Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2248 2252 [The Threat of Vodka]

Vodka looked at the rapidly unfolding new topic about "business cards" and sighed tiredly.

Business cards are indeed a kind of useful information, which can be used to distinguish when a certain unlucky guy who has met Uzo came into contact with him... But for vodka, the business card posted by Yamamura Cao has no value.

"You just got a new business card that has just been put into use and you are already proud of it?" He sneered with disdain, "What a short-sighted guy."

Long before this business card came into use, Vodka already knew its style.

...because he hacked into the printing shop that Jiang Xia often used.

Whenever the design drawings arrived, Vodka would receive the news quickly, and no one was faster than him.

So now, Vodka has no interest in the so-called new business card: "Shouldn't the focus be on the mysterious man who solved the case on Jiang Xia's behalf? Why are you blowing Jiang Xia? I know him better than you, let's get down to business... The police are so annoying! "

Vodka muttered in his heart while looking at the rapidly refreshing stack of dialog boxes.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from other fans and even some purchase messages, he suddenly understood.

This policeman said he had some brains, but he was very brainless. It can be said that he has no brains...but he also knows how to adapt to the situation.

——Yamamura Cao may have instinctively realized that in Jiangxia's fan gathering place, he should not brag about a detective who took advantage of Jiangxia's cold to solve the case, so he only mentioned "mysterious crime solver" to reporters, but in the group Li focused on showing off his relationship with Jiang Xia.

"This can't go on like this..."

Vodka figured out the key and brought the topic back to him in a very uncouth manner:

[But I heard from the police that it seems that the person who solved the case this time was not Mr. Jiang Xia - Mr. Ah Shan, have you seen the other person who solved the case? Is he really as powerful as the newspapers say? ]

"Mr. Monster Hunter Ashan" showed off his steps and stopped talking for a long time.

After a while, he typed again amidst everyone's questions:

[Of course I have. ]

Vodka's eyes lit up, and he was about to use the fire to extract more information.

However, at this time, Yamamura Cao had already taken the initiative and said:

[Before we parted, he said that he was also a fan of Jiang Xia. No wonder I always felt that his crime-solving style was very similar to Mr. Jiang Xia. Maybe he was diving in this group. ]


After a moment of pause, the discussion became loud and intense, and the comments were scrolled up one by one. Vodka had no chance to talk at all.

Vodka: "..."

A few strands of murderous aura like ice cream floated out of his body, and then fell down after taking a deep breath, landing leisurely in the car.

Just then, his phone vibrated and he received a private message.

"Monster Hunter Mr. Ashan": [Is it you, Mr. Kurosawa? ]

Vodka: "?!!"

He was startled and almost threw the phone away: Kurosawa, isn't this the eldest brother's last name!

The connection between the Internet and reality appeared in a strange way. Vodka's heart skipped a beat, and a thought flashed through his mind: Did Yamamura Cao know his identity? !

...How much risk does it take to silence a police department?

His heart felt cold, and these thoughts passed through his mind tiredly.

But soon, the initial shock passed, and some rationality returned. A question mark appears above Vodka's head.

First of all, he didn't dare to mention any news about his elder brother when he was surfing the Internet. Even if the policeman opposite him had some ability to pick off vests, he shouldn't have jumped over him, Saburo Uozuka, and jumped directly to Gin.


Even if the Gunma Prefecture Police Department really knew their true identities, they shouldn't be so polite and straightforward. When dealing with such dangerous criminals, shouldn't we first stabilize them and then take advantage of them?

All kinds of awkwardness were added together, and Vodka realized that his reasoning just now was wrong, and he came up with a new idea.

"Kurosawa... Speaking of which, I know more than one person named Kurosawa."

And apart from those who had heard of it or only had occasional contact with it, there was only one person who impressed him deeply.

"Uzo's stand-in, the guy whose original name is 'Situ', whose pseudonym is 'Kurosawa Zuo'!"

"Damn Uzo, did he deliberately give this name to his subordinate just to scare me today?"

Vodka inevitably came up with conspiracy theories. Although he knew this was a bit exaggerated, but thinking about the murders that spanned more than ten or twenty years ago, he deeply felt that he should not underestimate Uzo's lower limit.

"And even if you can't be scared this time, there will definitely be opportunities in the future. Ha, I have already seen through his purpose."

After briefly calming down his fluctuating heart rate, Vodka quickly thought of business again.

——Judging from what Yamamura Cao said, in this case, it was the fake "Uzo" who solved the case?

"What conspiracy is this guy Uzo doing?" Vodka touched his chin warily, "Forget it, let's test it first."

Vodka: [What's the matter? ]

Yamamura Cao: "!"

He just heard this man mentioning Mr. Kurosawa frequently, so he bluffed, but he didn't expect it to be true?

Yamamura Cao thought of this wild detective who wanted to win over, and gave a hint:

"Your reasoning is very exciting, really admirable! I simply thought it was Mr. Jiang Xia who was reasoning." - So you quickly like Jiang Xia, Gunma County guest-starred in the police's performance machine... Well, guest-starred in the police's performance machine Consultant!

Vodka sneered and retracted the news:

[Sorry, I misread just now, "Kurosawa" is not my last name - why did you suddenly call me Kurosawa? And the reasoning you mentioned...I understand, the gentleman who solved the case was named 'Kurosawa'? ]

Yamamura Cao: "..." Can this be wrong? Waste of feelings!

He was about to perfunctory and end the conversation, but suddenly he saw a new message from the other side:

[You seem to admire Mr. Kurosawa very much. Do you think he can replace Mr. Jiang Xia, or even be more powerful than Mr. Jiang Xia? ]

Yamamura Cao: "???" I never said that, you guy, don't talk nonsense!

"You don't want me to accidentally leak this compliment to the fan base." Vodka muttered, glanced at the group chat who was still envious of Yamamura Cao, and then tactfully privately communicated the core meaning to the stupid person opposite. police.

Finally, he pretended to be an enthusiastic fan and used his skilled coercion and inducement skills to confirm that the person who went to Gunma County to solve the case that day was really Usa's stand-in.

"I happened to pass by while walking in the forest. Ha, it's an excuse at first glance. According to my past observations, that guy is probably following Uzuo and is always there when called."

Vodka glanced at the other information provided by Yamamura Cao: "Deliberately letting this fake Uzo appear... for what purpose?"

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