Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2254 2258 [Psychiatrist]

Vodka recognized the sound and soon discovered that the sound of the car's engine was separated by a building and parked on the opposite side.

He walked around to the side and quietly glanced over there through the gap. He vaguely saw a man in a white shirt and sunglasses struggling to drag another person out of the car and carry him upstairs.

"It's so tiring to carry one person. This person's physical fitness is worrying. I can carry two guys with the same build as just now."

Vodka pushed up his sunglasses, feeling a little complacent in his heart: "It seems like it was just an ordinary kidnapping case planned by ordinary criminals. The quality of these inexperienced and powerless guys is far behind organizational elites like me.

"But this is just right. If the transaction partner dares to call the police or find someone to ambush me, I can use the kidnappers here to make them fight among themselves, and I will take the opportunity to escape."

A series of plans quickly formed in Vodka's mind.

However, soon, his body froze slightly: "Wait a minute, the kidnapping case... Although it is not a murder case, I don't know why, but I always have a bad feeling."

After hesitating for a moment, Vodka withdrew his gaze from watching the fun.

He estimated the transaction location and the time it would take, and hurried there. At the same time, he sent a message to the peripheral members arranged nearby to pay attention: he wanted to complete the transaction as soon as possible, and then stay away from this dangerous area!

"If it weren't for the trading time in one minute, I really want to tell the other party to change the place." Vodka prayed in his heart, "I hope everything goes well and don't encounter that ghost who is causing trouble everywhere."


On the second floor of Longshen Economic Research Institute, the man in white pushed up his sunglasses, carrying a heavy hostage, panting and climbed upstairs into the dimly lit office.

He ignored the politeness and walked to the sofa. He couldn't wait to throw the person carrying him up. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and moved his shoulders that were almost numb.

"Trash!" the kidnapper leader cursed, obviously dissatisfied with his physical strength.

On the other side of the sofa, an old man dressed as a gentleman looked sad. Shitara Shigeyoshi said angrily: "You actually got unrelated people involved!"

After a pause, he saw the bump on the back of Akai Shuichi's head, and he was shocked: "You actually hit him on the head! With such an important part on the back of the head, aren't you afraid of beating someone to death?"

The kidnapper snorted coldly: "He hit it himself." Who told this guy to grow so tall and so heavy? Why can't he be 1.6 meters taller? It's really causing trouble.

The kidnapper leader also snorted: "Don't do this. If you hadn't provided information, would we have caught him so quickly?"

When Shitara Shigeyoshi heard this, he felt even more guilty: "Mr. Tanaka, it's me who's sorry for you, it's me... huh?"

During the confession, he saw Akai Shuichi's face clearly and was stunned for a moment.

Shitara Shigeyoshi: "..." Who is this?

Wasn't he still a handsome guy yesterday? Why did he become like this today? So ugly!

Did the kidnappers arrest the wrong person, or did his appearance change after he received a few punches?

The seventy-year-old man fell into deep thought for a moment.

The leader of the kidnappers didn't notice anything strange about Hostage No. 1. He ordered his two younger brothers: "Go and close the door, lock it tighter. Go find a basin of water and splash him awake."

The younger brothers responded one after another and got up to work.

At this moment, Shuichi Akai, who was "knocked out" on the sofa, opened his eyes.

Two minutes later.

"Jiang Xia...ah sneeze!"

Conan's sharp eyes saw Jiang Xia's motorcycle patrolling around.

He jumped out of the taxi and jogged over, shouting.

When passing by an alley, Conan suddenly turned his head and looked in if he felt something.

The alley was empty, a gust of wind blew by, stirring up a little dust, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Conan scratched his head, didn't pay much attention, and continued running towards Jiang Xia.

After his footsteps moved away.

Behind a pile of abandoned building materials in an alley.

A strong man in black, his eyes widened under his sunglasses, tremblingly took out his cell phone.

Vodka: "..." It was the voice of the little Yinbi trained by Xiaoyinbi just now. He would never hear it wrong!

Moreover, the little Yinbi shouted "Jiang Xia", which means Jiang Xia is also nearby!

... Is this accidental kidnapping case really the work of Uzo?

...What does this guy want to do to me? !

A series of thoughts flashed through Vodka's mind. The only thing to be thankful for at this time was that he had just completed the transaction and completed the task.

"No, there's nothing to be thankful for." Vodka thought about it for a moment, and cold sweat started to flow down his face. "If I have a mission, if Uzo dares to attack me, he is undoubtedly disrupting official business. Now the deal is over. , even if I am arrested and sent to the police station as a suspect, the mission will not be delayed..."

He originally wanted to escape in a car before anything happened, but judging from the direction in which Conan was running just now, Vodka realized sadly that Conan's destination was right near his car.

That said, Uzo is there too.

"...Sure enough, he came for me."

Vodka wanted to run to his little brother again, but Uzo suddenly appeared nearby, making him suddenly remember something:

"When the peripheral member greeted me in a flattering way this morning, I only gave him a slight nod. Although this is considered polite according to our status... But as far as I know, some crazy minds will Very extreme.

"What if that guy thinks that I am ignoring and discriminating against him by just nodding and saying nothing, and then he happens to decide to retaliate against society because of his troubles in life, and the first step starts with a blood sacrifice to me, a superior cadre..."

Cold sweat soaked his forehead.

After hesitating for a moment, Vodka did not go to any car, but opened the mailbox and wrote an email quickly: "Brother, I unfortunately encountered Uzo and one of his terrible subordinates alone during the mission..."

Vodka Biao is typing quickly.

Another corner of Tokyo.

Gin walked out of a beautifully decorated villa, raised his hand to adjust the brim of his hat, and sighed silently.

It was said that he was inspecting a psychiatrist, but he always felt that the guy across from him was more like treating him - in other words, this doctor seemed to be specially sent by the boss to treat him.

...Probably because he wanted to cure him first, and then go to cure Uzo. Otherwise, if the situation is reversed and all doctors are asked to go through Uzuo's test first, then others may not be able to see a living doctor.

"Although I should be grateful for the adult's concern, I have already said that I am not face-blind, and my thoughts and state have not been affected by Uzo..."

Gin pressed his forehead impatiently.

Unable to get angry at the boss, he inevitably felt a little angry. Before leaving, Gin turned back and took a deep look at the clinic.

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