Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 218 Does the foggy dog ​​eat humans?

Yes, Kidd now knows:

The person who snatched the "Dark Star" from his hands that day was not a "bodyguard equipped with Suzuki's high-tech artificial wings", but probably a real monster.

——After that incident, Kidd and his helpers went to inquire about the situation.

Then I learned that the Suzuki family didn't have that kind of strange flying instrument, let alone that kind of bodyguard.

Instead, after careful investigation, relevant reports of the "Fog Sky Dog" were found - this monster seemed to be related to the two deaths.

It is located in the Shanni Temple in the mountains. The legend of the foggy tengu has been circulating nearby. Two monks were hanged from the eaves of a high building one after another. The various traces at the scene looked like flying tengu committing crimes. Same.

Kidd is different from Conan in that his world view is not so materialistic.

Therefore, after receiving this information, Kidd's impression of Kiritengu gradually changed from "the bodyguard of the Suzuki family" to "a man-eating monster", which made Kidd very afraid of Kiritengu.

Nowadays, although Kiriten Dog has never expressed his intention to eat him, every time, this monster will snatch away the treasures he gets, then suck them up in front of him, and then throw them back like eating dried fruits and throwing shells. …

Kidd tried many methods to get rid of the foggy dogs, but with little success. In order to avoid the police pursuit, many of his escape operations were carried out in the air. But how can a pair of artificial hang gliders compare to natural wings?

So Kidd was robbed repeatedly, and he was still robbed again... Now, this kind of "taking treasures from the police siege" is almost no longer fun for Kidd.

Because the removal was only temporary, he would be robbed again soon.

But for the sake of his "dead" father, Kidd still can't stop stealing treasures...

Thinking of this, he sighed quietly, put down the telescope haggardly, picked up the tools, and prepared to sneak into the venue.

This time, Kidd found that his theft process was very easy - the police easily got into the trap he set.

Kidd was slightly confused, but soon he discovered the reason - there was a transmitter secretly hidden on the gem, and the police seemed to intend to use this to find his lair.

Kidd stared at the transmitter dully and put the gem away.

It would be great if the transmitter could be used to track the Kiriten Dog's lair, but unfortunately, the monster only has a desire to eat the treasures, and just throws away the gems after eating. The transmitter hidden on the gems has no Useless...

Although the police were secretly releasing water, the downstairs was still heavily guarded. Kidd fled to the roof as planned and prepared to retreat.

Just as he opened the hang glider, a gunshot suddenly sounded from behind, and the bullet broke the support rod of the hang glider.

Kidd stumbled and almost fell off the rooftop.

He was startled and turned around quickly, and saw a row of black men in suits and top hats standing on the roof of the building behind him.

The leader, Slack, pointed his gun at Kidd and snorted: "I think I warned you - don't continue to attack gems."

This voice made Kidd frown slightly. A while ago, he received a threatening phone call. The other party mistook him for his father, Kuroba Toichi, and warned that if he continued to target gems, he would be killed.

...Now it seems that the man in black is the one making the call.

Kidd felt that the secret of his father's "death" was beckoning to him. Kuroba Toichi might have provoked this group of people and was brutally killed.

But now that the glider is broken, Kidd can't protect himself now, let alone finding out the truth.

He turned around and faced the cold muzzle of the gun, thinking calmly about how to escape and trying to fight back.

Just when Kidd took out the imitation "Sapphire" in accordance with the other party's request and planned to throw it over to delay time, an unnatural wind suddenly blew up from the edge of the rooftop.

Kidd vaguely felt something was wrong. Before he could turn around, the cloak on his back suddenly sank - someone pulled him from below.

Kidd was dragged by the cloak and lost his balance. He stepped on the air and fell off the rooftop.

Slack, who was holding a gun across from him, was startled. From his perspective, he could only see a hand reaching out from under the rooftop and pulling Kid down the stairs.

The gem was still on Kidd, and Slack's expression changed drastically. He rushed to the edge of the building with a group of men in black and looked down.

However, there was only an empty night downstairs. There was no shadow of Kidd at all, and there was no owner of the secretly stretched out hand.

The Kidd man was in mid-air, looking at the dark city below expressionlessly.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from beside his face.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice came from behind: "Give it to me."

Kidd: "..."

A few times ago, the foggy dog ​​would say what it wanted, such as "Give me the dark stars", "Give me the full bloody moon", but now it seems... it seems to be too lazy to say it.

Kidd even suspected that Kiritengu was too lazy to remember the name of the gem, and only remembered "this white-clothed phantom thief is easy to steal."

Kidd looked at the hand on the side of his face, glanced at the altitude of more than 100 meters below him, and felt the parachute bag hidden behind his back. He calmly turned away and pretended not to hear.

There were some scattered policemen nearby, and Kidd was very conspicuous in his white clothes.

Jiang Xia thought for a while and stopped asking for gems for the time being. Instead, she carried Kidd through the buildings several times.

After getting rid of possible tracking, he landed in a hidden place.

Kidd glanced at the foggy dog ​​who was observing the environment, took the opportunity to break free from the not-so-firm restraint, and backed away cautiously.

He suddenly remembered the two corpses in the Shanni Temple that were hung high in the news and were suspected of being "dogs storing food in foggy weather".

Kidd held down the anesthetic gun, feeling that his career as a monster thief was cast into a shadow: "You don't want to eat me, do you want me to steal things for you?"

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He looked at Kidd suspiciously, and after a while, he vaguely guessed where his idea of ​​"dogs eating people in foggy weather" came from.

Jiang Xia thought of Kidd's sense of justice, then looked at the energy core in his pocket, and felt that this strange blame could not be shouldered.

He raised his chin slightly and said in a calm tone with a hint of disgust, "Human beings are not delicious ingredients."

...Is this a euphemism for "not eating people"?

Kidd's eyes narrowed slightly: "The two monks in Shanni Temple..."

"The old monk died by sitting on his own." Wutian Gou folded his wings impatiently and said casually, "I went to the temple, and when he saw me, he covered his heart and fell down. I just listened to what he said before he died. His wish raised him to a high place - he said that he hoped that something like this would happen again to help the temple attract customers."

Kidd: "...Sitting?"

...No matter how this sounds, it sounds like sudden death!

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