Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2210 2213 [Where is Pan? 】

After putting in the coin, I pressed the option again, and golf balls with staggered blue lines fell into the basket one by one, and the basket quickly filled up.

Mao Lilan heard the commotion and took a closer look curiously.

She picked up a ball with two fingers and looked at it doubtfully: "I always feel that this ball is very fancy and looks different from the balls on TV."

Jiang Xia also picked up a ball, tossed it casually, and looked at the thick blue lines printed on it: "Golf on TV is generally more formal, and the balls used for the end of the game are the ones with colored lines printed on them. Course-prepared practice balls.”

Practice balls are cheaper than golf balls, and they are usually printed with eye-catching colorful lines and the corresponding logo of the driving range.

The craftsmanship of these two balls is different. In order to extend the service life of practice balls, the shell is usually stronger and the core is also very strong, so it is not easy to hit it far.

Although there is a difference in performance, most of the guests who come here come here to relax by playing golf, and usually don't care about this tiny flaw - even if they do, they can't carry a basket of official balls by themselves and pick them back one by one after playing, so In the end, everyone made do with it, since not everyone had to play the game anyway.

These golf balls, which are not white enough, are just a topic of conversation for high school students. They don’t play golf often anyway. No matter what they look like, in their eyes they are just ordinary balls.

But in the eyes of the concerned FBI...

Listening to Jiang Xia's words, "Practice balls are sturdier and sometimes heavier," Judy couldn't help but pick up a ball and weigh it lightly.

The high school detective's unintentional words suddenly reminded her of something: If a murder really happened today, would the potential murderer and the person behind the scenes use this kind of ball as a murder weapon?

...For example, a ball falls from the sky and knocks out the brains of some unlucky guy.

Thinking of this, Judy couldn't help but elaborate on this possibility.

Then came the conclusion:

"Probably not."

After estimating the width of the golf course, she thought to herself: "No matter how strong it is, this is just a small ball after all, and this golf club only has two floors. If you want to kill someone with a ball on flat ground, you have to hit it out." The height difference is very high, so as long as no one is trespassing on the site, there is no such risk.

"Even if someone does suddenly break into the field...this rectangular lawn has a clear view. The batter can see someone inside at a glance and will definitely stop and let the person leave first. In this way, the murder can be avoided."

After thinking about it, Judy threw the ball back into the basket and stood up.

When she turned around, she suddenly found that the "new doctor" was also staring at the ball in her hand, wondering what he was thinking.

Judy: "!"

What are you looking at?

Is it possible that this ball really has another mechanism?

This thought flashed across her mind, and Judy suddenly remembered something.

"Wait a minute, I seem to have discovered a blind spot!" Judy was so excited by her own thoughts that she broke into a thin sweat. "Speaking of the suspicious person who helped 'that person' secretly promote the murder process... isn't Belmode a ready-made person?" Can you choose?"

Maybe this woman was the one who was pushing the skating rink last time.


However, Akai Shuichi watched the whole process at that time, and the "new doctor" must be his key observation target. Since even Shuichi Akai didn't find the problem, it means it wasn't her fault.

"Oh, who is it?" Judy was exhausted both physically and mentally. "I really want to tear apart his web and pull him out from behind the scenes to see what this is."

On the sidelines, Jiang Xia picked up the club and tried to swing it a few times.

Conan: "..." I always feel like something is weird...

After a moment, he suddenly understood and whispered to Jiang Xia: "This is for playing ball, not for hitting people!"

Jiang Xia was confused: "..." Isn't this the gesture of playing ball? What does it look like to hit someone?

He gestured towards Conan, trying to remember.

Conan immediately jumped off the stool and moved sideways.

Next to them, when Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko turned around, they saw no one next to Jiang Xia. Only the ball was sent along the track and was knocked out by him.

The two female high school students didn't have that deep research on beating people with sticks.

They gathered together, and Mao Lilan murmured: "I always feel that Teacher Judy is very worried. Could it be that she has encountered some trouble?"

Suzuki Sonoko still has a little prejudice against Teacher Judy: "Trouble? I see that she is clearly hugging her and having a great time."

It's okay to have a strange attitude towards Jiang Xia, but while she covets Jiang Xia, she is also so enthusiastic about the new doctor - there are only two handsome guys here, and they are all unceremoniously taken away, how unreasonable!

Judy, who suddenly received a bunch of resentful glances, turned around cautiously, and happened to meet the eyes of Suzuki Sonoko who was looking at her with a pouting mouth.

Judy: "...?" Is it an illusion? I always feel that the eldest lady of the consortium doesn't like her very much.

The group of people were playing with their own thoughts. Suddenly, several other customers walked in at the door.

No more, no less, exactly 4. All four of them were wearing suits, and the brands of the suits looked quite expensive, like high-end social animals.

Three of them wisely took a step back, and in a tacit understanding, they placed a slightly plump middle-aged man at the front.

Tachibana Eisuke moved his shoulders, first looked around as if nothing had happened, and then smiled at the three followers: "It's rare that there are so few people. I'm going to have a good time today."

The section chief next to him cursed in his heart: It’s after 6 o’clock in the morning but not yet 7 o’clock, how can there be so many people! What idiot doesn't sleep so early in the morning and comes here to play golf!

However, no matter what you think in your heart, your words must be right.

The section chief laughed heartily and agreed sincerely: "Yes, the day's plan begins in the morning. You should exercise properly before work, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort and be more efficient. Thanks to you, I I feel like my body is getting better and better!”

"That's right!" The director next to him also laughed along, trying to make Tachibana Eisuke happy.

Only the ordinary member who was left behind turned his head and yawned quietly, looking bored.

While the four of them were talking, they walked to the batting table on the other side, put down their luggage, and then went to the machine to get the ball.

The ordinary club members were not interested in this and whispered to the section chief: "Section Chief, I have to go to the bathroom - I came out in a hurry this morning and I didn't have time to go."

"A lazy ass grinds his hands and urinates a lot." The section chief cursed, "Go back quickly, don't disturb Minister Ju's fun!"

The club member responded and trotted away.

Next to him, Belmode was crossing his arms in trance.

Seeing this scene, she moved her fingers, suddenly wanting to know whether this warrior who left alone could come back alive.

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