Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2430 2434【Case Solving】

Jiang Xia glanced at the direction of the locker room: "Just like what another detective demonstrated just now, when you and Mr. Oba were kissing, he put one hand around the back of your neck and pressed your ears hard. And he The other hand..."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the elevator button: "Press the door open button here. The door that had been lubricated in advance opened silently behind you, and Mr. Ohba used his free right hand when you were addicted to intimacy. He drew his gun and shot, killing the president who was standing in the elevator on the spot.

“The time of shooting was deliberately set at the moment when the commemorative reception was held. The cheers at the reception and the sound of unfolding paper salutes could well cover up the sound of silenced gunfire and the sound of corpses falling to the ground.

"The elevator door will automatically close if no one is operating it for a period of time, hiding the body in this VIP elevator that few people ride. When you come back to your senses after the kiss, what you see is an ordinary elevator. ”

Sakurako Tatsumi's pupils trembled upon hearing this. She wanted to refute instinctively, but she felt that these words seemed to make sense. And once the matter was revealed, all the details that had been ignored at the time seemed to suddenly become clear in my mind.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Minister Oba quickly snorted: "You have a very good imagination, but no matter how much you like to make up stories, you should respect the facts."

He strode forward and gestured at the speed of the elevator: "When Yingzi and I kissed, more than a minute had passed since the president got on the elevator. This time was long enough for the president to take the elevator back downstairs. , even if I really take the opportunity to open the elevator door, I will only face an empty elevator - the president is not a fool, how could he stand there waiting for me to kill him, your reasoning is simply untenable !”

Jiang Xia looked at him: "President Tatsumi will not wait there just to be murdered by you, but for another reason, he will not mind waiting in the elevator for a while.

"——You suggested to the president in advance that he should pretend to be in poor health and leave early, but in fact suddenly show up at the reception wearing souvenir clothes as a surprise to the employees.

"Whether the employees thought it was a surprise or not, the president readily accepted this idea, which sounded very interesting. So he excused himself from feeling unwell and took the elevator alone without pressing the button for other floors. Instead, he quietly waited in the elevator. , wait for your accomplice to bring him the souvenir clothes.

"The reason why the deceased's clothes showed signs of being untied was because he was preparing to change his clothes at that time. It's just a pity that the president was not waiting for the loyal people who came to him with souvenir clothes. employee, but a fatal bullet.”

"That's it!" The Mumu Police Department had already had questions but couldn't get in the question. When he heard this, everything suddenly made sense. "When the elevator reaches a new floor, it will give out a 'ding' prompt before opening the door. But if it stays on this floor, even if someone outside presses the door close button, there will be no prompt before it opens the door... No wonder Ms. Tatsumi was not alerted by similar sounds when the crime occurred. "

"How is it possible, Mr. Ohba wouldn't do that kind of thing!" Sakurako Tatsumi turned to look at Ohba Satoru expectantly, and then was slightly stunned by the other person's expression, "...well, you can't, right? ”

"Ah? Well, of course." Ohba Satoru took a deep breath and looked forward to a happy life with a lovely wife in his arms and a large inheritance. His tone was firm, "Don't forget, I don't have gun smoke reaction! If that's true. As you said, I must have been covered in gunpowder smoke after the shooting, but the police clearly didn't detect it just now. This is irrefutable proof that I am not the murderer!"

Jiang Xia thought of the big pink star frog with hot eyes, raised her hand and pressed her eyes: "This starts with that mascot that is so popular with you -"

He turned to look behind Ohba Satoru.

Ohba Satoru was startled and looked over suspiciously. When he saw what was behind him clearly, his expression suddenly changed.

——The big pink frog, which had a peculiar aesthetic that not many people wanted to get close to, was actually carried over by two policemen.

When the frog landed, Jiang Xia walked over. He put on the gloves he bought with the organization's funds, squatted down and helped the police click open one of the frog's eyes.

The big black and white plastic eye tilted to the side, revealing a mass of black and white stuff inside - it was a wrinkled plastic bag, and inside the plastic bag was a pitch-black glove. In addition, there was a black glove next to the glove. There are a few light yellow rubber bands scattered around.

"This is the tool you use to avoid the smoke reaction." Jiang Xia handed these things to the forensic police officer aside, and then looked back at Ohba Satoru, whose face was ashen:

“You put the gun and gloves into a plastic bag in sequence, and then tie the mouth of the bag with a rubber band, thus making a ‘gun glove’ that is easy to wear.

"Before the elevator door opened, you put your hand into this unique glove and held the handle of the gun. As soon as the elevator door opened, you immediately used it to shoot the president who was exposed in the door.

“The smoke produced by the shooting was blocked by the plastic bag and did not splash on you, and the bullet casing also fell into it, so there was no need to recycle it.

"Wearing such a thing on your hand is certainly eye-catching, but you have already considered this. Before the incident, you used the reason that 'the corridor is darker to facilitate the surprise appearance of the president wearing a mascot suit', and darkened the The light in front of the elevator is blocked, so that even if you retract the gun slower, it will not be noticed by Miss Tatsumi who was present at the time. "

Jiang Xia looked at Sakurako Tatsumi's neck again: "He gave you this necklace tonight because it would allow you to go to the bathroom to adjust and replace it. While you were wearing the necklace to touch up your makeup, Mr. Ohba took the opportunity to throw in the pistol. The garbage channel of the mobile phone was opened, and it fell into the underground garbage collection point.”

The Mumu Police Department was extremely happy. He felt that he smelled the smell of get off work. He said to his subordinates: "Check the fingerprints on this plastic bag immediately! As for you..."

He turned to the field department and was about to seriously ask this guy to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department with him to cooperate with the investigation. However, when he looked closely, he found that the murderer was actually smiling.

The Mumu Police Department was stunned for a moment: "Why are you laughing?"

"Even if there are my fingerprints on the plastic bag, does it prove that I am the murderer?" Ohba Satoru felt the joy of a hunter, harvesting his prey leisurely. He turned to one of the male members, "Plastic bag It’s not just my fingerprints, it’s also yours, right?”

The male member was stunned at first, then broke into a cold sweat: "That's true, but, but I didn't kill anyone!"

The Mumu Police Department realized something was wrong. He frowned and asked this passerby who suddenly appeared: "What's going on? Are you his accomplice?"

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