Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 221 The boat of friendship is on the verge of being broken

Kidd was in a very complicated mood. He felt that all the good monster cards he had just been given out were paid by mistake.

He ran out for a while, and a cold mountain breeze blew by.

Kidd's footsteps gradually slowed down, and he stopped in the middle of the forest. Looking at the cold and terrifying vast darkness around him, he suddenly found that he was impulsive.

——If Kiriten Dog is really a cunning monster, then Kidd's current behavior is undoubtedly like a cannon fodder who is about to break through the hypocritical mask of his accomplices and be brutally silenced.

We must stop foggy dogs from destroying lives.

But we also need to talk about strategy...

Kidd was about to stop and go back to the car to find some useful props.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard an extremely shrill scream.

The voice seemed not far away from him, but it was a little vague. The reason for the vagueness seemed to be that the speaker was covered by something.

Kidd's instinct to save people made him grit his teeth, hold the anesthetic gun and run towards the direction of the sound.

He stopped next to a dense bush, pushed aside the branches and leaves, and couldn't bear to look at the person who screamed.

I originally expected to see a bloody scene of the man in black being hung on a tree and the foggy dogs tearing him alive into pieces.

...but no.

Compared with the scene imagined by Kidd, the actual scene was even harmonious.

——The foggy dog ​​was just carrying a wooden stick that he picked up from nowhere, and he was beating the man in black whose head was covered with black cloth with one stick after another. Occasionally, when the man in black is about to struggle, it will slap the man back to the ground with one wing, and then continue to carry the wooden stick and focus on beating.

Kidd was stunned.

This resulted in a strong sense of déjà vu.

A scene emerged in his mind - on a food show, the chef was introducing the dishes to the audience while using a rolling pin to loosen the fibers of the meat so that he could cook more delicious and juicy meat later...

However, after Kidd observed secretly for a while, he discovered that what the foggy dogs were doing seemed different from what the gourmets were doing.

The foggy dog ​​didn't hit the man in black evenly, but hit wherever it hurt.

...In short, it's just beating people.

Kidd listened to the muffled banging and looked at the man in black howling miserably but unable to get relief, and felt pain in his body.

After watching the situation until now, Kidd has gradually made some guesses about the current situation.

——Currently, it seems that Wutian Dog’s target is the gem that was snatched away.

As far as Kidd knows, the targets of the group of men in black are also various gems. In other words, theoretically speaking, the men in black are also prey of the foggy dogs.


Kidd glanced at the man in black who was beaten so hard that he could only roll on the ground. He thought that maybe this man had attacked Wutian Dog with a gun one time before, so Wutian Dog remembered him.

Thinking of this, Kidd couldn't help but think of the tranquilizer bombs, poker cards and other weapons fired at Kiriten Dog when he was robbed before, and a thin layer of sweat slowly broke out on his forehead...

Not long ago, he felt that Wutian Gou treated him differently and refused to repay him.

Now, Kidd suddenly realized that compared with this person on the ground... Wutian Dog had actually let him go.

Fortunately, his weapons were not very lethal and could not cause much interference to the monsters, so the other party didn't care too much...

Kidd listened to the miserable howl that drifted past his ears, secretly put the tranquilizer gun back on his belt, carefully covered it with his cloak, pretending that he just ran over and just wanted to watch.

At this moment, the man in black lay motionless on the ground, seemingly knocked unconscious.

Wutian Dog poked him with a stick, but received no interesting reaction and stopped tapping without any interest.

Then it suddenly turned its face and looked precisely at the place where Kidd was hiding.

Kidd suddenly looked at Misty Dog across a bush. He was startled.

After hesitating for a moment, he felt that there was no point in hiding, so he pushed aside the bushes and walked out with a slight embarrassment, pretending that he was not peeping just now.

Kidd glanced at the man in black who seemed to be still alive and changed the subject as if nothing had happened: "Do you know him?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

Kidd felt that he understood - things should be what he just thought.

It seems that the foggy dog ​​didn't lie to him before. It didn't take the man in black away just to eat people.

Thinking of this, Kidd felt much better.

——Since the foggy dog ​​has no intention of human flesh, then for it, eating gems seems to be a substitute for eating humans.

If he is robbed by Wutian Dog again in the future... Well, if he lends gems to Wutian Dog again in the future, it will be to save the lives of innocent humans, and everything will be worth it...

There were no lives in the woods. Kidd was relieved and his attention returned to the man in black.

——Since the leader of the men in black is here, it means that this courtyard in the mountains may be their secret base, and there may even be the boss of the men in black inside.

It was some distance away from the courtyard. The mountain breeze and the sound of the stream, as well as the cloth cover on the head of the man in black, which was covered by a dog in the fog, all weakened his screams.

If you are lucky enough, the people in the yard may not know that such a change has occurred outside.

Kidd thought about it, feeling a little moved.

Soon, he put his heart into action and simply disguised himself as Slack, intending to sneak into the enemy's lair and gather information.

Wutian Dog stood nearby, watching him silently, as if observing his dressing-up skills.

Kidd noticed its gaze and thought for a moment, thinking that those men in black were carrying guns with them after all, and this trip might be dangerous...

Kidd looked at Jiang Xia next to him and said tactfully: "There should be gems stolen from various places in their base. If I can get out smoothly, I will pack them up and bring them to you."

I hope Brother Tengu can understand his hint and take advantage of him at a critical moment...

Jiang Xia glanced in the direction of the courtyard.

According to the detection by the ghosts, there is no energy core there, so there are probably no gems there.

However, Kidd, as the largest energy source production base at present, is better off alive and deserves his help as a lookout.

Kidd saw the foggy dog ​​nodded casually.

Although his fellow monsters seemed unmotivated, Kidd still felt that his safety factor had been greatly improved.

Kidd put on Slack's clothes and gear, returned to the car, and found a group of boys who had just woken up from the effects of the tranquilizer bomb, and all of them were still a little dazed.

The boys seemed to be just a group of emotionless tools to support the cards. Although they were very confused about what happened just now, when they saw "Srek" looking like he was in control of the overall situation, they immediately put away their questions and silently followed Kidd into the courtyard. Found the manager of this stronghold.

Kidd forged a sapphire before stealing it.

He handed the counterfeit to Slack's boss, a bald man in a kimono.

The bald man looked at the gem in his hand and showed a satisfied smile: "Well done, Slack. I will report to that adult as soon as possible."

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