Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2188 2191 [Uzo is fishing for me]

With this in mind, Judy began to look for a suitable skating rink, preferably one that was lively, unique, where people could have fun, and where they would want to go out and play with her next time.

Not long after, Jiang Xia received Judy's invitation again.

Looking at this email from the FBI, I thought of another scheming FBI and sighed silently.

——The last time he was in the hotel, he originally thought that he was about to have a stable source of colorless murderous aura.

But who would have thought that halfway through the walk happily, Shuichi Akai suddenly ran away. Later, he appeared again, but just as the ghost found the place, before he could start digging, the man ran away again.

Jiang Xia: "..." I always feel that Akai Shuichi seems to have noticed that he is being pinched. This guy's intuition must be too good.

If Akai Shuichi always adopts this guerrilla mode of staying for a few minutes and then changing places, things will not be good.

So on the one hand, we have to turn him into a regular little brother as soon as possible - the kind that can be taken out with him at any time. On the other hand, we also have to think about how to deal with it at the moment so as not to waste it.

"Once the colorless murderous aura is lost, it will take a lot of effort to find it again. This will delay a lot of collection time."

Jiang Xia and the ghosts gathered together and murmured: "Why don't we let him change to a more conspicuous high-end murderous aura, so as to confirm his general trajectory and behavior pattern. When the pattern is caught, even if he changes to a colorless murderous aura, Find the person quickly."

With this in mind, Jiang Xia flipped through her address book and made a call.

Not long after, the call was connected, and Belmod's teasing voice came down the receiver: "You seem to be having a lot of fun lately?"

There was a smile in her voice, but when Belmode looked at the case newspaper on the table, her smile gradually disappeared.

The focus of the photo in the newspaper is naturally Jiang Xia, who is solving the case.

But in the background, a foreign woman could be seen turning her head and talking to Mao Lilan, looking like they were having a great time talking.

Belmod: "..." This group of FBI actually came close to her Angel.

Judy sneaked into Didan Middle School to work as an English teacher, of course not just to experience life in a leisurely way.

She initially went to Didan Middle School to be the school doctor, the "new doctor".

Doctor Xinde was originally a young, handsome and serious doctor, but when he was moving, his vehicle was designed by Belmod to be driven into the bottom of the lake. It was the FBI who carried the organization on his back and quietly fished his family out of the water.

Not long after the genuine new doctor disappeared, a fake "new doctor" appeared in Didan Middle School.

The FBI, of course, immediately zeroed in on this obvious target.

While Belmode was playing the role of "new doctor", she was also paying attention to the movements around her. Soon she found Judy, an obvious target - an American woman who came to RB at a similar time to her and was obviously a classroom teacher. But she is more interested in her as the "school doctor" than the students.

Together with this series of characteristics, Bermod almost immediately confirmed the identity of "Judy" - this person was a member of the FBI gang who chased her from the United States to Tokyo.

Originally, Belmode planned to use the FBI to accomplish what he wanted to do.

However, I didn't expect that Judy was very interested in her not long ago, but recently this woman was possessed by some unknown evil. She turned around and went to Jiangxia. Because of this, she became particularly close to Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan. The school communicates with the two girls much more than before.

Belmod couldn't help but frowned when he thought of this: Even she was careful to keep a distance from Mao Lilan, but this FBI woman had begun to use her openly...

At this moment, a seductive voice came from the other side of the receiver, and Jiang Xia asked: "Then do you want to join?"

Belmode: "!"

These words struck her in the heart, and the words "Of course" came to her lips, but Belmod silently swallowed them.

Belmode: "..." Calm down, it was Uzo who made this suggestion. The more delicious the bait in front smells, the more dangerous the abyss hidden behind it will be.

Moreover, if she, a member of the organization, showed interest in female high school students and elementary school students in front of Uzo, it would undoubtedly be very detrimental to her Angel and Cool Guy - although she always felt that Uzo had guessed it, but no matter what, it was The effort still needs to be made.

Thinking like this, Bermod spent an unknown amount of willpower and turned the "Okay" into a tentative "Oh?" as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Xia heard the deep-hidden wavering on the other side, and thoughtfully helped her pass the steps: "I heard that the 'new doctor' has a good relationship with Teacher Judy recently, and they get along like friends. If we meet by chance outside on the day off, I think we can It came together smoothly.”

Belmode: "..."

Jiang Xia imitated Gin Jiu's accent and spoke again: "And that American woman smells like a rat. It's your job to find out her and the person behind her, isn't it?"

Belmod finally walked down the steps modestly. She smiled and raised the wine glass in her hand toward the window: "Since you said so, I wish us a happy holiday."

The rest day was indeed very pleasant.

Especially when they arrived at the meeting place, Judy looked murderous at the "new doctor".

Jiang Xia looked at the murderous aura smelling like French fries in surprise, and later remembered that the two people seemed to have a grudge against killing their father - of course it was one-sided, referring to the murder of Belmode more than 20 years ago. He killed Judy's father and burned down his house.

But past grudges have nothing to do with him, he is just a diligent psychic.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia looked at "Doctor Shinde" in surprise: "What a coincidence, Teacher Shinde is also here to skate?"

"The new doctor" smiled gently: "Yes, what a fate."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at this handsome doctor who exuded unknown charm. She was very happy and stepped forward to make a great contribution: "You are all here, let's come together!"

The "new doctor" smiled at her: "It's a bit boring to be alone, if you don't mind..."

Several high school students: "Of course I don't mind!"

Judy following behind: "..."

She took a deep breath silently: It's not a big problem. It was originally her mission to get close to Belmod, but now this man comes to her door. It's a double happiness. She should be happy.

With this thought in mind, Judy greeted him enthusiastically with murderous intent all over his body.

Jiang Xia: "..." Teacher Judy turned out to be an actor, and her acting skills are much better now than when she faced them before. As expected, hatred makes people improve.

While throwing the ghost over to extract the old and new murderous aura, Jiang Xia looked around casually.

...I don’t know if Shuichi Akai is in place.


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