Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2256 2260 [No need]

inside the house.

The kidnapper leader was tied and rolled to the ground. It was not until the pain in his back subsided that his dazed goal gradually subsided and he realized what had just happened.

——He originally wanted to pour a basin of cold water on the tall passerby who was involved, force him to find out the whereabouts of the disk, and then pack up the two hostages and silence them... But before he even picked up the basin, he and his younger brother He was knocked down by a few punches and didn't even have a chance to resist.

...What kind of monster did this old guy give the disk to?

As his thoughts turned, the kidnapper leader suddenly had an idea.

He immediately said to Akai Hide: "Don't do it. In fact, everything is this old man's fault! - If he hadn't stuffed the disk into you without permission, how could we have taken action against you? Your enemy should be him!"

Shitara Shigeyoshi's old face turned pale and he instinctively retorted: "I didn't! I gave the disk to that Mr. Tanaka, not to this violent... ahem, not to this hero. You should be blamed for this!"

Who told you to arrest people in your lair randomly without screening them before arresting them? ...I don’t know where this person came from. Could it be that the other party is targeting the disk and intends to silence everyone present?

The kidnapper leader was stunned when he heard this: "Wait, what do you mean? You didn't give the disk to this person?" He looked at Akai Shuichi blankly, "Then who are you?"

Akai Shuichi: "..." I am his friend.

He wanted to say that, but knew there was no need to explain to the kidnappers. So the words were not spoken.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at the kidnapper leader and said deceitfully: "'That person' is very dissatisfied with your performance."

The kidnapper leader had a question mark on his forehead: "..." Who? Which person? What is this guy talking about?

He had some underworld background in the past, and after quitting his life, he used the money he saved to open this company.

Now that the confidential information was leaked and he learned that his opponent was just an old man in his 70s, the kidnapper leader was too lazy to hire extra people and immediately returned to his old business, bringing several of his former subordinates with him to kidnap him.

These things are all his own arrangements and decisions... But in this big man's mouth, why does it seem like there is a mastermind behind the scenes directing them?

He was briefly dazed.

Separated by a wall.

Conan couldn't see the kidnapper leader's expression. So everything that is happening in the room becomes another development when it falls on the ears of primary school students.

Conan: "..." Why is the kidnapper silent on such a simple question?

Normally speaking, when faced with the wolf that lured the wolf into the house, there was a huge gap between the enemy and ourselves. Shouldn't he immediately reveal the president of this club, or the president of some rice flower construction company? There is no need to keep this kind of secret tightly, the other party can guess it.

But judging from the kidnapper's sudden silence and the "that person" mentioned by the tall man, it seemed that there was something else hidden. In other words, this kidnapping was not ordered by the presidents of the two clubs, but by someone else?

A series of thoughts quickly formed in my mind: There was a mastermind behind this seemingly ordinary kidnapping case, and the tall man who was kidnapped as a hostage was the scavenger sent by the mastermind to clean up the scene?

Conan has been in Tokyo for a long time and has countless experiences with similar things.

He immediately judged the situation - the kidnappers had been subdued and the hostages were trapped on the sofa in a daze.

So now there is only one most dangerous element in the room: the tall man sent by the mastermind behind the scenes, and this guy's purpose is most likely to silence everyone present after forcing him to get the information he wants to know. To please "the one" behind him!

Conan: "..." It's too dangerous and we must not let him succeed.

The primary school student relied on his short height and humble presence to sneak a peek in through the crack in the door.

After seeing the situation and position inside clearly, he nodded slightly and thought about it.

a minute ago.

Vodka stopped in the alley, and he had no choice but to go back or leave. He could only wait anxiously for Gin's instructions, hoping that this thigh could point him to a safe and smooth path from a long distance.

However, after waiting and waiting, Gin's email did not come. Instead, there was a faint "click" sound above his head, like someone stepping on a tile.


Vodka jumped up, and before he could raise his head, a figure crossed the air and landed lightly opposite him.

"Uzuo...!!!" Vodka almost screamed, but as soon as he let out a breath, he immediately covered his mouth to avoid being forcibly labeled as "leaking cadre information" by Uzuo.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said quietly and quickly: "What do you want to do? Brother Gin already knows that you are here, and the boss is watching you, so don't mess around!"

Under Vodka's vigilant gaze, Xiao Yinbi on the opposite side made an unreasonable voice: "Troublemaking? When have I ever done trouble? I'm here to help you."

Vodka: "..." If you stay away from me, you are already helping! !

He originally wanted to shout like this, but he wanted to seize the time to stay away from Jiang Xia, and shouting this sentence would make him waste a few more seconds.

After careful calculation, Vodka said seriously: "I'm busy with work. I'm going to leave first. Don't follow me."

When he finished speaking, he was about to run away, but at this moment, the voice behind him said: "Wait a minute."


Vodka wanted to pretend not to hear, but his body honestly stopped - he had already imagined himself rushing out and stepping on a bomb and dying on the spot. Afterwards, Uzo said to other cadres, "I stopped him, but he didn't listen." Innocent look.

Countless experiences and reasoning told him that at least in a head-on encounter, Uzo must listen to what he said.

Finally, Vodka turned back stiffly. He looked at Jiang Xia who was very close at hand, and began to think about whether he should make a video call to Ginjiu at the risk of angering his elder brother, and use a live broadcast to tell Uzuo not to act rashly.

However, at this moment, he heard Jiang Xia say: "Ginjiu asked me to escort you to the car - let's go, where is your car?"

Vodka was stunned: "...What?"

Jiang Xia: "'You must ensure that Vodka is fine, get in the car and leave' - this is the message Ginjiu sent me just now."

Vodka: "..." Thank you, brother, but it's not necessary. Just ask him to stay away and don't do anything... But if you think about it carefully, Uzo's stages are very spontaneous. When they are running, maybe even Uzo Nor can they be made to turn stiffly at any time.

In other words, if you want to leave safely, maybe you really need this annoying guy to escort you?

...And this is a message from Brother Gin. Even if he refuses, Uzo will definitely use chicken feathers as command arrows to force him to obey, otherwise he will be blamed.

After a quick assessment of the current situation, Vodka could only grit his teeth in humiliation and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

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