Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 211 It’s really just an accident (upgrade to the alliance and get more updates to Gaolengji

Chapter 211 It’s really just an accident (Upgrade to the alliance and get more updates to Gao Lengji Yongxuan Xiaohua)

While Shimashiro Kimie was dully reshaping the world view, Kiritengu was busy rolling murderous marshmallows.

A pair of hands stretched out from the river silently.

The mermaid grabbed the lifebuoy that Shimashiro Kimie had just placed by the river and secretly dragged it into the river.

——This is the crime tool prepared by Shimabukuro Kime, used to move the body of Nami Umihara. It is no longer useful.

When Shimashiro Kimie wasn't paying attention, the mermaid swam away with the lifebuoy and was busy destroying the evidence.

The river is very narrow in places and can easily get stuck. The mermaid pushed the lifebuoy down the waterfall and let it fall into the river. Then she jumped in and planned to push the lifebuoy into the sea and destroy it.

She swam out for a while with the inflated lifebuoy, but felt that the speed was too slow, so she opened her mouth and exposed her fangs, trying to bite the lifebuoy to make it smaller.

Before she could bite it, a hand reached out from the side and pulled the life preserver away.

Jiang Xia rescued the innocent lifebuoy, looked at the mermaid in front of him, and sighed.

Then he wiped off the water and fingerprints on the lifebuoy, deflated it, and stuffed it back into the shrine's warehouse.

When leaving the shrine, Jiang Xia saw a corpse in the warehouse.

It was woven by Menarisa. After she drowned, she was washed to the shore by the waves, and was hidden by Shimabukuro Kimie.

Jiang Xia immediately ordered the mermaid to carry the body away, swim farther away, tie heavy objects on it, and throw it back into the sea.

After settling the matter here, he dispersed the puppets and returned his consciousness to his original body.

The main body is still hanging up in the hotel.

Next to me were classmates who were excitedly discussing what they had seen today.

It had already gone dark.

After eating, they sat for a while and then went to the bottom of the Mermaid Falls to watch the fun.

Tourists have been gathering here one after another. There are also islanders who are busy setting up the venue and lighting the sacred fire.

Before the ceremony began, Shimabukuro Kimie appeared in the open space below the waterfall.

She stood in front of the divine fire, staring at the moving flames, her expression occasionally in a trance. But overall, her psychological quality is pretty good.

By the time the event started, Shimashiro Kimie had returned to normal, at least on the surface, no flaws could be seen.

She held three divine arrows and invited the person who had drawn the dugong arrow to come forward.

Kuroe Nao and a middle-aged aunt climbed over the fence, took the number plate, and received the arrow.

But the third "lucky guy" never appeared.

Shimabukuro Kimie closed her eyes and resisted looking at the waterfall behind her - the third person was hanging there quietly now.

She paused for a moment and urged according to the procedure, but still no third person came forward.

Suzuki Sonoko mingled among the onlookers and sighed regretfully. She had some impression of Nami Umihara who had drawn the arrow before: "If I had known that sister didn't want the dugong arrow, I should have asked her to buy the number plate just now... like this What a waste.”

Jiang Xia shook her head thoughtfully: "When she drew the arrow just now, she looked very happy. It's probably not that she didn't want it, but that something delayed her."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed in disappointment, and together with Mao Lilan, Toyama and Ye, they stared eagerly at the two people who got the Dugong Arrow, feeling a little envious in their hearts.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were also very concerned about the third person who was late, but the key points of their concern were different - the two looked at each other, then looked back at Jiang Xia, and gradually had a bad feeling.

Hattori Heiji whispered to Conan: "Is something going to happen?"

Conan said in a weak voice: "Don't curse others..."

After saying that, the two of them had a meal at the same time.

The content of the conversation just now gave them a strong sense of déjà vu.

Not long ago, a similar conversation happened once on the way here - on the boat they were on, and then...

Conan and Hattori Heiji thought of the two corpses of the Yumoto family, their expressions changed slightly, and they fell into strange silence.

Although this situation of drawing a number card and releasing the witch dove is rare, it is not unheard of before.

After waiting for a few more minutes, when the divine fire was about to burn out, Shimabukuro Kime announced that he would skip this scene and enter the next link - applying "light of blessing" to the person who drew the divine arrow.

The "Light of Blessing" is actually a handful of bright fireworks that will be set off below the Mermaid Falls and rise into the sky, illuminating the entire waterfall.

Islanders lit fireworks.

As the fire shot up and exploded, Shimabukuro Kimie recited a blessing.

But a commotion soon broke out in the crowd, overwhelming her voice.

Jiang Xia and everyone looked up and saw Nami Umihara, who had drawn the third arrow diagonally above, being hung by a rough rope around his neck in front of the waterfall.

As the water washed over her, the figure swayed slightly. Her slender figure and wet dress that clung to her legs made her look like a mermaid rising into the sky.

Ten minutes later.

Jiang Xia and several others crossed the mountains and returned to the place they had just visited - the river above the Mermaid Falls.

If something like this happened, as a superficial detective, he would definitely come over and check it out.

Of course Hattori Heiji and Conan also came. The two of them thought they were unfamiliar with the mountains, so they took Shimabukuro as their guide.

When Shimabukuro Kime left the river, he didn't forget to clean up the traces he left behind.

She also helped clean up the traces of possible "mermaids". When cleaning up the scene, Shimabukuro Kimie thought she might be able to pick up one or two fallen fish scales, but she failed.

The monster is indeed extraordinary, it seems that it does not have the disadvantage of losing its scales...

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