Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2425 2429 [Good people who deceive the organization]

Kidd was startled when he suddenly saw a person who looked so much like himself. Then he realized that this was not the doppelgänger from some urban ghost story, but the high school detective Kudo Shinichi...

Then he was startled again.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Didn't that detective become a primary school student - standing next to Jiang Xia! In this case, who is this high school student version of Kudo Shinichi outside? !

...Are there other people here who can disguise themselves?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Kidd suddenly realized something was wrong. He looked intently at the primary school student next to Jiang Xia's legs, and examined the child's eyes exposed behind the flat mirror.

Then it suddenly dawned on me: This was not Conan, but someone else pretending to be him. No wonder this kid is so quiet today, so low-key and weird.

Then the question comes again - didn't Kudo Shinichi become smaller? Why did it suddenly expand again?

Kidd stared at the guy outside who was anxious to squeeze over, feeling briefly dazed.

But he soon realized that now was not the time to think about this: no matter what the reason for Kudo Shinichi's growth was, this detective was not Jiang Xia. What if this guy became angry because he was impersonating him and was determined to send him away? If you go in, things may be a little troublesome.

With this thought in mind, Kidd glanced at the narrow and crowded corridor, then at the large number of police officers around him... Finally, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and silently slipped out of the crowd.

Kidd: "..." Anyway, he was just here to report the news. Now that the matter is over, there is no need to force him to stay. Tonight's murder case was not his purpose. His real business was at Tokyo Tower - before he figured out the purpose of the guys who sent him notice letters, he didn't want to tangle with the police from the first search section.

The Phantom Thief is obviously much more flexible than some detectives.

When Kudo Shinichi finally squeezed into the front line of the onlookers, the Phantom Thief had quietly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The policeman guarding the cordon just watched another "Kudo Shinichi" walk away, and then saw Kudo Shinichi jumping out of the crowd. The two were stunned for a moment: "So fast?"

Kudo Shinichi exhaled, straightened his crooked collar, and said angrily: "That risk...!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something.

——It’s not just Kudo Yukiko and Kidd who can disguise themselves. If I remember correctly, according to Haibara Ai, there are also people in the organization who have similar abilities.

This made Kudo Shinichi's heart skip a beat, and he suddenly became unconfident about the guy he just saw: Is that impostor pretending to be his mother who was playing pranks on him, or is he Kidd with an ulterior motive, or... that one? Someone sent by the organization to fish?

The guilty Kudo Shinichi lost his arrogance in the blink of an eye, and had the urge to retreat into the crowd and hide quickly.

However, it seemed that it was already too late. The moment he squeezed out, the city wall composed of melon-eating people closed again, locking him in tightly.

At this moment, Jiang Xia noticed the movement here and walked over to take a look. The keen detective quickly discovered the problem: "It's you, come in quickly, we're going to solve the case."

Kudo Shinichi was pulled into the scene with a confused look on his face. It took him a few seconds to react and whispered: "...Wait a minute, you know that Kudo Shinichi just now is fake?" Then you still get along with him? So harmonious? !

Jiang Xia: "It's Kidd. He..." He thought for a moment, "He should be here to do good things."

Kudo Shinichi: "?"

Good people and good deeds?

That Phantom Thief?

Kudo Shinichi was slightly relieved to learn that the guy pretending to be himself was Kidd, not a disguised person from that organization.

However, when he heard that a sniper was squatting on the roof, his heart suddenly raised again: Could it be that someone from that organization happened to be performing a mission nearby? ——Sniper rifles are difficult to acquire, but if that organization is the one holding them, then things suddenly become reasonable.

If this is the case, then being impersonated by Kidd will actually make the members of the organization think that the resurrected "Kudo Shinichi" is actually a Kaitou disguised... In this way, what Jiang Xia just said is still true in a sense. You're right, Kidd is actually here to do good people and good deeds.

Thinking of this, Kudo Shinichi's courage suddenly became stronger again, and he no longer had the same sense of crisis as a guilty conscience just now - it seems that he can solve a case happily today!

At this time, the president Qian Jin, who was crying bitterly next to her, finally calmed down a little.

The three key members who were busy comforting him breathed a sigh of relief, and had time to express their feelings: "The president was still alive and well when he entered the elevator before, but who knew now... Oh, I really didn't expect that it would be the last time. ”

Originally they just muttered a few words, but as soon as they finished speaking, the detective and policeman next to them suddenly looked over: "In other words, the last people who saw the deceased were the three of you?"

Three key members watched the president enter the elevator: "...?"

They realized something was wrong belatedly and waved their hands hastily: "That's true, but we are not the murderers - the eldest lady can testify!"

One of them pointed at Sakurako Tatsumi, whose tears had not yet been wiped away: "As soon as the elevator door closed, the eldest lady came over. She can prove that we did not shoot the president!"

The other person nodded repeatedly and united with the person who spoke just now: "We said hello to Miss Sakurako and left. Only Oba and Miss Sakurako stayed. We have no idea what happened here after that. "

Ohba Satoru, who was pushed out of the team by three people in the blink of an eye: "...I didn't kill anyone either!"

Sakurako Tatsumi came to her senses, held him and sobbed: "I can prove it! Mr. Ohba and I stayed here for a while and then left."

The Mumu Police Department couldn't help but scratch their heads: Why do all the members have alibi?

He thought for a while and asked hopefully: "Is there anyone else in the elevator at that time?"

The four witnesses all shook their heads.

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Next to him, Kudo Shinichi became interested when he heard these situations. He couldn't help but interject: "About what time was it when your president entered the elevator?"

"This..." The social beasts looked at each other, unsure.

"Eight thirty." Sakurako Tatsumi answered without hesitation, "The commemorative reception was just about to start, and I heard the sound of paper salutes."

Mumu Police Department touched his chin and said rigorously: "Your reception will start at 8:30 in the evening?"

"Of course it is!" Tatsumi Sakurako, "And I saw the watch at that time, it was exactly 8:30, not a minute more, not a minute less."

Jiang Xia glanced at her wrist: "But you don't seem to be wearing a watch?"

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