Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2472 2476 [Vodka Ireland Cooperation] Please vote for me

Chapter 2472 2476 [Vodka·Ireland Cooperation] Please vote for me o(〃▽〃)o

Vodka thought it was time to show off his running skills. However, he had just gotten out of the car and before he could take a step, something bumped into his leg.

"Ouch!" A child who looked like a triangular rice dumpling hit the vodka and was bounced away, falling to the ground.

Vodka lowered his head subconsciously. Seeing the kid's face clearly on the ground, he felt something bad in his heart.

Before he could react, the next moment, three shouts suddenly rang out from the side - the three children looked at him in surprise and cheered in unison: "Uncle Yamada! It's the righteous Uncle Yamada!!"


This title...

Vodka turned his head stiffly, looked around, and saw Yoshida Ayumi and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko standing on the side of the road, two steps slower than Kojima Mota who had just bumped into him.

The members of the Junior Detective Team arrived. The three guys were obviously very happy about his appearance, and they ran over while shouting.

Vodka's eyes were beating wildly: "..."

...Sooner or later, he appeared at this time, and as soon as he appeared, he revealed his identity loudly...These hateful minions, they did it on purpose!

Next to him, Ireland was stunned for a moment when he heard the words "Uncle Yamada", and then realized who these three people were calling.

He felt happy and wanted to go away as if it had nothing to do with him. However, at this moment, a huge force grabbed his wrist.

"Long time no see." Vodka smiled twitchingly at the corners of the three children's eyes, holding Ireland in his other hand and gesturing towards them, "Introduction, this is my partner - the righteous Mr. Edward."

Ireland shook it off but didn't shake it off: "..."

In any case, since they happened to meet someone who knew them, there was no point in running away now. Sooner or later, they would be called back by the police for questioning.

The only good thing is that, at present, it seems that the two of them are just innocent passers-by. They can leave after taking notes without being questioned too much.

...However, this does not mean that they are out of trouble.

"Uncle Yamada, listen to me, that uncle riding a motorcycle is a bad guy!"

"While we were playing in the park, we saw him stealthily take a suitcase and leave with the suitcase."

"There must be a large amount of cash in that box. It's like that on TV! - And the cash is so heavy. Who would a normal good person use a suitcase to carry cash for transactions? So he must be a bad guy, maybe a vicious kidnapper." !”

Vodka was dragged by the hem of his clothes by three children. While suppressing his murderous intention, he listened to their chatter with his head pounding.

As I listened, I felt like I was being scolded: "..." Why can't I use a suitcase to carry cash? Ignorant little brats, you have no idea how useful cash is!

However, no matter how coldly he felt in his heart, Vodka could only keep a friendly smile on his face and nodded repeatedly.

Finally, the nearby police officers were the first to arrive. With a new goal in mind, the children quickly turned to the police uncle and muttered to the police what they knew about the situation.

Ireland glanced at the film policemen and walked to the side of the vodka bottle. He grinded his teeth and sneered in a low voice: "I can't tell that you are quite popular with children, 'Mr. Justice Yamada'."

"Don't be envious, you are just like me now." With the police around, he realized that Ireland did not dare to take action. Vodka even straightened his waist a little straighter than before. He imitated Uzzo's sinister look and called Ireland , "'Just Mr. Edward.'"


Although he had long known that Vodka would not really become an ally with him, seeing this guy's reaction at this time, he still couldn't help but harden his fist.

Vodka suddenly felt better when he saw someone who was suffering more than him. But thinking about the possible revenge that might follow, he felt a little regretful.

Clearing his throat, Mr. Yamada took the initiative to ease the topic: "So, what are you going to do next?"

Ireland snorted coldly: "Don't be too pessimistic. Car accidents are often accidental events, and it is normal to encounter them. If you weren't recognized by a passing kid, we could have left and found two peripheral members to take our place. The police station handles the records.”

Vodka felt sad for a while: "..." Do you think I want to be entangled with these three ghosts? Having said that, after meeting them, you can actually insist that this is just an accident... huh?

Vodka suddenly realized something.

"Wait a minute, Ireland doesn't know that Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo, so he naturally doesn't know that these three brats are Wu Zuo's 'rice flower version of the Baker Street Guerrillas.'" Under the influence, Vodka's mind quietly became active, "In other words, , The more familiar Ireland is with these three children, the easier it will be for him to be brought into Uzo's sight - Uzo can concentrate on dealing with him, and I will be much safer."

Thinking of this, Vodka immediately left in no hurry: It's just a police officer, he has been in contact with it many times, a mere record, he has done more... As long as he can see the doctor while Uzo is being held back by Ireland, This risky alliance is not a waste.

Police quickly responded to the scene. They checked the condition of the motorcycle rider, shook their heads regretfully, then stood up again and came to the side of the crooked motorcycle.

Compared with this ordinary motorcycle, the suitcase lying next to it is more concerning.

The police officer put on his gloves, carefully opened the lid of the box and took a look inside.

The next moment, he said in surprise: "So much money!"

The three children quickly came closer. After taking a look, they looked proud: "Sure enough, it's just as we guessed!"

Vodka: "..." Can it be different? Do you think you all watch TV dramas? That's obviously Uzo's script! It's just that it seeps into your brain in an imperceptible way.

"There is another letter here." The police officer reached out and took out an envelope from the scattered banknotes. He unfolded the letter and saw it read:

[30 million offered.

We complied with your request and did not call the police. Please put my father back as soon as possible.

——Domoto. ]

"Someone really was kidnapped!" The three children were surprised again, "This is just as we guessed!"

Vodka: "..." I know, I know, stop reciting those scripts of yours. Isn't it annoying?

Next to him, Ireland also frowned. Unexpectedly, a car accident was actually involved in a kidnapping case. A certain familiar scent made his heart skip a beat, and he had a vague premonition of something bad.

The next moment, I heard the police officer say seriously: "Since it's about kidnapping, this matter is troublesome - I'm going to contact the Metropolitan Police Department and ask them to send someone from the First Investigation Division over."


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