Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 224 Take me with the number sequence

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and decided to try it first.

As long as you are lucky enough and operate properly, you may not be able to accomplish what you want to do.

Jiang Xia remembered that in the original world line, the intersection between Asahi Shengyi and Mouri Kogoro was that Mouri Kogoro helped Asahi Shengyi find his lost cat.

He turned off his computer, went to Toru Amuro's detective agency, and looked through the cat's diary and the appointment book hanging at the door.

However, in the column of the client, Xu Shengyi’s name did not appear, and there was no other person named Xu, such as Xu Shengyi’s wife.

...I don’t know if the cat is still missing.

It was actually already lost, but Asahi Shengyi didn't go to him to check. Instead, he was influenced by the stubborn world line and went to Mouri Kogoro.

After all, although the murder cases of Kogoro Mouri are now snatched away by young people with no martial ethics, the Moori Detective Agency is still famous for finding all kinds of things.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Jiang Xia simply found a few new peripherals given to him by Kinoshita Yoko, and took them as an excuse to go to the Maori Detective Agency to find out the news.

Mouri Kogoro is usually unkempt, with orders piled up on the table. Jiang Xia glanced around and saw Xu Shengyi's cat-finding commission.

The photo shows a ginger-colored cat with a patch of heart-shaped white fur on its side. The color and features of the fur are very unique.

Jiang Xia looked at the photo and felt that he had found the entry point into Mouri Kogoro's case.

——Judging from the completion status of the notes on the order form, Mouri Kogoro has not been able to find the cat yet.

When it comes to finding cats, Jiang Xia happens to have a group of younger brothers who are extremely talented in this area.

If he could pick up the cat first and send the cat to Mouri Kogoro, when Moori Kogoro meets Asahi Shengyi with "Nine" in his name in the future, he might be able to think of Jiang Xia and learn from "Jiang". "Take out a "two" or something like that.

In this way, Jiang Xia can naturally participate.

Thinking of this, while Mouri Kogoro was happily opening Kinoshita Yoko's not-for-sale peripherals, Jiang Xia picked up the cat photo.

He hesitated and said: "This cat... I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Mouri Kogoro was startled and temporarily put down the peripherals. He was still more concerned about the client's commission: "Do you still remember the specific location?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "It seems to be next to the Metropolitan Police Department."

This is a lie.

Jiang Xia had only seen the beautiful photo of this cat, which she saw on Mouri Kogoro's table a few seconds ago, but had never seen the real cat at all.

Jiang Xia would say this just to pave the way for catching the cat in the future - it would be more reasonable if he had seen the cat, cared about this commission, and then suddenly caught the cat and gave it to Mouri Kogoro.

If you can't find the cat in the future, of course it doesn't matter. Cats are creatures that wander all over the world as soon as they go out. If you see them once, you can't catch them. It's very reasonable.

And if he is caught, there is no foreshadowing, and he brings a cat to Mouri Kogoro for no reason, and then a few days later, the cat's owner is suddenly brutally murdered... I always feel that something is wrong if I think about it carefully.

Jiang Xia objectively evaluated himself and felt that he was not a law-abiding citizen with no flaws.

Therefore, if you can avoid some coincidences that easily arouse suspicion, it is best to avoid them as much as possible. Although there is nothing wrong with two of them at the same time, this kind of thing is like toxins accumulated in the body. If it accumulates too much, it will one day be on the verge of falling out.

If you lose your vest as a good citizen, you can't get into trouble as long as you don't have evidence. But then the good people on the red side will be wary of it, and they won’t be able to pick up ghosts as easily as they are now...

Mouri Kogoro didn't think too much. He wrote down the place Jiang Xia mentioned and prepared to look for it later.

Jiang Xia checked in at Mouri Kogoro's office, got the information he wanted, and left quickly.

After leaving the Maori Detective Agency, Jiang Xia sent a group message to her brothers, asking them to pay more attention to the cat with the side stripe.

At the same time, he stopped by Dr. Ali's house, intending to see if any fresh cats had been delivered - in case any of the younger brothers were gifted and saw a cat that didn't look like a stray cat and caught it. Woolen cloth.

Unfortunately, Dr. A Li does not have the cat Jiang Xia is looking for.

But there are dishes he wants to eat.

Jiang Xia had a meal with Hui Yuan Ai and continued to urge her younger brother to find the cat.

He himself temporarily returned to the detective agency to deal with the odd commissions that he had squeezed in during his trip to Mermaid Island. After returning home, I had to check other cases that might happen in the near future - on the list sent by Ginjiu, there was another name that Jiang Xia found familiar.

Just two days later, when Jiang Xia was looking through information at home, she suddenly received a message from the yellow-haired boy.

——Huang Mao said that he saw the cat Jiang Xia was looking for on the balcony of an apartment building.

Jiang Xia quickly arrived at the place he was talking about and looked up.

This apartment has a total of six floors. The target cat is lying on the balcony railing of a house on the fourth floor, sleeping peacefully.

I don’t know if it was picked up by someone or if it climbed up on its own.

However, most people would not leave their cats on a semi-open balcony. Jiang Xia thinks it is more likely to be the latter.

The location on the fourth floor is neither up nor down. It is not easy for humans to get the cat.

Jiang Xia looked around and found that it was quite quiet with no one around.

So he wanted to send his younger brother away, randomly made a large bird out of clay, and caught the cat.

However, the younger brother had just left and when Jiang Xia was about to hide aside and pinch the puppet, the ghosts suddenly reacted.

——There is murderous intent in that house.

It's not strong, but it's there.

Jiang Xia was startled.

After thinking for a moment, he put away the puppet clay and walked into the apartment building.

This condominium does not have unit doors.

Jiang Xia glanced at the mailbox on the first floor, compared it with the room number he had just seen, and found that the resident of the house where the target cat was located was named Uemura Naoki.

This name gave Jiang Xia a sense of familiarity.

In my impression, Naoki Uemura is a slightly famous football player. Not long ago, during a training session, his calf was accidentally kicked by his friend Hideo Akagi and broke.

Naoki Uemura firmly believes that Hero Akagi kicked his right leg deliberately because he was worried about being surpassed by him.

So Uemura Naoki took advantage of his relationship with Hero Akagi to bring Hero Akagi's younger brother to his home to play during an important game, and fabricated the illusion that his younger brother had been kidnapped. He anonymously sent a threatening letter to Hero Akagi, demanding that Hero Akagi played match-fixing and deliberately lost the game.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia asked Guipiao to go upstairs and take a look at the situation.

In room No. 402, there were two people, one large and one small.

The child was concentrating on playing games, while the adult had a cast on his right leg. He sat next to him, watching the football match on TV with a gloomy expression.

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