Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2457 2461 [The Blamemaker Vodka] Please vote for me

Chapter 2457 2461 [The Blamemaker Vodka] Please vote for me ()

"If it's like what you said, then the lives of these two sisters are really completely different." Police Department Megure strolled back at some point with a cup of coffee. He obviously heard what Mouri Kogoro just said, and said with emotion:

"According to our investigation, Miss Sakihara Megumi has always followed the rules since she grew up. She married her colleague not long after graduation, and then quit her job to become a housewife.

"On the other hand, her sister Miss Kuanmei only went to a junior college. After graduation, she has been engaged in freelance work and has no fixed love partner. She often holds parties with the same idle people and lives a life that makes her The carefree life of parents who are worried... Oh, I really don’t know why sisters who grew up in the same family have completely different personalities.”

Just as he was talking, Officer Sato walked out of the lounge nearby.

She handed a cup of coffee to Jiang Xia, and then handed over the portrait drawn by the technician: "This is the portrait of the suspect reconstructed based on Miss Sakihara's description..." Halfway through her words, she caught a glimpse of the Megure Police Department next to her. , she suddenly realized that she seemed to be a little too smooth.

After a pause, Sato Miwako cleared her throat and changed her words nonchalantly: "I heard that you passed by the crime scene before - have you seen anyone similar nearby?"

"Let me take a look!" Conan jumped on Mouri Kogoro's back, climbed up and stretched his neck to look at the portrait in Jiang Xia's hand.

He fell silent just after reading it.

"If you don't look at the eyes, this is definitely Vodka himself. Could it be that it really comes from the heart? Is this the common characteristic of outlaws?" Conan thought of something and suddenly became happy, "What if the police go out with this portrait?" Searching and catching the passing vodka would be interesting. It would be better to give them a gin... Alas, it's a pity that those guys have mysterious whereabouts and are not so easy to meet by chance. "

Conan sighed and shook his head, allowing himself to refocus on the current case.

"The uncle in the portrait..." Conan said in a child's tone, "is very similar to a driver we met nearby who was racing randomly, except that he was wearing sunglasses and did not show his eyes."

Mouri Kogoro was also a policeman before, and he knew very well what the Megure Police Department wanted to ask next. He said with a solemn expression: "I met this person almost ten minutes before we arrived at the scene of the crime. It was on a street. In a small alley nearly 500 meters away from the explosion point.”

The Mumu Police Department nodded repeatedly after hearing this, feeling that with the help of their brothers, the case suddenly became clear: "That is to say, after this guy installed the bomb, he happened to be encountered by you guys while escaping from the scene in a hurry - you guys still Do you remember the license plate number?”

Jiang Xia: "The vehicle is a red RV with a Shinjuku city license plate."

He took the notepad handed by the police officer next to him and wrote the license plate number on it.

After thinking for a while, the detective added rigorously: "Some criminals are very cunning and will change license plates before and after committing crimes, or even directly change vehicles - don't be confused by just this one search point."

The police officers immediately decided to expand the search scope again: "Okay!"

With a clear search direction, a group of police officers set out with great enthusiasm.

The Memu Police Department was hesitating whether to join the search team. At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

A man in a suit and leather shoes with good facial features strode over. With a sad look on his face, he grabbed the nurse next to him and asked: "Where is Xiao Hui? Is my wife Sakihara Megumi here? - How is she doing now?"

Jiang Xia glanced over there and asked Mumu Police Department: "Who is this?"

"It should be Miss Sakihara's husband. I asked Sato to notify her family just now." Police Department Megure walked over and confirmed, "Are you Mr. Kazuo Sakihara?"

Kazuo Sakihara responded with an anxious tone: "I heard from the police just now that my wife was involved in a car explosion. She is now..."

Memu Police Department: "Don't worry, your wife is fine."

Kazuo Sakihara was startled: "Huh?"

Conan: "?"

...Is this guy's reaction a little strange?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the Mumu Police Department saying again: "Unfortunately, her sister happened to be at the center of the explosion and died unfortunately."

Kazuo Sakihara was shocked: "What?! Kanmei, she actually..."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he suddenly came back to his senses and awkwardly changed his title: "I, I mean... why did my sister-in-law, uh, why did she die?"

Police Department Mumu rubbed his chin, always feeling that the victim's family was a little strange, but he still answered the other party's question politely: "Because someone planted a bomb in your wife's car. When Miss Kuanmei helped her reverse the car, Unfortunately, it touched the mechanism and caused an explosion."

As he spoke, he took the portrait of the suspect next to him: "Do you have any impression of this person?"

Kazuo Sakihara looked at the highly restored human figure on the sketch paper, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "I, I don't recognize him."

Memu Police Department looked suspicious: "But your expression doesn't look like that."

Kazuo Sakihara wiped his face hard, his eyes evasive: "I just think this guy looks vicious, so I'm a little scared..."

Maybe he felt that this excuse was a bit forced, but suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration: "Just now, yes, just now, I saw him!"

The Mumu Police Department was stunned and couldn't believe it: "Really?"

Conan was also stunned: Judging from the man's reaction just now, he thought that this man was having an affair with the young and lively sister-in-law, so he hired a killer to kill his honest wife, but he killed his lover by mistake. ...But now, this man is actually willing to reveal the killer?

Conan: "..." I always felt something was strange... Could it be that he wanted to deliberately provide a wrong clue to disrupt the police investigation?

However, no matter how suspicious they are, they must listen to the clues that come to their door.

At the signal of the Megure Police Department, Kazuo Sakihara said very positively: "It's in the parking lot of this hospital! After I parked the car just now, I suddenly found someone in the car next door.

"The man was sitting in the car, looking around at the entrance of the hospital. When he saw a group of police officers passing by, he even shrank back, as if he was avoiding something - Mr. Police Officer, it's not that I'm suspicious, it's really that There is something wrong with this guy. I guess he is the murderer because he is so bold and wants to follow me to confirm whether my wife is dead.”

Jiang Xia: "..."

The person in the parking lot outside who didn't dare to walk or get out of the car was probably talking about his shy colleague.

Most likely, after Kazuo Sakihara encountered Vodka by chance, he discovered that Vodka looked very similar to the murderer who planted the bomb, so when he was questioned by the police, he decisively took out the former...


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