Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 214 Let’s die together!

Jiang Xia was startled and casually told the merman not to appear in the sight of anyone other than the target.

Then Jiang Xia followed the sound and walked towards the place where the screams were heard.

After taking two steps, he discovered that this was the direction to the cliff.

Those two people couldn't have fallen...

Jiang Xia sighed faintly. He thought that this time the incident developed so fast that Hattori Heiji had no time to play with other people's tombs and get distracted like in the original world line.

But now it seems that some things are really destined...

On the edge of the cliff, Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha went through a mutual rescue operation, and finally both fell off the cliff.

Fortunately, there is a tree growing diagonally on the cliff.

When Hattori Heiji fell, he quickly grabbed the trunk of the tree with one hand, and grabbed Toyama Kazuha with the other hand. The two of them hung on the branch in a thrilling manner.

The innocent tree has grown freely on the edge of the cliff since it was a child. It has never experienced such heavy pressure. It keeps making muffled sounds and is on the verge of breaking.

This sound made the two people's hearts sink. Toyama Kazuha raised her head and reached over Hattori Heiji who was holding her. She clearly saw that the branches were constantly bending and were already about to break.

She immediately realized that if only one person could bear it, the branch might be able to hold on. But if things continue like this, both of them will probably fall to death.

Toyama and Ye yelled "let go" with tears in their eyes, but Hattori Heiji, who was holding her, turned his head away and pretended not to hear them.

Finally, Yuan Shan and Ye sighed and murmured: "It would be great if I had just drawn that arrow."

Hattori Heiji felt that his arm was about to break. He gritted his teeth and said: "You are still superstitious at this time! Besides, even if it can really keep people young forever, it can't protect people from falling to death."

"No." Yuan Shan and Ye thought of other uses, "...if I draw the arrow and prick you with it now, you will have no choice but to let go."

Speaking of this, she had a flash of inspiration and discovered a new idea of ​​​​guarantor, so she turned her hand and pinched Hattori Heiji hard.

Hattori Heiji:"!!!"

He was inexplicably stabbed in the back by a friendly soldier and was stunned by the pain. However, with this incident, he finally understood what Yuan Shan and Ye were thinking, and warned: "Don't do this!"

In Hattori Heiji's view, Toyama and Ye are pinching him now so as not to drag him down - so, if you want Toyama and Ye to stop pinching people, all you need to do is make her realize that her sacrifice has no effect, and she will definitely Will give up on his own.

Thinking like this, Hattori Heiji threatened: "If you dare to force me to let go, I will jump down after you, do you understand?"

Yuan Shan and Ye Yi were stunned, and their pale cheeks suddenly turned red: "... Do you know how to count? If one more person dies, it will be a loss."

Hattori Heiji felt that the threat was effective: "Then just hold on tight!"

Toyama and Ye stared blankly at Hattori Heiji above. She felt that with Hattori Heiji's upright character, since he dared to say that just now, he could really do that kind of act of committing suicide.

Thinking of this, Toyama Kazuha wanted to cry a little. She raised her other hand, grabbed Hattori Heiji tightly, and shouted movedly: "Then, let's die together!"

Jiang Xia, who just poked his head out from the edge of the cliff: "..."

He was silent for a moment: "Are you... going to die together?"

Hattori Heiji:"!"

Toyama Kazuha: "!!!"

Hattori Heiji looked up in confusion, feeling so happy to see Jiang Xia for the first time.

Yuan Shan and Ye kept raising their heads, and saw Jiang Xia above earlier. She showed the excitement of seeing her relatives: "Jiang Xia!! Help!!!"

It's being saved, it's being saved...

Below, where the two people who were addicted to the romantic game of "you jump i jump" couldn't see it, several bunches of puppet clay stained with a little murderous intent appeared on the tree trunk out of thin air, tightening the tree trunk that was about to break, and making it change again. Must be firm.

Jiang Xia remembered that in the setting, Hattori Heiji's force value was higher than Maori Ran, and Hattori Heiji's force skills were all focused on things like kendo that require high arm strength.

In other words, as long as the tree does not fall off the chain, Hattori Heiji himself should be fine.

If he really can't hold on to Esha Laren, then at worst Kiritengu will be the one to take over... In short, I hope Hattori Heiji can work hard.

The broken tree where the two were sitting was some distance from the top of the cliff.

Jiang Xia politely tested it.

A few pieces of gravel rolled down, and he retracted his feet amidst the frightened dissuasion of Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuba, and changed his method of saving people: "Hold on! I'll find something to pull you up."

The two people below secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded vigorously. They were really afraid that Jiang Xia would be eager to save people and slide down directly to use them as a ladder. That would be too dangerous for Jiang Xia and the tree would not be able to hold it up.

Now, Hattori Heiji found that although Jiang Xia was eager to save people, his rationality was still there, and he was about to nod with relief.

But at this moment, a horrified cry of "Help!!!" suddenly came from the top of the cliff.

The voice sounded from behind Jiang Xia. Judging from the sound, it seemed that someone was rushing towards Jiang Xia quickly.

Before Jiang Xia turned around, she knew it was Kuroe Nao who had seen the mermaid.

The Dugong Arrow that Kuroe Nao just got was broken. Before, she had seen the tragic situation of Umihara Nami being hung on the waterfall.

So just now, when she suddenly saw a mermaid who smiled sinisterly at her in the woods, her first reaction was - she broke the arrow, and the mermaid was coming to kill her, just like she had killed Nami Umihara before. Same.

Kuroe Nao then ran away in a panic, like a headless fly, and was gradually forced by the elusive mermaid into an area she had never been close to before.

The unfamiliar environment made her feel flustered. At this moment, Kuroe Nao suddenly saw a person standing in the weeds half a person tall in front of her.

The man's back was turned to her, but Nao Kuroe quickly recognized it - he was the famous high school detective who had recently come to the island!

"Help!! The mermaid wants to kill me!!" Nao Kuroe rushed over excitedly, hoping Jiang Xia could help.

If she doesn't help, then as long as she surpasses Jiang Xia, she may have a chance of survival - there is a saying that when being chased by danger, you don't have to outrun the danger, as long as you run faster than your teammates...

Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha hung on the tree trunks, looking upward nervously.

Jiang Xia turned around in confusion. After seeing the situation clearly, he was surprised to dissuade him: "Stop! Behind me is Xuan..."

However, a figure spoke faster than him.

——Nao Kuroe, fueled by the desire to survive, super-accelerated and passed Jiang Xia's position.

Before she could show her thankful expression, the next second, she suddenly missed the point.

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