Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2460 2464 [Vodka: My teammate Mao Lilan]

Officer Sato regretted: "So we had no choice but to give up this direction of investigation, and then looked for the gangster who might have passed by the crime scene that night like a needle in a haystack."

Mouri Kogoro also walked over to look at the file, and soon he discovered something: "This Takahashi's car is a red RV, and the license plate matches... It is indeed the car that almost hit us! This guy is too It’s suspicious, now I solemnly declare that he is the murderer who planted the explosives!”

"Brother Maori, don't be impatient." Megure Police Department originally had the same idea, but when he heard what Kogoro Maori said, he suddenly decided to act cautiously.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia nodded beside him: "It is indeed very suspicious. And since he works in a chemical company, he can easily get enough explosives to decorate the garage."

"But Mr. Takahashi, it seems that he has no motive to blow up Miss Sakihara." Officer Takagi scratched his head, "Their lives have no intersection at all, and even their residences are far apart... But he followed Miss Sakihara a week ago , I happened to pass by the scene of the crime today. From this point of view, it was indeed a coincidence. "

Next to him, Vodka heard the word "coincidence" and moved his body uncomfortably.

Vodka: "..." Stupid policeman, what's so confusing about this. Apparently Uzo deliberately switched the knives on the two stages so that they could kill each other's targets respectively to show off their skills and add fun.

While he was coming to a conclusion, he secretly looked left and right, trying to see which policeman would react first, so he could judge which guy was most contaminated by Uzo, and stay away from him in the future.

Then I saw that the police were all confused, but the fake primary school student showed a slightly enlightened expression, and then quickly stopped and did not speak.

Vodka: "..." This kid can actually restrain his child's tendency to show off and not solve the case haphazardly before the time comes? ...Tsk, his emotional intelligence is not low at such a young age, and he can also keenly discern Uzo's intentions. No wonder he was favored by Uzo.

Immediately afterwards, Mouri Kogoro seemed to have thought of something: "The family members of the victims in one case are the suspects in another case... Wait, why does this sound so like the exchange murder that is common in mystery novels? ?”

Jiang Xia nodded: "In other words, Mr. Takahashi, the husband of the female victim in the robbery and murder case last week, and Mr. Sakihara, the husband of the original victim in today's car bombing case, met through some opportunity.

"Mr. Takahashi is in urgent need of a huge insurance policy after his wife's death, and Mr. Sakihara may have some interest in his wife's sister. The two men who want their wives to disappear have reached a certain consensus——

"Mr. Sakihara took advantage of Mr. Takahashi's alibi and disguised himself as a robber to kill Mrs. Takahashi. Mr. Takahashi turned into a bomber and installed a large number of bombs on Mrs. Sakihara's vehicle."

"I see." Megure Police Department snorted coldly, "No wonder Kazuo Sakihara had that expression on his face when he saw the sketch of the suspect just now - that guy must not have thought of it, because the bomber looked so... uh , so distinctive that his wife remembered the other person’s face.”

Vodka: "..." Nonsense! We are obviously the most ordinary public faces... By the way, what are you looking at me doing when I say this? Are you thinking about other people's looks in your mind? How rude!

The police department was indeed murmuring in their hearts. Leng Buding and "Mr. Yamada" met their eyes. He cleared his throat and looked away guiltily:

"No matter what, these two husbands are important suspects. Please ask them to come over immediately to cooperate with the investigation!"

The police rushed to Shinjuku District as quickly as possible and caught Takahashi Hiromasa who was about to run away.

"We found a large amount of leftover explosives in his luggage." The police officer came back to report, "According to preliminary tests, their ingredients are the same as the explosives used in this afternoon's explosion."

Although the two husbands are excellent in action, their psychological quality is obviously not very good.

After being exposed in person, they admitted their crimes without staying in the interrogation room for too long.

"The two of them met at an izakaya." The Megure Police Department returned to the lounge and reported to his enthusiastic brother Jiang Xia, "After the two drank too much, they complained to each other about their predicament and dissatisfaction with their wives, and then Sakihara Kazuo An idea flashed and he came up with the plan of 'exchange killing'.

"They have never met since then. Takahashi Hiromasa memorized Sakihara Kazuo's phone number and used a public phone to communicate with him when he needed to contact him. Sakihara Kazuo took the call in his study room on the second floor. Telephone line, he has been using this dedicated phone to communicate with Takahashi Hiromasa.

"Their motive is as you guessed. Takahashi Hiromasa owed a huge sum of money, so he planned to kill his wife to get the huge deposit from his wife.

"But Sakihara Kazuo gradually got tired of his boring wife and fell in love with his wife's sister Tanaka Kanmi.

"Recently, Hiromi Tanaka said that she wanted to open a clothing store, but she was short of money. So Kazuo Sakihara thought about it and turned to his wife. Six months ago, the parents of the Tanaka sisters died, and the sisters inherited half of the inheritance.

"Tanaka Hiromi's half has been squandered long ago, but Mrs. Sakihara's is still in her hands. In other words, once Mrs. Sakihara dies, her inheritance and the high insurance she took on herself will all fall into Sakihara's hands. Mr.

"It's too much." Mao Lilan didn't expect such a thing to happen, and her white fists clenched loudly, "What do these two guys think of their wives? They can break open the storage jar to withdraw money at any time. Really? You don’t treat people as human beings, you’re such a scumbag!”

Vodka: "..." That's so right! Guys who use humans as props are scum, such as the guy next to you who is leisurely listening to the police officer’s report!

Having said that, I don’t know how a girl like this who speaks out for justice can survive next to Uzo... Could it be that Uzo particularly likes this type? Do you like this stubborn little white flower who goes against him?

Vodka touched his chin, feeling like he should write something down in his survival manual, but he wasn't sure.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro next to him hesitated and said: "...Xiao Hui, does she know about this?"

Megure Police Department sighed sympathetically: "I asked Sato to tell her. After hearing this, she covered her face and cried. Alas, it is so pitiful that she was betrayed by two of the closest people in the world at the same time... I hope she can cheer up as soon as possible. Get up and get back to normal life.”

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