Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2486 2490 [Stop alarming]

"That is to say, Ayumi probably met the robber who likes to break into empty doors. She lost her voice and couldn't speak. For some reason, she couldn't get her mobile phone, so she could only use her detective badge to ask us for help."

Speaking of this, Haibara Ai thought of something, which was a little funny: "Thanks to Dr. Ali who always asks us to guess some boring homophone puzzles, Ayumi was able to come up with this way of asking for help in time."

On the opposite side, Genta Kojima and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya were not as leisurely as she was. The two real children were shocked: "The robber who has killed people broke into Ayumi's house?!"

"In this case, things will be troublesome." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya thought of more, and his face turned pale with fright. "When we asked Ayumi if something was wrong, she tapped the badge twice and told us that it was okay. But If she played the alarm clock and music to ask us for help, then she would definitely not regret it temporarily - that is to say, the person who tapped the badge for the second time was not her at all, but the gangster, and she was caught by the gangster! "

"What should I do? Ayumi is going to be killed!" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya suddenly felt something was wrong while he was anxious. He looked at the calm Haibara Ai in shock, with grief on his face, "Xiao Ai, why don't you do anything? Worry, don’t you care about Bumi’s safety?”

I didn't expect that Xiao Ai looks so cute, but is such a cold-blooded person at heart. This is really...even more charming.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "..." No, now is not the time to think about this!

He clenched his fists: "We have to hurry over and help!"

Haiyuan Ai looked at this child who was acting a lot speechlessly: "Are you sure you want to go there now?"

She avoided the two excited children and looked at her phone again. There were two messages from Jiang Xia after she informed Bumi of the critical situation:

[Saw it. ]

[I am by the door. ]

Haibara Ai:"……"

With Jiang Xia here, you really don't have to worry about Bumi's life safety. You only need to worry about her mental health and the gangster who broke into the house... Speaking of which, since Jiang Xia is here, why doesn't he go in?

She was confused for a moment, and soon figured it out on her own: If the gangster was captured as soon as he arrived, what if the gangster had thought carefully and dealt with all the traces of the last crime in advance, then he could pretend to be a courier It may be difficult to give him due sanctions for his behavior.

And now...

"What a simple and effective way to deal with it." Haihara Ai quietly shattered the reply email he just received, and then sent another message.

——Although Jiang Xia means well, this fishing-like approach may be difficult for the police and other detectives to understand. I have to remind him, lest he accidentally let it slip later...

"In any case, it's all the organization's fault." Hui Yuan Ai sighed with complicated emotions, "Jiang Xia has watched their actions since he was a child, and has been influenced by them, so he has these habits that are different from ordinary high school detectives... From this point alone Look, those guys are really evil."

While I was muttering to myself, suddenly, Teacher Xiao Lin came over.

This teacher obviously also knew that Haibara Ai was reliable. She asked doubtfully: "What happened to Edogawa-san just now?"

Hui Yuan Ai was about to explain, but after thinking about the scene over there, he hesitated: What if he called the police at this time, and the police rushed there and happened to see Jiang Xia knocking someone?

...It is better to leave the matter of calling the police to Jiang Xia. As the person involved, he will definitely be able to grasp the most appropriate time.

Thinking of this, facing Teacher Xiaolin's doubtful gaze, Haibara Ai said awkwardly: "Edogawa-san's guess may not be accurate. How about... let's observe it ourselves first, and then decide whether to call the police?"

Teacher Xiao Lin was stunned: "...huh?" Aren't you good friends who play together every day? Why do you suddenly not believe his speculation? So, should I call the police?

A primary school teacher looked at the elusive primary school student in front of him and fell into deep thought for a moment.

On the other side, Conan was still running wildly on the road.

"Damn it, why didn't I think of the truth of the matter earlier!" He wanted to punch his thigh hard, but considering that he was busy running now, he had to give up temporarily, "If Ayumi was so cruelly killed..."

After being nervous for a while, Conan suddenly had an idea: "Wait a minute, every gangster will have his own pattern of committing crimes. I remember that in the case of the French restaurant owner who was murdered, the gangster tied up the person first and then killed him before leaving. This way, you can prevent the smell of blood from arousing suspicion, and you don’t have to worry about stepping on blood when walking around the scene - if Ayumi meets the same person, then he may also have this habit!"

"Judging from the time, Ayumi should not have been killed yet, but I'm afraid it will be soon."

Conan took a deep breath and analyzed calmly: "We must find a way to interrupt this process... We have it!"

He took out his cell phone and the bow-tie voice changer with his other hand. Then while dialing the number at Yoshida Ayumi's house, she called out Dr. Agasa's voice.

"Since he is a robber, he must demand money. As long as I use an adult voice and pretend to come to Yoshida's house to pay back the money, I will definitely attract the guy's attention and make him silence him for a while."

While thinking about it, Conan rushed through the door of the Yoshida family apartment.

Just as he was about to run to the elevator, a black hand suddenly reached out from behind and picked him up.

"?!" Conan was shocked: there was an ambush! !

Through the reflection of the mailbox, he vaguely saw a figure behind him.

Conan acted decisively and opened the cover of the anesthesia watch with a click. However, before he could press the launch button, another hand reached out from behind like lightning and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Are you going to play with your dangerous toy again?" A familiar voice came from behind, and the man asked, "Why are you here? Today is a working day, and you, a primary school student, don't have to go to class?"

"..." Conan was stunned: This voice... is the suspicious boss of Jiangxia Office!

... Why is Toru Amuro here?

If you ask for help from this boss now, you may get his help. But on the other hand, the time when Toru Amuro appeared is too coincidental. What if, what if this person is actually an accomplice of the kidnapper...

Conan's mind was racing: "I'm here to help the teacher deliver things to the students! Uncle Amuro, what about you? What are you doing here?"

Toru Amuro: "..." The address changed from brother to uncle again... Is this kid on guard against him now? And which teacher would let a child deliver things during class time? It seems that something really happened nearby.

He put the person back on the ground, thought for a moment and asked: "Have you seen Jiang Xia?"

-Just now at the delivery point, Jiang Xia suddenly left him and walked away. This made Amuro Toru feel relieved, but also a little confused.

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