision was.

So he decided not to say anything. Saying it would only shake the morale of the army.

However, these accumulated cases made Akai Shuichi's thinking gradually clearer. The more time "that person" spends on Judy, the more he thinks Judy is suspicious.

The identity of the FBI will be exposed sooner or later. When the time comes, Shuichi Akai plans to let his colleagues no longer consider hiding their identities and simultaneously investigate the suspicious persons in the previous cases.

It would be best if you can catch clues during the investigation. If not, you can distract "that person" through something like a "large-scale general attack." Then it will be the best time to fish in troubled waters.

"Bourbon has not been able to use the forces behind him to find out the identity of that person. I'm afraid we, the FBI, who are fighting in remote places, have a lot of trouble." Akai Shuichi had a clear assessment of his own situation, "Compared to finding people through those cases , there is only one more appropriate and more promising way.”

That is Subaru Okiya.

Unfortunately, judging from Okiya Subaru's condition...he just had to print out the word "fishing bait" and stick it on his face.

But even so, Shuichi Akai could not give up this clue easily. All he has to do is to patiently find the right moment, and then hit the target with one strike. While eating the bait, he will not let himself be fished out by "that person".

Of course, in order to achieve this goal, he must have enough patience.

Thinking like this, Shuichi Akai took out his notepad, opened a new page and wrote ④, and silently began to record and analyze the suspicious persons this time.

The police didn't know that there was an outlaw squatting on the roof with a gun in the distance. The law-abiding police officers were still going through the process.

After a while, Sato Miwako came back with a simple report and went straight to Jiangxia: "The deceased Oiso Nagami was the daughter of the president of Oiso Financial Club... Alas, the mortality rate of these young daughters is really not low. Last time in the swimming pool The one whose throat was cut was also a lady from a big hospital."

The Memu Police Department who was observing: "Ahem!"

Sato Miwako: "!"

She quickly switched back from the chat mode and continued to Jiang Xia seriously: "The deceased died of drowning. The time of death was roughly between 12:00 and 1:00 noon."

As she spoke, she turned back and glanced at the swimming pool, a little confused: "The bottom of the pool is so shallow that adults can expose their chests when they stand up. How could they drown in a place like this?"

The fiancé sighed: "She was diving in the swimming pool with an oxygen tank on her back. In order to sink, she also wore heavy objects on her waist. Maybe she was weighed down by these..."


It sounds even weirder. Miwako Sato: "Diving? Here?" The rich lady's hobby is really unique.

Jiang Xia understood her expression and explained: "The deceased lost a valuable necklace. She dived to find that thing."

The fiance nodded: "Yongmei was about to leave the swimming pool at that time. When she walked to the door, she found that the necklace around her neck was missing. Because she had swam wearing that necklace before, so the necklace should have been lost in the swimming pool..."

The hotel manager also said: "We asked the other guests to leave and helped Miss Yongmei look for the necklace, but we never found it. Later, she got bored, so she drove us away and looked for it alone with diving equipment."

"That's it." The Mumu Police Department understood. "Although the water is shallow, the deceased may have relaxed her vigilance because of this. In addition, she had a lot of weight on her body. Once she cramped or her feet slipped, or something happened to her body, it would be very difficult." It is easy to encounter danger... So this is a drowning accident?"

Jiang Xia ruthlessly pulled his thoughts back from the perspective of "getting off work": "But according to the two security guards, there was no one in the water 10 minutes before the body was found. If it was a simple drowning, this matter would be It’s very strange – because the time we found the body was around 2 p.m.”

According to the autopsy, the deceased died at 1 p.m. at the latest.

In other words, the body mysteriously disappeared once.

The person was dead, so she wouldn't have run away and come back on her own. Someone must have hidden her body elsewhere and then put it back into the swimming pool.

Miwako Sato thought thoughtfully: "Could it be that the deceased drowned elsewhere, and then was thrown into the swimming pool and pretended to be drowned?"

The Mumu Police Department whose reasoning failed: "..." Damn it, you know it's not that simple.

Alas, nothing good happens every time that female foreign teacher appears. As for Jiang Xia... Jiang Xia appears every time, so it shouldn't be his problem.

The dizzy police officer thought of this and couldn't help but look at Judy with a condemning look.

Judy: "?" What? What's your look like? Don't you think I'm the murderer again?

These police officers are really unfriendly. She is obviously a victim in every sense of the word.


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