Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2294 2298 [Uzo’s late-night appointment]

Vodka didn't have any tricks at all, he just wanted to get out of this damn villa alive.

After returning to the guest room assigned to him, Vodka first quickly and closely checked his room.

"Except for what I brought with me, there are no eavesdropping and surveillance equipment, no traps, and no sharp objects that could 'accidentally' fall on my head... Well, this room is pretty good."

After eliminating the danger around him, Vodka came to the window, pressed against the wall, and carefully looked out through the gap in the curtains.

Soon, his eyes fell on the parking lot and on his ordinary black car.

"How about I drive away first and come back after tonight, pretending that I have always been there?" Vodka quietly thought in his mind, "Of course, if this place is razed to the ground by an explosion or something tonight, then I will There’s no need to come back…”

This strategy made him quite excited, but as soon as he reached the door, he suddenly remembered the gun that was still in Uzo's hand. He paused and silently returned to where he was.

"Forget it, this seems too suspicious, and I, Vodka, am not the kind of coward who runs away from battle." Vodka took a breath and encouraged himself, "At worst, I won't sleep tonight, stay up a little longer, and then run away in time when danger comes. .”


Vodka, who had just fallen asleep with his clothes on, moved his ears and suddenly felt something.

The next moment, he stood up with unprecedented agility and leaned against the door, listening carefully.

——There seems to be movement outside.

Not outside the window, but in the corridor near the side door - someone sneaked in!

Vodka: "..." These guys really weren't that calm.

But it was a good thing that they were willing to enter this villa - it at least meant that there would be no large-scale attacks, such as explosions, etc., and it was very friendly to him as a passerby.

Vodka: "..." No, we can't take it lightly. What if they sneak in just to prepare? When Haitang Yangtai turned on the gas valve before, he did it only after he entered the kitchen first.

"In short..." Vodka was alert and thinking secretly, "Let's take a look at the situation first, and then decide how to deal with it."

He put his ear against the door, trying to listen carefully, and then he noticed that a series of deliberately gentle footsteps passed by his door and stopped in front of the door next door.

——That's Jiang Xia's room.

Vodka happy.

Fight, fight quickly!

At the same time, he suddenly remembered something and quickly shrank back, avoiding the door. If I remember correctly, both of those two people had guns. If they shot randomly, a bullet without a long eye would hit him through the door. Things are in trouble for him.

Vodka: "..." Then again, that was supposed to be my gun!

He sighed quietly, hid in a safe place, and continued to eavesdrop with his ears raised.

Haitang Yangtai slipped out, came to Jiang Xia's door, and stuffed an invitation letter against the crack of the door.

Then he knocked lightly on the door a few times, quickly got up and hid around the corner.

Not long after, Jiang Xia's door opened. A figure was holding the door handle and looking at the empty door, as if he was confused.

After a while, the man picked up the invitation, looked at it twice, followed what it said, and walked towards the door.

And all this was reflected by the vase and fell into Haitang Yangtai's eyes.

When the blurry figure walked away, Haitang Yangtai breathed a sigh of relief, pumped his fist happily and excitedly, and then slowly followed him at a safe enough distance.

The invitation he just stuffed in was written in the name of his wife Haitang Qianhe - "she" said that she was depressed and wanted to invite Jiang Xia to her study now to talk about those wonderful cases.

"Young man, you are really not good at saying no." Haitang Yangtai pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and sneered in his heart, "But don't worry, besides you, my worried wife will not say no either."

After being an old married couple for many years, Haitang Youta knew his wife somewhat: Haitang Chihe often felt sad late at night. At this time, if a young man who looks good and speaks well comes to her door, she will definitely not mind chatting with him.

And that woman can't control her mouth when chatting, and she likes to stuff snacks for others while eating herself, as if that way she can let others get fat with her and reduce the burden on her weight.

"Jiang Xia is a male high school student and may not like sweets."

Haitang Yangtai speculated on his own: "But it's not a big problem. I will put the poison in the tea. Even if he doesn't eat snacks during the chat, it's impossible not to drink water. After all, that woman is best at making awkward conversations, and when people are embarrassed As long as he likes to drink water from a cup, these poisons will eventually fall into Jiang Xia’s stomach.”

"The poison will not take effect immediately, and by the time they notice it, it will definitely be too late. The next day there will be breaking news like 'The identity of the female writer's murderer was exposed, the poisoner died together with the famous detective!'"

"The death place of the famous detective Jiang Xia will definitely attract many people to come for interviews and commemorations. Haha, maybe this place will become a scenic spot in Tokyo in the future."

Haitang Yangta was already counting the ticket prices in his mind.

And while he was thinking about it, in the reflection of the fireproof cabinet opposite, the figure in black finally entered the study as he wished.

Haitang Yangtai quickly walked out from the corner and quietly closed the door. The door shaft, which had been lubricated beforehand, made no sound.

After the door separated the inside and outside, Matsuda Jinping pushed up his sunglasses, turned his head and glanced at the closed door, and then looked at Chizuru Haitang who was applying a facial mask in front of him.

After a while, he put the invitation on the table and left silently.

A few minutes later, Haitang Qianzhe took off her mask, stood up from the recliner, and stretched leisurely.

"Huh? When did the door close?" She was a little confused, but soon she felt that she had forgotten it after closing it, so she didn't pay much attention.

She tinkered in the room for a while, then changed into a nightgown and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Hallway corner.

Haitang Yangtai, who was standing there, was stunned for a moment: "..." What's going on? We agreed to have a long talk? Why did this woman go to the bathroom to take a bath like before?

Isn't it better to be a famous detective than to take a bath?

He vaguely felt something was wrong, and after hesitating for a moment, Haitang Yangtai pretended to deliver something, came to the door of the study, and opened the door.

After a quick glance, the room was empty, with no trace of Jiang Xia at all.

Haitang Yangtai: "?"

Where are people?

He saw such a big person entering the house with his own eyes, why was he gone?

"Could it be that the yellow-faced woman made him feel uncomfortable and he jumped out of the window and ran away?" Haitang Yangtai muttered in his heart, walked to the bookcase, opened the door without giving up and took a look inside.

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