Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2371 2375 [Case closed]

Vodka was sweating profusely, but there were other people beside him who couldn't sit still.

Conan: "..." Oh no, if the people being asked to kill people are ordinary citizens, then they probably won't be able to do it. But now, the executioner chosen by the murderer is an evil member of that evil organization!

"Don't look at Vodka's painful and entangled look, but if you really want him to sacrifice others for himself, he will not hesitate. His current expression is just for show... The case is obviously over, and this kind of tragedy cannot happen again. !”

With this in mind, Conan quietly turned on his anesthesia watch.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji didn't expect things to develop like this. Seeing Conan's actions at this time, he came back to his senses and quickly cooperated with this Tokyo classmate.

"Actually, living is actually the biggest punishment for him!" Hattori Heiji racked his brains, searching for lines that could attract the attention of Tono-senpai. He pointed at the old doctor next to him:

"Do you think the people who survived are really happy? - Look at him, because of the incident three years ago, he has been carrying a heavy sense of guilt all these years, and his hair has turned white due to the vicissitudes of life."

Senior Tono snorted coldly: "Is he because of guilt? He is so old and mature! - Stop talking nonsense, I will count down to five more, if that coward who can only shout for help doesn't take action , you all go and bury Kezi with him!”

A blue vein popped up on Vodka's forehead: "..." What do you mean by a coward who can only shout for help? Do you understand Uzo or murder case? Putting you in my position, whether you can survive the first day remains to be seen!

The scene was in chaos, and suddenly someone next to him sighed: "Okay, don't let more people bear the burden of sin. As long as I die, the matter will be over, right."

The old doctor stepped forward and picked up the axe. He looked down at the re-polished axe blade and said with relief: "To be honest, I have long wanted to end all this. I want to stop being drowned by that girl." To escape from the nightmare of death... Now, it’s time for me to let go of this piece of Carnidis.”

Vodka looked at his position and then at Eiji Tono, anxious in his heart: Quick, chop him with an axe! This distance is just right for a sneak attack, otherwise what if he wants to blow up others and silence them after you die!

Conan was even more anxious than him: "..." Move aside! It's blocking my anesthetic needle!

Unlike them, next to him, the "new doctor" pushed up his glasses and stood low-key in the corner with his arms folded, his posture could be described as leisurely.

Jiang Xia looked at her and then at the ghost next to her.

Matsuda Jinpei understood, pushed his sunglasses up and jumped off his shoulders, falling to the ground.

This professional ghost who was a bomb disposal expert observed the condition of the floor and squeezed into the ground from the edge of the carpet. After a few seconds, it floated back through the mold again: the wooden floor showed signs of being pried open twice, and the signal transceiver on the bomb was destroyed—even if the remote control was pressed, the bomb would not explode.

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully: "..." No wonder there was a group of apples sneaking around and doing something in this position some time ago. In this regard, Belmode is still better than Vodka - no wonder the current cadre is leisurely and not risking murderous intent, which is somewhat inconsistent with the situation he expected.

But it’s not a big problem, at least the ice cream is harvested.

And... it's not like Belmod can't squeeze it out again.

Thinking this, Jiang Xia withdrew her gaze, stepped forward and held down the ax in the old doctor's hand.

"Suicide can't solve any problems." He advised gently, "If you want to end this matter... you can only solve the person who caused the problem."

Before he finished speaking, he grabbed the ax with his hand, and with the thick back of the ax facing outward, he struck Senior Tono's wrist with the ax.

The blade passed through an arc of cold light, and there was a teeth-piercing collision. The remote control in Eiji Tono's hand flew out and hit Hattori Heiji beside him.

Hattori Heiji was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he hurriedly held the thing in his hands: "Don't knock it randomly! What if you accidentally touch it!"

Vodka was also frightened into a cold sweat: He never thought that if Uzo was here, the place wouldn't explode - if I remember correctly, this kid has a long history of blowing up buildings. What's even more frightening is that when the explosion happened, he himself He spent a lot of time in the building involved.

This time he didn't dare to go to the theater again. When Eiji Tono covered his wrist and rushed towards Hattori Heiji angrily to take back the remote control, Vodka kicked the ground hard, like a righteous black cannon, knocking the person away.

Eiji Tono just stretched out his arm to hold up the remote control, just to let others see his bomb trump card, but who knew that the detective actually took advantage of the opportunity to sneak up on him.

At this time, the remote control was taken away and the ax was in someone else's hand. He was furious to find that he suddenly became defenseless. And when I looked up again, I saw that the old doctor had retreated to the back - separated by "Mr. Yamada" who was not weak in strength, separated by the two annoying detectives, and even the woman who could kick down a tree with one leg. The high school student didn't know when he got in the middle.

Although I hate to admit it, trying to break through these people and rush to kill the old doctor... seems to be more difficult than crossing the galaxy.

...The plan failed just like that.

Eiji Tono was trembling with anger. The resort activities he had worked so hard to promote finally attracted enemies, but he killed countless people, but he didn't kill the right one.

Seeing that everyone was about to catch him, he held his head and shouted loudly, suddenly turned around, smashed the window, and rushed out.

"He wants to run, chase him quickly!" Hattori Heiji held the remote control in his hands and took the lead and chased him outside the house.

Of course Jiang Xia and Conan also chased away. When it comes to chasing criminals, the detective's reaction should never be slower than anyone else.

As soon as Jiang Xia left, Vodka immediately followed him with a sensitivity that did not match his appearance - although Uzo set up bombs to make sure that he could not distinguish between friend and foe, this little yinbi was just pursuing the authenticity of the stage, nothing more. For a madman who wants to die, staying with him can at least guarantee that there will be a way to survive after hard work, which is always safer than other ways of death.

"Mr. Yamada works so hard. He really sets an example for fans...Does he really want to be Jiang Xia's assistant?" Suzuki Sonoko followed in a murmur, feeling relieved but also a little bit in danger, "As someone who often helps Jiang Xia solve cases, I can't lose to him!"

Of course, Suzuki Sonoko did not chase her out alone. At this time, the three female high school students always advanced and retreated together. Needless to say, the "new doctor" had naturally blended into their team.

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