Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2474 2478 [Where is the ice cream? 】

After entrusting the matter to the hard-working Dr. Ali, Conan glanced at his phone and frowned with a puzzled expression.

"The call from Ayumi just rang once and then hung up. She didn't even answer the call I called back." Conan always felt something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, "Could something have happened? Was it... a car accident? Was he kidnapped? A murderer was being hunted down? "

Dr. A Li originally wanted to say that it was not possible, but just as he spoke, thinking of the bad luck of the three children, he couldn't help but change his words: "Uh... why don't you go and have a look? I remember they went to the park to play."

"Yeah." Conan didn't dare to delay, picked up his skateboard and went out, heading straight to the park.

Arriving at the place in a hurry, Conan failed to see the three children, but suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Conan?" A motorcycle stopped beside him. Jiang Xia, who was passing by, took off his helmet and looked at him with interest. "You look a little anxious. What happened?"

Conan briefly talked about the strange phone call from Yoshida Ayumi just now: "I'm worried that they are involved in another case. Those three guys are really capable of causing trouble..."

Jiang Xia thought for a while, then patted his back seat: "Come up, I'll take you around the area, and you can use your intuition to guide me."

On smooth urban roads, motorcycles do seem to be more convenient than skateboards.

Conan accepted the kindness from his neighbor, picked up his skateboard and jumped into Jiang Xia's car. He looked around and pointed in a direction hesitantly: "Let's go over there first. I remember there is a swing in the northwest corner. Those children usually like to play there. Maybe we can find some clues."

Of course Jiang Xia would not refute. He put on his helmet again, turned the accelerator, and the motorcycle roared towards that direction.

Conan leaned back and was almost thrown off the car. He grabbed Jiang Xia's clothes and said, "You were speeding! It's daytime now!"

Jiang Xia's voice floated faintly among the roar: "Slower than the speed you were skateboarding just now."

Conan choked: "A skateboard...a skateboard is not a car, so how can it be considered speeding..."

His voice dropped guiltily.

Then dozens of seconds later, he raised it again in surprise: "Wait!"

At the same time as the words fell to the ground, Jiang Xia had already screeched to a halt.

——There was actually a cordon on the street ahead. Although the ground there has been cleared, some scattered debris and scorch marks can still be seen.

Jiang Xia parked the car on the side of the road, and before the motorcycle came to a complete stop, Conan had jumped out of the car and ran over quickly.

He got through the cordon and asked the busy policeman on the roadside: "Uncle policeman, what happened here?"

"Kid, don't cross that line!" The police officer quickly arrested him and then sternly warned him, "Don't cause trouble, uncle is at work."

With that said, he turned back and continued to clean up the scene.

Conan: "..."

He had no choice but to turn around and wait for Jiang Xia, waiting for this little friend to come and brush his face.

However, Jiang Xia was seen staring at the messy ground, wondering what she was thinking. After a moment, he slowly squatted down.

Conan: "?!"

He was at a loss for a moment, then suddenly slapped his head: I almost forgot, it looked like there was a car accident here. And Jiang Xia doesn't seem to like this kind of scene...

Conan trotted over to see what was going on, but before he could speak, he saw Jiang Xia standing up again - a closer look revealed that the famous detective's expression was not only devoid of panic, but also revealed a hint of interest.

Conan: "?"

He wondered: "Why did you suddenly squat down just now?"

Jiang Xia looked at the murderous aura mixed with the smell of vanilla ice cream and smoke in her hand: "Tie your shoes."

Conan: "..."

Jiang Xia patted his head happily, and then walked past the fake primary school students to the nearby policeman. He spoke skillfully: "You look familiar, are you Police Officer Narita from the Search Division 1?"

The policeman turned around in confusion, and when he saw the speaker's face, he said in surprise: "Jiang Xia!"... It seems that after handling the scene here, he can get off work!

The detective opposite nodded and asked what he expected: "What happened here?"

The young police officer reported seriously: "Ten minutes ago, there was a car accident here - a speeding motorcycle collided with a car at the corner, was knocked away and hit another passing car.

"The motorcycle driver died on the spot, and then..."

The police glanced at the reporters and onlookers outside the cordon and lowered their voices cautiously: "Then we found a large amount of cash and a letter in the leather bag he was carrying - from the contents of the letter, as well as the motorcycle Judging from the driver's appearance, the driver who died on the spot was probably a kidnapper."

Jiang Xia looked at the nearby alleyway and thought thoughtfully: "It is true that car accidents are prone to occur in this location, but it cannot be ruled out that someone is deliberately killing someone to silence them - where are the drivers of the two cars involved?"

The young police officer showed admiration. He was indeed a detective. He had an idea so quickly. He quickly said: "They were brought back to the Metropolitan Police Department by the Memu Police Department. They should be taking notes now."

Jiang Xia nodded: "I'll go take a look."

As he spoke, he returned to the roadside and got on the motorcycle. As soon as I turned off the accelerator, a voice sounded from behind: "Wait for me!"

Jiang Xia was startled: "..."

I almost forgot, there was someone behind me.

Not forgetting the well digger, he turned around and returned to the original place: "Get in the car."

Conan quickly jumped into the car: "..." Is it an illusion? I always feel that not only was Jiang Xia not affected by the car accident today, but her mobility seemed to be stronger than usual...

"No, strictly speaking, this is also an influence." Conan corrected himself in his mind, "It's just that Jiang Xia has strong adjustment ability and successfully turned negative emotions into motivation, which turned it into a good influence."

——Compared with the way he was disconnected when he saw a car accident and explosion, the neighbor's mental condition seemed to have improved significantly without realizing it.

Conan breathed out a sigh of relief and followed Jiang Xiabiao to the Metropolitan Police Department on a high-speed motorcycle.

"Brother Jiang Xia?"

The Mumu Police Department did not expect such a surprise: "Why are you here!"

Jiang Xia greeted him: "I happened to pass by the scene of the car accident just now. I heard from the police there that you had encountered a kidnapping case, so I came to take a look."

As he spoke, his eyes swept around, quickly taking in everything.

Then the psychic found out with some confusion: there was no owner of the murderous smell of smoke or the murderous smell of vanilla ice cream nearby.

...However, there were three familiar young figures in the corner. At this time, the three people were huddled together tremblingly, looking particularly guilty.

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