Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2477 2481 [Professional Psychiatrist] Please vote for me

Chapter 2477 2481 [Professional psychiatrist] Please vote for me ()

With the surname and type of disease, the identity of "Mr. Domoto" was quickly confirmed - coincidentally, he was indeed a patient of this hospital.

Jiang Xia picked up the hostage's medical records and flipped through them. At this moment, a voice came from the door: "Mr. Domoto was kidnapped?"

Jiang Xia turned around and saw a doctor walking in the door.

The doctor's eyes swept through the crowd and quickly stopped at Officer Megure. He walked over and introduced himself to the police chief: "Hello, I am Shirai, one of the doctors in charge of Mr. Domoto—— Why don't I come with you to see what's going on?"

The Memu Police Department did not expect to meet such an enthusiastic doctor, but...

He glanced at the nameplate on the other person's chest and was a little confused: "You seem to be a psychiatrist? If I remember correctly, Mr. Domoto has kidney disease."

Dr. Shirai laughed: "Some rich people are plagued by diseases as they get older and need more than one doctor. In addition to kidney problems, Mr. Domoto also often comes to my department for treatment. In addition, before I came to the psychology department, he also visited other doctors. If you need first aid after you find the hostage, I am more professional than those on board. "

The Memu Police Department was a little moved by what he said. He thought about it seriously and nodded in agreement: "The person who kidnapped Mr. Domoto is most likely his enemy. If so, maybe we can find information from what he usually talks to you—— I'm sorry to trouble you, but the hostage rescue operation must be kept secret. If you want to participate, please turn off your mobile phone during this period and do not contact anyone externally, "in case your kid is actually a spy planted by the kidnappers."

Dr. Shirai readily agreed: "No problem."

Next to him, Conan looked at the doctor suspiciously and whispered to Jiang Xia: "As a doctor, he is too idle. Doesn't he have any patients?"

Before Jiang Xia could speak, a male doctor next to him who heard this sentence snorted coldly: "Who let me be a related household? If my father is the deputy director of the hospital, I can do whatever I want..."

As he was talking, the male doctor suddenly fell silent: Even the deputy director seems not to be able to randomly treat patients who have made appointments. This will have a bad impact on the hospital's reputation... So what has this annoying person been up to recently? What's going on? Could it be that he won a billion in lottery and planned to resign and become a free man?

Male doctor: "..." But apart from his medical skills, Shirai doesn't seem to have any other outstanding qualities - he used to pretend to be a gentle and kind person, but in the past few days, he has started to get carried away for some reason, and gradually His true nature was revealed.

He shook his head sourly and doubtfully, and said no more.

Next to him, Dr. Shirai vaguely heard someone talking about him. He turned his head and glared here, but because he was in a good mood, he was too lazy to say anything for the moment.

——A mysterious rich man recently extended an olive branch to him. Dr. Shirai was a little disdainful at first, but when a huge sum of money was placed in front of him, he realized that if he joined it, even his father, the vice president who once admired him, would not be able to compete with his father. Income matches.

"Dad has collected bribes and kickbacks for so many years, and the amount of money he gets is just that. Moreover, he still has to go to work, write papers, maintain interpersonal relationships, and deal with chores every day... He is as busy as a top." Dr. Shirai muttered to himself, "In comparison, if I agree to that rich man, then I only need to treat one or two people regularly, and I can make a considerable income. This is much happier than staying in the hospital."

"I heard that the rich man said that he would send someone over to experience my medical skills before making a final decision..." Dr. Shirai flipped through his schedule, "Speaking of which, the experience was yesterday. Except for a few people who let me go You're so rude, I've seen all the patients I made an appointment with yesterday, but there's no news today... Are they still evaluating me?"

This subtle delay made Dr. Shirai a little worried, worried that he had encountered a liar.

But thinking about the large amount of initial diagnosis fee he had already received, he felt that no scammer would be willing to invest so much money.

"Perhaps that patient is very important, so it requires a long period of evaluation and judgment." Dr. Shirai comforted himself, "The problem is not big. I am still confident in my professional ability - just relax for the next few days. Prepare well for your future employment.”

And in addition to this new job that has not yet started, Dr. Shirai has other ways to make money.

As a psychiatrist, after establishing trust with his patients, he was more or less exposed to the secrets of some patients - the kidnapped Mr. Domoto was among them.

"If he dies, I will have one less friend who can 'communicate' with me." Dr. Shirai touched his chin, "A rich man like this can hand out tens of millions or nearly billions of banknotes just by raising his hand - compared to Just like my father did, it is the fastest way to get money from poor students who want to find a job. It is a pity that my father did not listen to my advice... Huh, it's not a big problem. Wait for me to get my money. When my bank balance is in front of him, he will know I am right."

Considering all the circumstances, Dr. Shirai decided to join the police rescue team.

As for those waiting in line for appointments...

"Leave them to Montenegro." He told his assistant, "Isn't that guy really eager to express himself recently? Then give him this opportunity."

The police car drove in quietly and returned to the Metropolitan Police Department quietly.

Jiang Xia was also in the car. The detective leaned against the window and turned to talk to someone in the car. The atmosphere was harmonious.

Vodka looked at Jiang Xia who was driving away with the car from a distance: "......?"

This guy actually left?

Just left like that?

Things went so smoothly that it was unbelievable.

Ireland saw his colleague who was distracted and clapped his hands and pushed him: "What are you doing? Do you want to wait until the police come back?"

Vodka came back to his senses. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly got out of the car.

Vodka: "..." Although I don't know what happened, the doctor must see it, and I can't hide from it... It's rare that Uzo is with the police and can't come back to the scene for a while, so it's better to take this opportunity to make a quick decision and end this mission.

Thinking of this, Vodka entered the hospital nervously, got the license plate nervously, and finished the consultation nervously...

Everything went so smoothly and unbelievably.

"Is this the end?" Vodka couldn't help but mutter to Ireland, "Is it really that simple?" Ireland looked at him suspiciously: "..." How difficult is it to interview a peripheral member? Could it be that there is something hidden in this task that he doesn't know?

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