Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2434 2438 [Kidnapping]

"I have laid out an exquisite bait, and I will make sure that she never comes back tonight." The old man in black laughed, "Without the help of my father, this 'Phantom Thief Kidd' who is fooling the world will be nothing more than a mere Just a female high school student who has no power to control a chicken."

"Brother is wise!" the younger brothers cheered.

At this moment, someone's eyes moved and he noticed something. He turned his head and looked out of the car, his expression suddenly excited: "Brother, look!"

"Huh?" The elder brother in black looked along his line of sight and was also startled.

——Across the street, the target they were discussing just now appeared unexpectedly.

Across the street, I saw a young female high school student walking casually on the street. She looked around from time to time, as if she was looking for something.


The big brother in black couldn't believe his luck. He looked up and down, his eyes switching back and forth between the female high school student and the screen.

...and no matter how many times they compare them, they are clearly two identical faces.

——They actually encountered the unsuspecting "Phantom Thief Kidd" long before they took action!

"Brother!" Even the not very smart boy next to him realized that this was a rare opportunity. "This guy is only wearing a cool skirt, and there is definitely no place to hide weapons or hang gliders on his body. Usually he...she … He is flying in the sky, out of reach of us, and now this person has arrived at our door—if we don’t catch him now, we will wait until later!”

Another boy always felt a chill in his back. He pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "Don't worry, I always feel that something is wrong. Is this person outside really Aoko Nakamori?"

Brother No. 3 didn’t take his colleague’s words seriously: “Isn’t it just a change of hair style and a twist on the top of the head? You singles don’t understand, girls often change their hair styles. Although, uh, although Kidd Whether it’s a girl or not is still up for debate...but since they can look so similar, it’s normal to have some common hobbies!”

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it." Finally, the boss in black made the final decision. He took out his mobile phone, "Although the original stage will not be used, as long as we can actually catch people, it is not a loss to lose a little fun. And this way First, maybe we can fish out the even more bastard 'Phantom Thief Lady'."

Late at night, neon lights flash on the streets. A frail and slender girl walked with hesitant steps, alone among a group of malicious gazes.

"Where did Conan go? I wanted to praise him for being very well-behaved tonight, but in the blink of an eye... Oh, he didn't run into an alley and got lost."

Mao Lilan looked around, sighed softly, and had to walk deeper into the alley. Unfortunately, she still could not find Conan.

This made the female high school student a little tired after a long day's work. Just when Mao Lilan wanted to change direction and continue searching, suddenly, a figure flashed out of the fork in front of her, blocking her way. At the same time, similar footsteps came from behind.

"?" Mao Lilan looked forward, then looked back following the movement, and then facing the two strange men surrounding her, a question mark slowly popped up: "What's wrong with you...?"

"Of course." The man in black in front rolled up his sleeves. He looked condescendingly at the poor woman who was frightened by him and turned around to run away, but was blocked by his accomplices. He slowly showed a cold smile. .

"I just want to invite you to our place for a visit - you'd better cooperate, otherwise I can't guarantee what I will do." The boy in black looked her up and down, "After all, although I am a gentleman who does not hit women, but Whether you are a woman or not is a question."

"It turns out they are kidnappers." Mao Lilan's eyes twitched, feeling that she understood the identities of these guys. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little angry, "It's illegal to break the law, why the sudden personal attack?"

She thought about what had happened today, from being late for the school festival, to being ignored while eating, to the sudden disappearance of her child at home, and her anger gradually rose.

The angry Mao Lilan took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

The next moment, she opened her eyes suddenly, her gaze was sharp, and she punched the young man in black who was rushing toward her: "——You are neither a man nor a woman!"




In the quiet night, indescribable sounds sounded from the depths of the alley, and were buried in the advertisements of the shops on the street.

A few minutes later, the two men in black who were blocking the road and seven or eight men in black who came to support them staggered around in the alley.

Mao Lilan knocked down the last person with one punch, then stood up straight with his fist closed. At this moment, she suddenly felt something and looked towards the roof sloping upward.

The rooftop was silent and empty of anything.

Mao Lilan looked around sharply and found that no one seemed to be hiding on the roof, so he looked back.

After she looked away, a dark-clouded snow cat clinging to the eaves stopped holding its breath and exhaled slowly with lingering fear.

A few minutes ago, the dry rice cat who was ordered to patrol the area, waiting for an opportunity to pick up delicious and murderous things, passed by here. Discovering that a group of outlaws were planning to surround Mao Lilan, he immediately decided to lend a helping hand to his neighbor.

But before it could choose a cool enough action and timing like its owner... things ended in such a one-sided way.

Thinking of the dusty scene just now, Ganfanmao silently pressed himself against the eaves, instinctively wanting to hide from this vicious human being.

Fortunately, Mao Lilan didn't expect that the cat hiding nearby was actually a cat. She glanced down at the staggering group of people, took out her mobile phone, and walked to the road with better signal.

"I thought there were only two people, but I didn't expect that there were more and more fights. It was really scary..." Mao Lilan thought of the scene just now, sighed, and felt lingering fear, "Fortunately, it was narrow enough there, and they couldn't get in too many at one time. People, otherwise things will be in trouble.”

"But..." She moved her hands and suddenly smiled relaxedly, "After beating these people, I suddenly felt much better! No wonder Jiang Xia likes to beat prisoners... No, no, no, Jiang Xia beats talents not for entertainment, but for justice. And of course I am too.”

While correcting her concept in her mind, she dialed the police number in a good mood: "Huh? No, no one died this time, but I seemed to have encountered a group of kidnappers, the location is..."

Mood always seems to be conserved.

When a female high school student finally became happy, she left behind a group of not-so-happy people.

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