Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2286 2290 [Are you rebelling? 】

Soon, in the children's chatter, the policemen in Mu Mu came to the mind of a man who was enthusiastic and righteous, sacrificed himself for others, and did good deeds without leaving his name. In the end, he was unfortunately injured and rushed away without even having a chance to meet his idol. Wu Hao citizens rushed to the hospital.

"In that kind of environment, he actually managed to take care of four strange children and didn't run away alone."

Miwako Sato was a little moved when she heard this: "Although it is a bit suspicious to appear in the cave at this time, and this extraordinary courage also seems a bit problematic - but in any case, this is a hero worthy of admiration."

After speaking, she remembered that this person was a fan of Jiang Xia, turned to look at Jiang Xia, and said with emotion: "This is the driving role of idols."

Jiang Xia shook his head modestly and stopped recording with satisfaction.

As soon as the police arrived, someone put an end to the chaotic melee in the cave.

Soon, powerful searchlights were set up, illuminating everything. Under the guidance of Jiang Xia, the police quickly found the body that had been thrown in a corner without enough time to dispose of it.

"It's really that Kamekura." Megure Police Department sighed, "It seems that this guy is not a simple stupid thief. He may have been used to block the gun by several of his accomplices."

While examining the body, the police searched for various traces, trying to identify the three suspects.

The locals who came to join in the fun were roped in as guides.

"This cave has existed a long time ago. I often went in and played with my friends when I was a child, so I am quite familiar with it."

The old man twirled his beard and said with a smile: "The sign at the door and the stone pillars and eggs in front of the fork in the road were already there at that time. I don't know who left them. At that time, we also thought there were treasures in the cave, but it was a pity that it was spent." It was only after a long time that we solved the mystery and found out that the 'treasure' was just the beam of light we saw as we approached the exit."

The police were originally curious about the "treasure" written on the wooden sign at the entrance. Some active thinkers even fast-forwarded to how much bonus they could get after digging out the treasure and turning it in to the public.

Upon hearing this, everyone sighed inwardly and finally focused on their work. The sweeping speed immediately improved rapidly.

"It's a pity that there isn't much soil in this cave, and there are no footprints left in many places, so it's difficult to reconstruct their route." The forensic officer sighed, "But these evidences can identify the suspects. General physical appearance.”

The Mu Mu Police Department sighed: "Unless the three gangsters have entered the police station and left records, otherwise they only know information such as height, weight, age, etc., and it is difficult to identify the specific suspect... Forget it, it is better than no clues. , you continue - there are too many bats in this cave, let’s finish it and get out as soon as possible.”

Sato Miwako walked outside the cave, called the nearest hospital, wanted to ask how the "Mr. Yamada" was injured, expressed her gratitude and greetings to him... and then brought him back to take notes.

Unfortunately, the feedback from the hospital was that no such people came for treatment or hospitalization.

"Does he have a private doctor or go to a clinic?" Sato Miwako couldn't help but have a headache when she thought of the densely packed clinics in Tokyo. "In addition, it cannot be ruled out that the children misremembered the enthusiastic gentleman's name - but 'Yamada' This surname and the identity of 'Jiangxia Fan' seem a bit familiar..."

Police officer Takagi who was passing by saw her in trouble, and he had an idea and quickly reminded: "Jiang Xia solved an idol group murder case before, and this 'Mr. Yamada' was present at the time."

"It turned out to be him!" Officer Sato remembered and she laughed, "Looking at his appearance at the time, I thought he was some suspicious person, but I didn't expect him to be such a warm-hearted and good person."

Officer Takagi then lamented: “There are not many citizens like this anymore.”

In the distance, an enthusiastic citizen in black was driving on his way: "Ah!"

Vodka quickly glanced at each rearview mirror and rubbed his nose: "Who is scolding me? Huh, no need to guess, who else can it be besides that guy Uzo! It's really too much. There are obviously so many cadres in Tokyo, why does he only persecute I?"

Vodka finished cursing in his mind, and after the anger passed, he added rationally: "..." Well, I have to admit that Uzo is not very picky in this regard, and will torment anyone he bumps into. Except for some force majeure factors, today’s incident seems to be just unlucky for me.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but sigh tiredly and helplessly: "I really hope that guy will bump into the boss who is patrolling incognito one day... But wait, if something really happens to the boss, then he There’s no way the organization can hunt down Uzuo anymore, right? Maybe the second-in-command who takes advantage of the situation will remember Uzuo as a favor..."

After a moment of silence, Vodka silently withdrew his previous prayer, and at the same time snorted: "It's bad luck for me if this happens!"

After muttering in his mind, Vodka's attention quickly turned back to running.

Then he was slightly startled.

"I always feel like I forgot something..." Vodka frowned, "What is it?"

When he returned to the bustling urban area of ​​Tokyo and was completely free from the possible threats posed by the three gunmen, Vodka breathed a sigh of relief and sent an email to report to Gin what he had just encountered.

——The point is that Uzo took away his mission and his gun.

Vodka after pressing the send button: "..."

...His gun?

gun! !

Almost at the same time, the phone buzzed.

Vodka was excited, picked up the phone, and found that it was Gin who had forwarded an email.

Vodka: "..."

A lot of bad premonitions welled up in his heart.

After clicking on the email, these premonitions became reality.

The first thing that jumped into the eye was a high-definition photo. In the photo, there was a hand holding a gun, wearing a pair of black gloves to hide the features. The photo was accompanied by a string of text——

[Vodka gave me a gun, how about it? its not bad, right. ]

Vodka: "..."

"...Slander! This is a naked slander!!" Vodka looked angry, "I am the pioneer among the vanguards in opposing Uzo's gun ownership! Brother Gin must know that this is what Uzo is doing!"

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that the email actually had another attachment, which was an audio clip.

"What is this?"

Vodka stared at it suspiciously for a while, then slowly reached out and opened it.

Comments from different people poured out of the receiver, filling his ears in the blink of an eye:

"In that kind of environment, he actually managed to take care of four strange children and didn't run away alone."

"...Anyway, this is a hero worthy of admiration."

"This is the driving role of idols!"

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "…………"

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