Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2403 2407 [Kudo Shinichi faded]

Hattori Heiji struggled to get out of Toyama Kazuha's hands, with a frustrated look on his face: After he put on the foundation and looked in the mirror, he felt that his disguise was perfect! Therefore, just now, he had carefully thought about how to reveal that he was not "Kudo Shinichi" calmly and elegantly... But who would have thought that even if Jiang Xia, a detective with extremely keen observation skills, could confront several other classmates? Recognized him.

"It doesn't make sense, what's wrong with it?!" Hattori Heiji wanted to struggle again, but when he quietly took out the mirror and took a look, he fell silent.

——In the mirror, the carefully applied foundation on his face has been rubbed into pieces by a classmate with great strength, completely revealing the unique skin color underneath.


After a moment of silence, Hattori Heiji resignedly took out his handkerchief, wiped off all the remaining liquid foundation, and then returned his hairstyle to his usual look: "..." It's not a big problem. It was meant to be exposed. This is not a disguise. Mistake, this... this is just part of the plan!

"It's really you who didn't stay in Osaka and came here to cause trouble for us." Next to him, the Megure Police Department looked at the dark face and was speechless.

He wanted to condemn him a few more times, but he remembered that this child's father was the top leader of the Osaka Prefectural Police. After a moment of silence, the Mumu Police Department decided to go to work.

"Okay, let's continue investigating the case." He left the naive black high school student who liked pranks behind him and turned to the deceased's friends as if nothing had happened. "Judging from the paper cups used to hold the coffee, the deceased drank it before his death." A drink, did he buy it from the stall over there? "

The female nurse nodded, but soon, she suddenly remembered something and shook her head carefully: "He ordered it, but he didn't buy it with his own hands."

Next to him, the short-haired female clerk raised her hand carefully: "I bought all the drinks for us. I already like coffee, and today I smelled the aroma wafting from the stall over there as soon as I walked in, so I planned to buy a cup. ”

She pointed to the drink stall near the auditorium: "There were four of us here together. I couldn't just order for myself, so I asked everyone what they wanted to drink. Then they went to find seats, and I went to queue and bought four Drinks for one person.”

Hattori Heiji thought of the poor Tokyo classmate who was being stared at by the organization, and decided to show his presence to divert Kudo Shinichi's attention. He began to doubt everything: "You bought the drinks and went back to your seat directly without doing anything extra?"

The female clerk was stunned for a moment and understood what he meant. She was so scared that she waved her hands: "It did take some effort to queue up, but as soon as I got the drink, I immediately returned to where everyone was - at that time I had two hands Holding four glasses of drinks, you can't do anything even if you want to!

"After meeting everyone, I handed the drinks to Mr. Mitani, who was sitting next to me, and asked them to share them. Then I went to the bathroom by myself."

"That's it." Police Chief Megure took out his notebook, jotted down some notes, and then skillfully turned to Mr. Mitani, the hospital security guard among the four people mentioned by the previous suspect, "That is, "Did you pass the drink in the deceased's hand?"

The security guard suddenly became alert after hearing this. He was also from Tokyo. He knew the current situation very well, so he quickly explained: "I didn't hand the coffee to him directly! The person sitting next to me is Yumei, and the one who died next to Yumei is Gengping, when the drinks were distributed, they were passed from person to was not me who poisoned them!"

"That's it..." The eyes of the Memu Police Department then fell on the "Merry Dream" lady he mentioned, that is, the fashionably dressed female nurse.

The fashionable female nurse was shocked: "Look what I did, I didn't poison myself! At that time, San Gu handed me two drinks, one was my own orange juice, the other was Gengping's coffee - both of my hands were occupied, There was no way to poison him. And I turned around and handed it to him as soon as I got the drink. I didn’t even have time to open the lid of the cup!”

The security guard muttered: "Me too, you were looking at me when I was getting the drink. I didn't have time to poison him."

The two looked at each other and reached an agreement instantly. The fashionable female nurse looked at the female clerk who was responsible for buying drinks: "Although we all believe you, after thinking about it, you are the only one who has the chance to poison - the scene was very chaotic at the time, and we didn't even notice that you came back immediately after buying the drinks. Yes, some tricks were done along the way."

Not to be outdone, the female clerk said: "Who said the poison must have been administered while dividing the drinks? Gengping died some time after the play started. We all work in the hospital, and we know very well how quickly cyanide takes effect—— Let me tell you, someone might have secretly poured poison into his cup while he was concentrating on the performance."

"If you want to do this kind of thing, you must be very close to Gengping." As she said that, she raised her hand and pointed at the fashionable female nurse. "You, sitting to the left of Gengping, undoubtedly meet this condition. In addition..."

The female clerk waved her hand and decisively brought Akai Shuichi in: "The same goes for the gentleman sitting on the right side of Kohei! Don't forget, when Kohei fell, he held on to his trousers."

The other two people were startled at first, then suddenly realized.

——Why worry about internal strife? Isn't there a ready-made suspect?

"Think about it carefully, Gengping is a doctor." The security guard said hesitantly. This honest-looking man was not slow at all in thinking. "Although he has superb medical skills and is very talented, as long as it is surgery, it is difficult to do it." 100% success rate - if the patient's family members are angry with him and find this opportunity to murder him, it seems reasonable. "

The fashionable female nurse quickly added: "In addition to family members, there may also be lovers or secret admirers who have not been registered in the information - I suggest you first check if anyone around this gentleman has died of serious illness!"

Akai Shuichi, who became the target of public criticism in the blink of an eye: "..."

He was silent for a moment, adjusting the hat on his head, and his mood was calm: It's not a big problem. In fact, when he saw the tragic scene of Judy going back and forth to the police station, he had already been vaguely prepared to encounter this situation. .

As for the countermeasures, Akai Shuichi already knew it well.

Under the gaze of the police and several other suspects, he calmly spoke: "Everyone has suspicions and may have motives. Rather than wasting time by guessing like now, it is better to find evidence first."

That's right, Akai Shuichi's countermeasure is: he has never poisoned the deceased, and he also believes that with his vigilance, no one can forcefully stuff physical evidence on him to frame him shamefully.

In this case, with Jiang Xia, a keen detective, as long as he keeps calm, his chances of successfully escaping from the police are actually not low.

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