Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 232 Jiang Xia is not such a casual person

Kouki Sawaki gripped the cloth cover on the steering wheel and wiped the cold sweat from his palms.

Even if Jiang Xia is really talented and realizes that there is something wrong with the "eighth victim"... then he must have no evidence at the moment.

——Otherwise, with Jiang Xia's no-nonsense habit of solving crimes, he would have told everything long ago.

Thinking of this, Sawaki was certain in his heart.

——As long as he survives these ten minutes and reaches the water crystal, he can still carry everyone.

He knew the location of the bombs in the restaurant.

At that time, as long as Jiang Xia is secretly guided before the detonation, so that Jiang Xia is closer to the detonation point, everything will be solved.

With this thought in mind, Kouki Sawaki put down the handbrake and started driving.

At the same time, like a serious good guy who doesn't mind being rubbed in the car, he smiled and nodded at Jiang Xia, determined to wear the good guy mask until the end.

However, when he turned around, Sawaki was surprised to find that Jiang Xia did not look at him warily, nor did he look like a detective staring at a prisoner.

On the contrary, the detective's eyes were very friendly and his expression was very comfortable. He was leaning back on the chair comfortably, looking inexplicably like a cat stuck next to a heat source on a cold day.

...However, for a would-be murderer, Jiang Xia is not as dangerous as a cat.

Kouki Sawaki only felt that there was a leopard sitting next to him, ready to jump up and bite him at any time.

Kouki Sawaki unknowingly drove the car very fast, just wanting to get to his field quickly.

The people in the car following behind were a little confused at first, but after thinking about it, they felt that Mr. Sawaki was eager to open a store and didn't want to be late, so they all expressed their understanding and drove to follow him.

Several people soon arrived at Tokyo Bay.

The weather was clear, the sea was calm, and the water was blue.

A long cable car track protrudes from the shore and extends all the way into the center of the bay.

Jiang Xia looked along the track and found that at the end of it, there was a maritime building that looked like a low-end version of the Sydney Opera House - this was the water crystal that was completed not long ago.

A group of people briefly admired the spectacular scenery, and then prepared to take the cable car to the Water Crystal Restaurant according to "Xu Shengyi"'s instructions.

At this moment, as if they had made an appointment, four more luxury cars drove up nearby, and four celebrities got out of them.

——Supermodel Nana Koyamauchi, essayist Minoru Nishina, photographer Nagaaki Shishido, and foreign boss Peter Ford.

Koyamauchi Nana's name "Nana" sounds the same as "seven", plus the six of Shinto Nagaaki, the five of Mori Kogoro, the four of Peter Ford (four), the full name of Shiratori Police Department Shiratori Rensaburo, As well as Nishina Ren, everyone is almost there.

It’s almost the same, because there is still one missing “one”.

Jiang Xia remembered that the last "one" refers to Kudo Shinichi.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take another look at Sawaki Koichi, who was surrounded by murderous aura.

This man seemed to dislike him so much, why didn't he mind Kudo Shinichi's involvement in the case. Could it be that Kohei Sawaki also discovered that Kudo Shinichi often stepped on the dead line to solve serial murder cases and wouldn't he interfere with him before everything happened?

...From this point of view, Sawaki Koichi is not as timid as he seems. Instead, he is a person who is willing to pursue excitement and challenges to a certain extent.

That would be easy.

I hope this person can be free from external interference and concentrate on what he should do...

Several of the celebrities knew each other, and they were reasonably polite to the detectives and police officers.

A group of people chatted casually for a few words, and then discovered that Xu Shengyi had made an appointment with all of them at the same time to meet at three o'clock.

This made the celebrities feel a little abnormal and slightly uncomfortable.

But no matter how unhappy I am, I still have to go to the appointment, after all, my boss pays me. And Xu Shengyi would do this, perhaps because of some multi-person cooperation project...

It's almost three o'clock.

In order not to be late, the celebrities planned to go to Hai Chinese Restaurant first.

The Mumu Police Department could only stop talking about the case and planned to explain the situation in detail to a few people when they got to the place. Xu Shengyi happened to be there at that time.

When going upstairs to look for the cable car, Conan looked at the group of people in front of him, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt that something was wrong.

After a few seconds, his expression suddenly changed, he pulled Jiang Xia and whispered, "Did you notice that except for 'three' or 'one', the people here happened to have gathered all the remaining numbers."

Jiang Xia was slightly confused: "'Or'?"

...Even if Conan didn't know that the full name of the Shiratori Police Department is "Shiratori Rensaburo", he shouldn't have used the strange word "or".

It's as if there is someone who can break it into various numbers at will, and make up whatever needs to be added...

Conan nodded solemnly: "The horizontal sign in your 'xia' can be broken into three, or... the three dots of water can be broken into 'three'? In addition, the 'jiang' can be broken into 'one' or 'two', and also... The vertical one can be the Arabic numeral '1'!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

To be fair, whose name doesn’t have a horizontal or vertical character in it...

He tactfully denied: "The 'three' may refer to the Shiratori Police Department. When I went to the police station before, I saw his full name on the duty list, 'Shiratori Rensaburo.' As for the 'one'..."

Jiang Xia came closer to Conan who was randomly picking off other people's names, and suddenly whispered: "Aren't you here to keep an appointment - Kudo Shinichi?"

Conan was meditating on the significance of Xu Shengyi dating so many people, but suddenly Jiang Xia called out his real name.

He was startled, feeling an inexplicable chill on his back, and thought horribly: "But how did Murakami know that I was coming?...Speaking of this, I always feel that as a person who has just been released from prison, he has too much information. Got——

"When the attacker sent poisonous chocolate to Aunt Yingli, he actually chose her favorite brand. Moreover, the uncle just walked past her in anger. It was a perfect time to send chocolate to apologize..."

Jiang Xia glanced at Conan silently, and suddenly felt that it might be a bit dangerous for him to think along this path.

——A few days ago, when Kogoro Mouri drove Feiying away, Kouki Sawaki happened to be in the same hotel with them and even opened a bottle of wine for them.

Looking at the case of Fei Yingli alone, Sawaki's suspicion level is off the charts.

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