Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2244 2248 [The arrest of Shuichi Akai]


Akai Shuichi secretly thought: "Either these two people teamed up to act for me. Or Shitara Shigeyoshi was very panicked after realizing that someone was following him. His mind was filled with how to get to the destination as soon as possible and get off the bus, so he anxiously asked me about the stop. Not thinking about whether his stalker would hear him."

According to his observation, Shitara Shigekichi's previous panic was really not like a disguise.

...but one cannot underestimate the acting skills of a seventy-year-old man. Living for so many years is enough for him to learn any skill.

After hesitating for a moment, Akai Shuichi decided to get off the bus and check the situation: after all, the bus always circulates along this route and will not run away. You can look back at any time. But the sudden appearance of Shigeyoshi Shitara was an obvious anomaly.

Complex thoughts flashed through him in an instant. He took out what was in the left pocket of his windbreaker and took a look at it. Then he stood up and came to the door.

Just when he was about to get out of the car, a light flash of light flashed in his peripheral vision.

Akai Shuichi turned around quickly and saw in front of another car door a man who was about to get in the car closed his umbrella, revealing a head of light-colored hair and a pair of iconic squinting eyes.

...Okiya Subaru!

... This informant, or frontline person, whom he had always wanted to contact but had always been worried that the timing was not right, actually bumped into him at this moment?

Akai Shuichi's heart was instantly filled with the word "cool". Even he hesitated for a moment: Let's not talk about the huge information behind "Okiya Subaru's sudden appearance". At the current point in time, there was something in front of him. There were two obvious options.

——Get out of the car and chase Shigeyoshi Shitara.

——Or stay in the car and wait for Okiya Subaru.

Shuichi Akai was not an indecisive person and quickly decided to stay in the car and leave the other side to his colleague

But just when he was about to sit back as if nothing had happened, Subaru Okiya suddenly felt something and looked over here.

In an instant, their eyes met through the car window.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Okiya Subaru: "?!"

The heavy books in the graduate student's hands fell to the ground, but he didn't pick them up. He turned around and ran away, diving into the rain, running faster than a rabbit.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

What are you running for? The FBI won't kill you.

...However, having such a reaction means that Subaru Okiya will feel dangerous and guilty when he sees him. This means that Subaru Okiya has completely defected to Usa?

Akai Shuichi sighed inwardly, and somehow understood, but still chased after him.

"The direction Okiya Subaru is going is a bit strange. This is not the best place to escape. With his character, if he goes out during this period, he will definitely check the terrain along the way. Even if he was suddenly frightened by the incident just now, he should not Keep your head down and run in this direction.

"So... is this a trap? Is it to lead me to a certain place?"

Akai Shuichi quickly recalled the nearby terrain in his mind, and then glanced at the direction where Okiya Subaru fled in panic: "But if this continues, I can still intercept people in public places where people come and go, and I will not be taken away. into remote and dangerous locations suitable for roundups.”

Just as this thought flashed across his mind, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and stopped in front of him.

Akai Shuichi ducked and moved sideways, avoiding the arm. After instinctively completing this action, he looked back and found that the person who stopped him was a short-haired woman who had just walked out of a nearby restaurant. looks familiar.

Wait, aren't these the policemen who searched the first lesson?

This group of migrant workers who are so busy that they have dark circles under their eyes every day, actually have a dinner today?

Sato Miwako's face was full of suspicion, and she became even more suspicious when she saw that this guy with a somewhat vicious aura was so agile. She followed him reluctantly and asked, "Stop, who are you and why are you chasing that gentleman?"

Behind her, a short, fat man and a group of burly men stopped when they heard this and immediately chased after her.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

...No wonder Subaru Okiya would run here with his head buried in his chest.

It had nothing to do with the terrain, and probably not much with the trap: it was simply the presence of a large group of police officers passing by for a dinner party.

In the past, he and Subaru Okiya were in the same camp. Shuichi Akai admired the graduate student's accidental astuteness very much, but now that he was suddenly on the opposite side, he realized that this informant was more troublesome than he thought.

...However, a few ordinary police officers could not stop him, even the most skilled police officers.

Akai Shuichi was about to speed up again when suddenly someone stopped him in front of him.

He repeated his old trick, kicking on the ground and moving sideways. However, this time the interceptor was far from comparable to Officer Sato. The man also moved and still blocked him in front of him, and even sneakily bumped him hard with his shoulder.

Akai Shuichi raised his hand to block it and was not injured, but his pace was forced to slow down.

The policemen who were chasing him immediately surrounded him. Almost at the same time, Shuichi Akai saw the new interceptor clearly.

——Blonde hair, and skin that almost melts into the color of night.


The moment he recognized this person, Akai Shuichi felt something was wrong.

The next moment, a gun clattered from his body to the ground.

"Oops." Toru Amuro raised an eyebrow, with a look of surprise hidden in malice. He turned to several policemen and said, "It's too dangerous. He actually carries a gun with him... Who is this person? The wanted criminal you are rounding up. ?”

"Uh, no."

The Megure Police Department stared at the gun that fell out of Akai Shuichi's body, and were equally shocked: It was rare that it was calm today and there were no cases. He took a few of his subordinates out to have a good meal, but who knew that as soon as he had eaten, the incident came to his door .

...The only good thing is that we only encountered a gunman and no murder occurred.

Mumu Police Department: "..." But this guy seemed to be chasing an innocent passerby just now?

...Okay, okay, if Sato had been a little slower to react, and if Mr. Amuro, who was passing by carefully, had not helped, there might have been a brutal shooting in the street tonight.

There was a burst of joy in his heart, and at the same time he sighed for the upcoming overtime.

Finally, the Megure Police Department calmed down and looked at Akai Shuichi with a serious expression: "Please come back to the police station with us."

Akai Shuichi: "..."

He looked past Toru Amuro and glanced behind him. After delaying his efforts for a while, Okiya Subaru had already disappeared without a trace.

Akai Shuichi fell into deep thought for a moment: Is this the real purpose of that person?

... Did you step into his trap?

Now that things have come to this, we can only spend a night at the police station.

If you insist on escaping, it's not completely impossible, but firstly, this guy Bourbon appears out of nowhere and is causing trouble. Secondly, he doesn't want to really become a wanted criminal by the police, so he can only cooperate and go.

As an FBI, he would not really be involved in the investigation, but the "secret investigation" he imagined was in vain, and the necessary procedures had to be made up.

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