Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2271 2275 [Companion’s Backstab]

Conan: "The jewelry dug out of the ground yesterday were all fake. Kamekura Yuji changed his story and said that a stranger told him there was a treasure there, so he couldn't help but try to dig it out.

"After Mori Rintaro and his family came back from the tourist destination, they forgave him very simply - since Kamekura Yuuji helped them renovate the restaurant, his family's business has increased more than ten times, and they are now completely taking advantage of Kamekura. Yuuji Kurura looked like a benefactor.

"The person who was poached refused to pursue the case, and there was not enough physical evidence to prove that Kamekura Yuuji was the jewel thief five years ago, so he was temporarily released."

Jiang Xia glanced at him and then at his fried shrimp: "..."

Conan wiped his mouth and said seriously: "What do you think?"

Jiang Xia said perfunctorily: "There may be another hidden reason behind this matter."

Conan nodded in agreement: "I just said how could there be such a stupid thief in the world - he must be using his superficial stupidity to cover up a deeper conspiracy! I plan to investigate him in the next few days, maybe I can catch him fox tail."

Jiang Xia: "..." How much do you care about his methods of committing crimes? I might as well open a cram school for you to teach them how to commit crimes.

Tokyo, in a dark alley.

After Kamekura Yuuji went out, he walked around twice in the busy crowd, got rid of the unknown tracking, and finally arrived at this alley.

Not long after, a gentle middle-aged man pulled Meng Lian's scarf, lowered his head and walked in.

"Finally, you are willing to show up." Kamekura Yuuji snorted coldly, glaring at his former accomplice, "It was originally agreed that we would share the gems dug out in five years, but you actually took the gems away in advance, how shameless!"

Kamekura Yuuji is not very talented in crime. Five years ago, he was able to steal a large amount of jewelry from that relatively well-guarded jewelry store, thanks to his associates who helped him make plans and crack the security system.

So Kamekura Yuuji didn't think much about it. After he got it, he immediately followed the plan of these smart friends and hid the gem in the foundation of the restaurant, then left as if nothing happened, preparing to get rich overnight in five years.

Five years passed quickly. A few months ago, he couldn't resist the temptation and came here one step ahead to try to dig.

After sneaking into the restaurant in the name of repaying his kindness, Kamekura Yuuji never found an opportunity to be alone because the restaurant owner was too lazy.

So after thinking hard, he used the criminal knowledge he had accumulated over the years to buy some travel vouchers at his own expense to transfer the tiger out of the mountain - yes, yesterday's temporary transfer was actually the second time, otherwise he would not have been able to do so quickly. Just came up with this wonderful idea.

Anyway, after his first dig a few months ago, Yuji Kamekura dug up a bag of... gems that didn't even look like the real thing.

As the man who stole the gems with his own hands, thought about them day and night, and dared not forget them for a moment, Kamekura Yuuji immediately discovered that his treasure had been replaced by a fake one - and the old packaging had changed. From the looks of it, this replacement probably happened when he just succeeded 5 years ago.

After his dream was shattered and Kamekura Yuuji grieved, he began to look for his own gem.

He first suspected that the family in the restaurant had discovered the stone he had hidden, and then dug it out and kept it for himself. But after a period of reconnaissance and trickery, he ruled out this possibility.

"Either people from the construction team, or some of my accomplices."

At that time, the foundation had already been laid, and he paid great attention to restoring the appearance of the land. Compared with the construction team, the latter is more suspicious.

Yuji Kamekura realized that he might have been stabbed in the back, so he decided to set a trap. Not only did he not leave the restaurant, but he spent money to help them promote it, and even spent his own money to decorate the restaurant, hoping to use this "red-haired club" "The same typical anomaly, catching his own accomplices.

Now, after he was captured and released, his former accomplice finally couldn't help but bite the bullet.

"It's not worth the money I spent on decoration." Kamekura Yuuji glared at his former accomplices with a fierce look in his eyes, "Where did you get my gems!"

Opposite him, the middle-aged man pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said comfortingly:

"Don't worry, we just felt that it was not safe enough here, so we moved the gems - not telling you was actually to protect you. Look, weren't you arrested by the police yesterday? If we hadn't transferred the gems, you must have He cannot be released so easily."

Kamekura Yuuji sneered: "Oh, that's nice to say. Do you think I'm still the poor fool who can only be played with by you and applauded? - I have changed, and time has given me wisdom! Don't try to fool me, Hand over the gem!"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes inwardly, but there was a hurt look on his face: "I didn't expect that the friendship we had as comrades back then was nothing in your heart - if we hadn't escaped five years ago to help you attract the attention of the police, How could you hide so easily all these years?”

Kamekura Yuuji was stunned, as if he thought there was some truth to what he said.

The middle-aged man struck while the iron was hot: "In order to avoid tracing, we changed our contact information and addresses and lost contact. But these years, we have been missing you and waiting for you to come back. The reason why we did not sell those gems, Just so we can share it equally when we find you!"

Kamekura Yuji scratched his head, as if he still felt something was wrong: "But the civil prosecution period is a full 20 years, and it has only been five years. There is no way to sell those gems now."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "The precious metals on the jewelry can be melted away, and without those decorations, the re-mounted gems will look very different from before.

"If we had sold them immediately back then, maybe someone would have discovered the clues, but now a full five years have passed. As long as we sell them quietly, no one will find out. After the sale, the money will be divided equally among the four of us. Soon, we will Everyone will be a billionaire!"

Kamekura Yuuji's blood surged when he heard this, and he felt excited: He had endured it for so many years just to become a billionaire. Could it be that this wish will finally come true?

At this time, the middle-aged man glanced at him and tentatively said: "So leave the other 200 million jewelry to us - if you do it all by yourself, if you don't handle it well, you will be easily caught by the police. To At that time, you couldn’t get a single yen, but we have very safe means and channels here, which are guaranteed to allow you to get a large amount of property.”

When Yuji Kamekura heard "another 200 million jewels", he came back to his senses and looked at the person opposite him thoughtfully.

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