Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2479 2483 [Kidnapping]

Jiang Xia came over and patted Conan on the head: "Don't worry, I'll watch him."

"Haha..." Conan could only try his best to raise his head and suppress a sweet smile.

The trespassing children were quickly forgotten by the police.

Jiang Xia looked at the familiar lady who had accompanied her friends to the detective agency to look for cats several times: "Did you receive blackmail from the kidnappers today?"

"Yes." Mrs. Domoto nodded with tears in her eyes, "My father was kidnapped."

The Mumu Police Department opened the carton with the TV printed on it, and saw that what was inside was not a TV, but various police instruments.

"We can't let it go here." Police Officer Megure said to Mrs. Domoto, "Let's talk in the living room."

Mrs. Domoto didn't come back to her senses until she sat down on the sofa.

She looked at the detective opposite, then at the policeman who came with the detective, and said blankly: "We probably didn't call the police. The kidnappers said they would kill my father if they called the police. Why..." She suddenly thought of something and looked at herself Husband, “Did you call the police?”

Domoto Akunari quickly shook his head: "I just followed the kidnapper's instructions and put the ransom money in the park."

Mrs. Domoto looked at the elderly nanny beside her again: "Well, Granny Masashiro..."

The toothless old lady held the tray and slowly put the tea on the coffee table. Then she slowly shook her head and said vaguely: "Me neither."

Jiang Xia politely waited for them to finish doubting each other, and then pointed to the suitcase that was hidden in the TV carton and sneaked into the house: "No one called the police, but unfortunately the police got this and deduced the identity of the hostage."

"Is this the ransom we prepared before?" Mrs. Domoto was shocked, "How could it be in the hands of the police?!"

Her husband also looked confused: "I obviously put it where the kidnapper asked for it, why..."

Jiang Xia: "The kidnapper had a car accident on his way back after collecting the ransom and died on the spot. Witnesses who witnessed the car accident called the police, so the police found the ransom at the scene of the accident."

Domoto and his wife were stunned. They didn't expect such a coincidence to happen in the world.

The Mumu Police Department looked through the information urgently collected by the police: "Fortunately, the dead kidnapper had a criminal record, and it was not difficult to confirm his identity - we are investigating his interpersonal relationships and living environment, hoping to find hidden clues. Your father’s location.”

Mrs. Domoto suddenly discovered something. She picked up the syringe kit that came with the ransom box, and her face became very ugly: "This medicine was not delivered to dad. His kidney disease is very serious, and he must take it every 6 hours." One injection..."

Jiang Xia: "When was the last injection?"

Mrs. Domoto wiped away her tears: "It's 9 o'clock in the morning. He always takes medicine at that time."

"9+6..." Memu Police Department did the math, "3pm, wait, it's already exceeded now!"

Mrs. Domoto rubbed the pill box anxiously with her fingertips: "It doesn't matter if he exceeds it for a while, but if he fails to get the injection for 8 consecutive hours, his body will have a big problem."

"8 hours..." Police Department Mu Mu continued to count his fingers while looking at his watch. After reading it, his head suddenly became heavy, "That is to say, there is only one and a half hours left."

If he was given a day or two, he believed that it would not be difficult for the police to find out the location of the hostages, but one or two hours... time was too tight!

But now, I can only bite the bullet and say: "Can you tell me in detail what happened? - your father's schedule today, when you found out that he was missing, the kidnapper's contact... these may all be Don’t miss key information.”

Jiang Xia added: "Including your family status, distance and proximity. Kidnappings are often committed by acquaintances, so you cannot be careless."

Mrs. Domoto had obviously heard a lot of praise for Jiang Xia from her friends. When she heard the detective speak, her mood seemed to have become more stable.

She carefully recalled: "I don't know my distant relatives very well. I only know four people in my family including me - my father runs a metal processing company, I am his only daughter, and this is my husband Donmoto. Qiucheng, this is Mrs. Masashiro who helps with housework.

"Today is the founding anniversary of my father's club. He gave the club a day off, so neither my father nor my husband went to work today."

"Oh." The Megure Police Department heard something and looked at the son-in-law of the Domoto family across the table, "You also work in your father-in-law's club, so which club will you inherit in the future?"

The son-in-law nodded.

Next to her, Grandma Masashiro frowned when she heard this and clenched the tray tightly with her fingers.

Mrs. Domoto did not notice anything strange about her and continued: "At 9 o'clock in the morning, I helped my father inject the medicine for this morning, and then I went out to a friend's house. So what happened next..."

Domoto's son-in-law stayed at home all day today. He continued what his wife said: "My father-in-law likes to go out for a walk every day off. Not long after Mitsuko left, he went out as usual around 9:30."

The Megu Police Department listened and recorded the situation: "You didn't go with us?"

Domoto's son-in-law shook his head: "My father-in-law doesn't like to be disturbed by others while walking. And although the company is on holiday, there are still a lot of things piled up. I have to stay at home to deal with them."

"Mr. Qiucheng has indeed been busy in the study all morning." The old lady next to him said: "At 11 o'clock, I just finished cleaning the bathroom, and the phone at home suddenly rang. After I answered it, there was a strange voice on the phone. A man’s voice asked me if I was a family member of Mr. Domoto.

"I was just a housekeeper, not a family member, so I transferred the call to Mr. Qiucheng in the study room... Who knew that the call was actually from the kidnapper, who asked us for a ransom of 30 million yuan."

"Well..." Police Department Memu looked at the clear timeline on the notepad and felt a little more comfortable, "In other words, the hostage went out alone at 9:30, and by 11 o'clock you received a call from the kidnapper. If something happened some time ago, the kidnapping location should be his walking route - do you know where he usually likes to walk?"

Mrs. Domoto nodded: "I've been with him several times. Dad's walking route has always been very fixed - I'll find a map."

It didn't take long for the police to get the "hostage walking route map" drawn by Mrs. Domoto.

The Megure Police Department sent this picture back to the people at the Metropolitan Police Department and asked them to search along the route: if they are lucky enough to find the place where Mr. Domoto was kidnapped, they may be able to follow the corresponding traces.

While the police were busy, Jiang Xia strolled around casually with a teacup in hand and stopped next to the psychiatrist.

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