Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2412 2416 [Akai Shuichi’s Gun] Please vote for me

Chapter 2412 2416 [Akai Shuichi’s Gun] Please vote for me ()

When the two detectives were busy solving the case.

In the corner, Kudo Shinichi was listening to all this silently: "..."

Damn it, if it weren't for the insidious gin and vodka, he wouldn't have to hide like a thief now - he really wanted to suddenly appear when the police were in a dead end like he did before, and have a hearty reasoning. But actually...

Seeing the police handcuffing the suspect, Kudo Shinichi realized that the case was about to come to an end and had to take a few steps back and quietly left here before others found him.

He was wrapped in the hero's clothes to avoid probing glances from nearby organizations.

After staying away from the scene, Kudo Shinichi hesitated for a long time and took out his mobile phone.

A cafe near Didan Middle School.

Hui Yuan Ai dyed her hair, put on a hood, held her cell phone, pursed her lips, and prepared for the possible danger.

——Although the Anonymous are generally very reliable, there shouldn’t be any big problems with their plan. But on the other hand, Haibara Ai has also known Conan for a long time, and she is quite familiar with the detective's occasional boldness and confidence.

Now that the antidote is in Conan's hands, Haibara Ai only feels that there is a nuclear bomb counting down nearby, and it seems that the next moment he will see Gin follow Kudo Shinichi and find them.

This made Haiyuan Ai unable to sit still for a moment, so she put on her phone, opened her mailbox, and quietly came to Didan Middle School, a possible front line, planning to report what happened to Anonymous at all times to avoid delaying the opportunity.

While waiting anxiously, the phone rang.

Haiyuan Ai, who was distracted, suddenly regained consciousness. She frowned and looked at her phone, and then she saw Conan's number on the caller ID.

"It's coming." The always pessimistic mini-scientist looked at the screen and murmured to himself, "What is supposed to come is coming..."

He didn't know if the phone call would be answered by Kudo Shinichi's last words before his death, or by Gin's sinister sneer of "I found you."

...No matter what, you have to face what you have to face.

Hui Yuarai took a deep breath and answered the phone with bated breath.

Kudo Shinichi's voice came from the other side.

"Um..." Kudo Shinichi said with difficulty in a tone of last words, "Have you got any medicine to make you smaller again?"

Haibara Ai:"……?"

Kudo Shinichi thought of the comfort of his friends and Mao Lilan's fist, and finally made up his mind, and said in one breath: "The time is not right now. I want to change back, but this temporary antidote is still taking effect... This The effect of the medicine is too strong, don’t you have something to stop it from taking effect?”

Haibara Ai:"???"

She reviewed what she had just said to make sure she heard correctly, so she took off her phone and carefully checked the incoming call notification.

Haibara Ai: "..." Well, it's Kudo's number.

But how could that guy who keeps clamoring about getting bigger every day say such things? She thought that after this experience, Conan would chase her and Anonymous for the antidote every day like an addiction, but now...

Something is wrong.

Could it be that the thing that was talking opposite was actually not Kudo Shinichi, but Gin who caught Kudo and found his bow-tie voice changer, so it turned into his voice and wanted to lure her out of her hole by delivering medicine?

After a brief moment of doubt, Haihara Ai silently gave up the idea: Well, if you think about it carefully, this is indeed not Gin's style of doing things - since the first call after answering the phone was not that terrifying voice, then it means that Kudo Shinichi has not been caught yet.

...So it was really the confident guy who asked to become smaller?

Hui Yuan Ai rubbed his face, suspecting that he hadn't woken up yet.

"Hello? Hello?" She put the phone to her ear again and heard the urging voice from the other side, "Is it true that there is no antidote?"

Hui Yuan Ai stirred the coffee in front of him and said with an indifferent expression: "Of course not, unless you try to swallow another aptx4869, but I don't know if you will die this time."

"Alas..." Kudo Shinichi said, "Then I'll think of a way."

He hung up the phone with a click.

Huihara Ai, who was about to ask him what happened: "..."

...Although there was no evidence, she felt as if she had missed a big show.

When the high school detective was avoiding all forces in Didan Middle School and fighting for his life.

The venue where the play takes place.

The case came to an end, and the police took the murderer who had no fighting spirit into the police car.

The suspects were also asked to go to the police station to take notes. However, not everyone wants to cooperate, and not everyone likes to visit the police station - everyone used various reasons to delay the time of taking notes. In the end, only three acquaintances of the deceased followed the Memu Police Department to the Metropolitan Police Department. .

When the Memu Police Department left, some people were left to deal with the scene. The police officers carefully collected various physical evidence, and the onlookers also left the scene one after another.

In the corner where no one was paying attention, Akai Shuichi walked to the window and reached into the gap behind the curtain to fumble around.

However, nothing was touched.


He paused, adjusted his angle, and started groping again.

Still found nothing.

Akai Shuichi: "...?"

He had no choice but to risk exposing himself by opening the curtains and looking behind him. Then he looked at the empty blind corner and fell into silence.

Judy noticed something strange about him and came over curiously: "What's wrong?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Where's the gun?

Where is the gun he secretly hid here to prevent the police from searching him?

the other side.

Several high school students returned to the backstage and packed up today's stage props.

Suzuki Sonoko sighed while cleaning up: "It's such a pity that the play I prepared so carefully was terminated only halfway through."

The "new teacher" who was helping silently on the side: "..." It's okay. On the other hand, your classmate's drama has come to a complete end, and you have made an indelible contribution in it.

Mao Lilan also felt a little regretful about this carefully rehearsed drama, but compared to this, her attention was more focused on another thing.

"You..." She looked at Hattori Heiji and asked slightly suspiciously, "The person who played the leading role on stage before was really you?"

Hattori Heiji glanced at the "new doctor" out of the corner of his eye, and vaguely remembered that this person was also one of the suspicious persons mentioned by Kudo Shinichi.

While he was thinking about why there were so many suspicious people around the Tokyo detective, he loyally helped his deceitful colleague clean up the mess: "Of course! Who else could it be?"

Mao Lilan looked at Suzuki Sonoko for confirmation.

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and tried to think, but her thinking failed: "That being said, I'm not too sure either..."

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