Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2376 2380 [Haihara Ai was attacked]

Jiang Xia seemed a little surprised: "What method?"

Hui Yuan Ai hesitated to speak. After thinking about it, she couldn't reveal that this matter was related to Anonymous, so she had to take it all on herself: "I accidentally made a one-time antidote, and he discovered it. Already..."

——Conan will not tell Jiang Xia about the organization anyway, and Jiang Xia will not go to Conan for confirmation. The problem is not big, and he should be able to hide it.

Jiang Xia seemed to believe it. He thought for a while and actively helped his former colleague solve the problem: "Then I find someone to take the antidote back from him?"

"This... I don't think it's appropriate." Hui Yuan Ai knew in her heart that the antidote actually came from Anonymous. She didn't want the two parties to confront each other in such a direct way, and the group of boys Jiang Xia usually used were not the same in any way. Anonymous opponent.

She followed her conscience and tried to find an excuse: "The purpose of grabbing it directly is too obvious. If it is revealed to Kudo that you know the antidote, he will definitely pester you and ask questions in the future."

"Yes." Jiang Xia seemed to be convinced by her. He thought for a while and then said, "Then scare him - Conan is just optimistic, not really fearless. As long as he truly feels the consequences of revealing his identity, then even if there is an antidote at hand , he will have more concerns when using it.”

"This is the truth." Haiyuan sighed, "But I have told him many times about the consequences of exposing his identity, and I have also emphasized the terrifying and powerful organization, but the way he looked when he got the antidote... …It really doesn’t seem like I’m listening.”

Jiang Xia shook his head: "It's useless to just rely on reasoning. Detectives always pay more attention to practice - only by experiencing it personally can you truly understand the feeling."

Hui Yuan Ai's heart moved: "You mean..."

Jiang Xia seemed to remember something and got up from the sofa at Dr. Ali's house: "Follow me."

The two passed through the hole in the railing that was recently blasted by Dr. Ali's new invention and arrived at Jiang Xia's house.

Jiang Xia opened the cabinet, rummaged for a moment, took out something and handed it to Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuarai stretched out her hand curiously.

Then Gudong caught a heavy pistol

She was stunned for a moment, looked at Jiang Xia, then lowered her head and stared blankly at the gun in her hand.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Haibara Ai:"………"

Hui Yuan Ai was excited, tiptoed and stuffed the gun back into the cabinet: "Put it away quickly, what if someone sees it!"

Jiang Xia picked up the gun again and put it against her head with her backhand.

The cold and heavy muzzle of the gun touched his skin. Haiyuan Ai's movements froze, with a look of disbelief on his face, and he slowly raised his hands.

The next moment, under the gaze of her trembling eyes, Jiang Xia's fingertips moved and she pressed the trigger expressionlessly.


A stream of cool water splashed on Hui Yuan Ai's forehead.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Haibara Ai:"…… # "

"It's a water gun." Jiang Xia laughed and handed her a clean handkerchief.

He weighed the heavy iron toy in his hand and showed it to Haiyuan Ai again: "How is it? It's not bad, right? I went to many stores to customize it to look like this."

Hui Yuan Ai held the handkerchief and wiped his face expressionlessly: "..." Which store? Tell me and I will report it now.

After she finished wiping, Jiang Xia handed the water gun to her hand and said generously: "I lent it to you - since even you can't tell the difference for a while, it's probably the same for others."

Hui Yuan Ai hugged the gun, listened to Jiang Xia's words, and suddenly had an epiphany.

She weighed the "pistol", remembering her fluctuating mood just now, and thinking of Conan's happy appearance who was not afraid of causing trouble. A cold smile belonging to an organization cadre slowly crossed her lips.

——She cannot be the only one to suffer this fright.

Try the power of organization, naive detective.

Jiang Xia looked down at Hui Yuan Ai's expression and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he touched the mini-cadre's head and warned: "Conan is a detective with very keen observation after all, and any detail will be caught by him - when you go to scare him, you must be in the mood to really kill him. ”

Huiyuan Ai held the gun and nodded with interest.

Suddenly she remembered something: "In this case... you have to do me a little favor."

That night, the Maori Detective Agency.

Two shadows, one large and one small, covered in starlight and moonlight, came furtively downstairs.

Jiang Xia looked up at this unfathomable building, hesitated for a moment, and quietly took out the dry rice cat, while whispering to Haiyuan Ai: "Safety first, if you meet Xiaolan, and unfortunately she thinks you are a thief , just say loudly that Conan invited you to play hide and seek, don’t force yourself.”

Hui Yuan Ai thought of the doors that died tragically at Mao Lilan's feet, as well as the gangsters who tried to compete with Mao Lilan one after another, and then never came back again. She did not dare to be careless and nodded cautiously.

The two looked at each other, Jiang Xia opened the side window that she had secretly opened with puppet clay before, then she picked up Haiyuan Ai and put her into the house.

Hui Yuan Ai landed lightly. She stood on tiptoe, nodded to Jiang Xia through the window, then identified the direction, gently opened the door, and walked upstairs.

the other side.

When Conan got the antidote, he was so excited that he didn't even eat much dinner. His mind was filled with thoughts about the happy life after turning back into a high school boy.

However, no matter how excited he was, he could not offset his physical hunger. It didn't take long for him to taste the consequences of not eating well.

His stomach was rumbling, but Conan tried his best to ignore it but failed. After struggling for a while, he had no choice but to sit up and go to the kitchen to find some snacks to fill his stomach.

Maori and his daughter were still sleeping. Conan was very ethical and did not turn on the light. He used the street light outside and rubbed his eyes all the way to the kitchen.

When he knelt down to open the cabinet door, Conan realized something was wrong.

"The clothes hanger by the door looks a little weird?" Conan muttered to himself, "It's summer recently, but why do I feel like there's a coat underneath it, vaguely humanoid..."

Wait, humanoid? !

Conan looked at the cabinet in front of him and froze suddenly.

The painted cabinets have a smooth surface, reflecting the image in front of them like a mirror in the night. At this time, in this blurry "mirror", a standing figure was vaguely reflected.

——But he is clearly squatting on the ground now.

...There is someone behind you! !

Conan instantly broke out in a cold sweat and woke up from his drowsiness. As he turned around, he instinctively reached out to press the switch of the foot-strength-enhancing shoes... and then sadly and angrily discovered that the foot-strength-enhancing shoes were still lying quietly in the shoe cabinet next to the bed—— He had nothing on his feet except a pair of sandals.


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