Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 227 Jiang Xia, what did you steal!

Especially this episode.

Jiang Xia saw the name "Hijikata Kozaburo" on the list.

Hijikata Kozaburo is a famous Taiga drama actor with a high status in the entertainment industry. But recently, he has been involved in scandals, and he has also been exposed to some indifferent negative news. Although it will not lead to a ban, his popularity is indeed declining.

In order to make a living, Hijikata Kozaburo also began to accept TV series and various variety shows like an ordinary actor.

Soon, Hijikata will participate in the filming of a mystery drama, so he accepted the invitation for this mystery variety show.

In Jiang Xia's impression, Hijikata Kozaburo's more important identity is-a potential murderer.

The negative news exposed by Kozaburo Hijikata is not all fabricated - he has indeed broken up with his wife.

Hijikata Kozaburo often flirts with women, and his wife Hijikata Yumi doesn't give in too much and cheats on her neighbor Okitaichi. And she also has evidence that her husband is cheating, and plans to ask for high alimony during the divorce.

Hijikata Kozaburo became murderous towards his wife.

In the original world line, he invited Mouri Kogoro to his home on the pretext that "he was about to act in a detective drama and wanted to see how real detectives work." He killed his wife in front of the detective, and used trickery to try to get her The murderer's pot was thrown to the neighbor.

Jiang Xia came to the studio and soon found Hijikata Kozaburo among a group of people.

As expected, this man has a lot of murderous intent. It seems that he has made a decision and thought of a way to kill, but is still waiting for the opportunity.

Jiang Xia sat next to the famous actor and looked at the murderous look on his neighbor's body, feeling a little moved.

He also wants to be invited by Hijikata Kozaburo to be a witness...

However, after looking at each other, Hijikata Kozaburo showed a polite but cold smile to Jiang Xia, and then the middle-aged actor turned around to talk to the actor sitting on the other side of him. He had no intention of inviting Jiang Xia to his home.

Jiang Xia was left hanging: "..."

...I shouldn't have dragged the progress bar so fast in the past to save trouble.

Let’s lay the groundwork from now on, find reasons such as “pursuing rigor” and “adopting a more reliable way of solving crimes”, and slowly slow down the speed...

However, Jiang Xia also wanted to try to get involved in Hijikata Kozaburo's case.

——The person with murderous intent is sitting next to him, what is the difference between this and a wild ghost swimming by his hand.

Of course, if you can, you still have to do it.

Of course, if you want to achieve your goal, you can't just sit here and wait passively. You need to take some proactive measures.

In the second half of the program, there is a mystery game.

Variety shows in this world do not have too detailed scripts, and of course they will not reveal the answers to the guests in advance. If the famous detectives who are invited do not want to be embarrassed, they can only go all out to solve the mystery.

Jiang Xia thought for a while and let Xiaobai float backstage.

Xiaobai found the script unskillfully. After it sent the news, Jiang Xia cut his eyesight, glanced at the questions and answers, and wrote them down.

Later, when the program was halfway through and taking a break, Jiang Xia temporarily left the studio.

He came to a place where no one was around, found a pen and paper, and quickly wrote something on the paper.

Kozaburo Hijikata also left the studio during the break and went to the restroom far away from the studio.

He was used to coming here during his break, admiring himself in the full-length mirror, relaxing, and checking to see if there was anything inappropriate in his appearance.

This time, however, there was another person in the bathroom.

——Jiang Xia was lowering his head and reciting something attentively. Suddenly he saw someone coming in. He put his hands behind him in a panic, looked at the door, and said hello awkwardly.

Hijikata Kozaburo keenly noticed a hint of guilt on this young man's face.

As a veteran who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, Hijikata Kozaburo looked at Jiang Xia carefully and felt that something was fishy.

He approached me while talking in a senior tone. The bathroom was not too big. Soon, Hijikata Kozaburo saw the piece of paper hidden behind Jiang Xia in the mirror.

The text on the paper is too small to read clearly.

But Kozaburo Hijikata saw a diagram.

He looked at the picture doubtfully, but before he saw too much, Jiang Xia seemed to realize something. He hid the note in his sleeve and left in a hurry.

Jiang Xia walked out of the bathroom. When the door closed behind him, he also put away the panicked look of "having had his secret revealed" just now.

Then he went to the smoking area, lit the paper on fire, washed the ashes into the sewer, and returned to the studio as if nothing had happened.

Before filming started, Kozaburo Hijikata also came.

Soon, the highlight of the show began - on-the-spot situational reasoning.

In addition to the actors' performances, a floor plan of the crime scene also appeared on the big screen for easy understanding. The picture shows a private villa with a special shape, oval in shape.

Hijikata Kozaburo looked at the picture on the screen. After being startled for a moment, he suddenly understood - the piece of paper that Jiang Xia hurriedly hid just now had this kind of diagram drawn on it!

He has a question in his hand, and judging from his posture, he must have an answer!

...So that's it.

While others were concentrating on recording the program, Kozaburo Hijikata touched his chin and thought to himself.

No wonder Jiang Xia answers questions so smoothly every time on the show. It turns out that this person has the answers.

As for why Jiang Xia can always see through the criminal's thoughts at a glance when he actually solves a case... maybe it's because he has a company behind him.

——The reports in black and white in newspapers cannot be broadcast live like a program, and they are basically static.

Therefore, no matter how slow the actual speed of solving the case is, as long as the key points of solving the case are sorted out afterwards and a little modification is made in the time of solving the case, anyone can solve the case "in seconds".

The police should not pursue this kind of matter - no matter how fast Jiang Xia or the think tank behind him solved the case, he at least really helped the police solve the case. It is impossible for the police to specially issue a statement saying, "Jiang Xia solved the case." It’s actually not that fast” and so on.

The more Hijikata Kozaburo thought about it, the more he felt that the truth must be like this. Jiang Xia had no real talent at all and relied entirely on the company's support.

He couldn't help but show contempt - these young people who have no strength and only rely on their faces, tui!

However, Hijikata Kozaburo had no intention of exposing Jiang Xia.

——A detective who is very famous, but does not live up to his name and has no real talent, is the resource he needs urgently recently.

Sure enough, when people's bad luck comes to an end, they will have good luck.

Kozaburo Hijikata doesn't want to pay high alimony, and he doesn't want his wife to expose his cheating, which will affect his popularity. He must kill that woman.

In this case, a well-known detective like Jiang Xia is obviously a very suitable witness.

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