Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2399 2403 [Story]

The painter frowned, looking dissatisfied with the result. But he was still an adult after all, and he soon realized that it was impossible for him to recapture the drawing book from a group of policemen with his own helpless hands.

So the writer decisively changed the path leading to his goal. He stared at Akai Shuichi and began to think about which part of this guy was the most suspicious. At present, this tall man is probably the murderer. That is to say, as long as this person is caught and brought to justice, His picture album will be back.

Being stared at by him, Akai Shuichi felt like he had an extra spirit behind him: "..."

Although this painter also appeared in the previous case, at that time, he exited the scene as a victim whose head was broken by the murderer and nearly died.

The list in Akai Shuichi's hand was too long, so he didn't pay extra attention to this painter, but he didn't expect that now...

"Did this man survive the catastrophe and get Uzo's attention, or is he originally a subordinate of Uzo, but Uzo deliberately placed him in my blind spot?"

A series of possibilities flashed through Akai Shuichi's mind: "If it's the latter, that guy's control of the situation is terrible... But on the other hand, in this way, we also caught the clue of the painter, which is not a big deal. What a loss.”

Under the gaze of the painter, Akai Shuichi also looked back at him meaningfully, and there was once again a bold highlight on the list of suspects in his mind.

Although it was possible that he was thinking too much, he didn't think that the artist's "Death Picture of Akai Shuichi" was just a pure coincidence - the investigation of this guy would definitely yield results.

In the distance, the FBI members among the passers-by were observing the situation here, but suddenly the tip of their nose felt itchy, and Ah Jiu sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and quickly shrank deeper into the crowd.

After he successfully got rid of the sight attracted by the sneeze, he looked at the cherry blossom trees in the distance and sighed quietly: "..." Spring is here, and it's time for the cherry blossoms to bloom. This time seems to be very suitable for traveling.

When chasing the mysterious organization to Tokyo, he once thought: The opponent is an organization known for being mysterious and difficult to deal with. It is difficult for them to catch clues. In this way, since they have no way to start, they will have a lot of free time. Time - so he planned to have a good tour of Tokyo and have an unforgettable encounter with a beautiful Asian lady under the cherry blossom trees, but now...

"Why, why are you so busy all of a sudden?"

The FBI members thought of the increasingly thick list, and their eyes looking at the sky gradually became full of melancholy: "Can't Mr. Akai screen the list and let us investigate? I don't know why, but I always feel that if he is allowed to continue like this, then This list will not shrink at all, it will only grow.”

The painter and Akai Shuichi each have their own suspicious aspects, but this problem is not difficult to solve - the Megure Police Department each made a fifty-fifty attack and searched both of them decisively.

Unfortunately, except for some strange-looking props that seemed to be cursed items found on the painter's body, nothing was gained for the time being.

The Mu Mu Police Department sighed and had no choice but to ask their subordinates to step up the search and collect as many clues as possible from the scene.

After he walked away, Jiang Xia walked to the long table where the evidence was placed, reached out and poked a dark puppet found from the painter: "What is this?"

Kobayashi Seiji looked up and recalled: "I passed by a haunted house a while ago and bought it from the owner's wife - this puppet originally belonged to the owner's grandmother, but his grandmother ten years ago A hit-and-run accident killed an innocent passerby, so five years ago, she was approached and killed by the son of the car accident victim.

"As an only daughter, the owner's mother inherited everything from her grandmother, including this puppet."

When the painter said this, he couldn't help but walked over and reached out to touch the bare puppet: "It didn't look like this before. At that time, it was a beautiful handmade doll the size of a palm, wearing a gorgeous long skirt and blond hair." In order to commemorate her deceased mother, the Lord’s mother used it as a pendant and carried it with her.

"Three years ago, the son of a car accident victim was released from prison on parole due to illness. The mother of the house owner resented him for killing her mother, so she visited his home on the pretext that the deceased in the car accident had left something for him before he died, and took the opportunity to kill her. he.

“The mother of the house owner is a smart and strong woman, and there were no detectives nearby at the time of the crime. In the end, she destroyed the evidence in time and escaped legal punishment.

"But a month later, this smart middle-aged woman was killed by an employee of her club while she was taking a nap - that employee was actually the sister of the car accident victim's son. She changed her surname after getting married, but the brother and sister The two had a good relationship before.”

"In this case of murder, the blood of the owner's mother was splattered on the puppet."

The painter picked up the blackened puppet and touched its head with pity: "The owner of the house was grieved and frightened by the murders that happened one after another at home, and finally got angry at the poor child. He collected the belongings of his mother and grandmother, He planned to burn all these things, but his idle brother had a wrong idea. After discovering the owner's plan, he took the opportunity to fake a fire and burned the owner to death. "

"The owner's wife was originally going to be burned to death, but she happened to have something to do that day and left the house temporarily...Later, I passed by and bought the things she planned to throw away."

The painter became more and more emotional as he talked, and finally couldn't help but pick up the puppet and kiss it reverently: "Stupid mortals think it is unlucky, but for me, it is the key to the door of art!"


Suzuki Sonoko's head was filled with questions. She sorted out the situation: "In other words, you thought this puppet would bring the curse of death, so you bought it?"

The painter didn't nod or shake his head, and was still concentrating on touching his murder props - except for Jiang Xia, he didn't seem to be very interested in other people's conversations.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes twitched when she saw it: "..." Could this guy regard Jiang Xia as something similar to a cursed puppet? Jiang Xia is not these unlucky little toys! He was just a little enthusiastic and ran to wherever there was a case, so he seemed to be involved in murders... Well, that's probably true.

Next to him, Jiang Xia also seemed to be attracted by this bizarre and tortuous experience with a high concentration of murders. He confirmed with great interest: "Did these cases really happen, or were they stories made up by the house owner's wife?"

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