Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2494 2498 [Working as Bourbon]

In any case, in the end, the three organization cadres got together at the hospital.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to notice the subtle atmosphere between the three of them, or maybe he did but he thoughtfully didn't say anything more. He turned to the doctor next to him and asked, "Can we take a look at Miss Maya?"

"Of course." The doctor nodded. Jiang Xia didn't seem to be a bad person, and even the amnesia patient's consultation fee was advanced by him. There was no reason to hide it. He took the initiative to point the way, "That's where it is." Ward.”

A group of people walked over and pushed open the door.

In the spacious ward, a short-haired woman leaned silently on the bed with a melancholy expression.

"Miss Maye?" Jiang Xia walked over, "I was the passerby who brought you to the hospital. How do you feel now?"

The woman suspected to be named "Maya" raised her head when she heard this. She heard the general situation from the doctor, so she was not afraid of these enthusiastic citizens who suddenly came in, even though, uh... even though two of them looked very different. Frightening.

Maya glanced around the faces of several people, lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, and finally looked at Jiang Xia. She said weakly: "My head hurts a little, but it should be fine. Thank you."

"You're welcome, it's just a piece of cake." Jiang Xia easily pulled a nearby stool and sat down beside the hospital bed. "I met you on the overpass near Qihara Street. Do you still remember when you lost your memory? ——You were in very bad condition at the time. You were shaking when you walked. The place where you hit your head should not be far from there.”

Maya frowned and tried to think along his words.

Next to him, Vodka looked at Jiang Xia, who was sitting casually, and then at Toru Amuro, who was still standing next to him. A question mark slowly appeared on his forehead: "..." Doesn't this guy Bourbon feel that he is in Amuro? Is there a slight problem with the status of the detective agency?

Just as he was thinking about it, Toru Amuro spoke thoughtfully. He said to the woman on the bed: "Your figure looks very strong. Maybe you have the habit of exercising or fitness. In addition, you still have some old linear marks on your fingertips... …Perhaps you worked in some assembly line factory where string was used?”

Vodka: "..." Why are you so helpful? Where is your majesty as a boss? What you should do at this time is to give the kid some color, for example, drag him by his collar, pick him up, and sit on the stool yourself!

Although one onlooker was secretly distracted, in general, everyone's attention was still focused on picking up the amnesiac person.

Toru Amuro is worthy of being an elite intelligence agent who also wears the titles of detective, public security officer, organization cadre, etc. His casual words seem to have touched a certain nerve in Maya.

The woman's originally calm expression suddenly turned frightened, and she held her head in pain: "It's so uncomfortable... I can't remember, I can't remember!"

Vodka: "..." If you can't remember, then don't think about it. Although I don't know what you did before, my experience and understanding of Uzo tell me that the moment you remember it, it's almost the time you were at Uzo. When the curtain calls on the stage...I will have to stay away from you then.

While thinking wildly, Vodka took out his cell phone and quietly started writing something.

The enthusiastic high school detective is still working hard for the poor amnesiac woman.

Jiang Xia asked: "Do you have any items that you carry with you? If you don't mind, show them to me. I might be able to discover something."

Maya's headache just now was relieved. She nodded tiredly, leaned into the bag beside her, and rummaged through her previous clothes.

"That's all it seems."

After a while, Maya found a piece of paper that was torn off and a dark puzzle piece. She looked at these two things doubtfully and handed them to Jiang Xia.

Ireland looked at this scene, his eyes changed slightly: "..." Where is the wallet? Where's the cell phone? Where is the key? What about various daily necessities? ——Which normal person would not carry the necessities of daily life, but stuff his body with such strange things?

"It can be seen that this matter is indeed related to that guy. And as expected, I already know where this woman lost her memory."

Ireland was thinking rapidly in his heart, but his face remained calm. He glanced at the shredded paper in Jiang Xia's hand, looked at the English words on it, and made an action that was consistent with his status as a foreigner: "It says Matthew Gospel, Chapter 5, Verse 3.”

Jiang Xia nodded, obviously recognizing it. He looked at Maya: "Since you dare to tear up the Bible, then you are probably not a Christian..." As he said this, a person suddenly flashed in his mind.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Xia added rigorously: "But that's not necessarily the case."

——Just like his new subordinate Maya Hashimoto. Mr. Hashimoto seems to be a devout Christian, Buddhist, and shrine believer at the same time... But if necessary, Jiangxia has no doubt that he will tear off the Bible to use as notes, and maybe even tear off the Buddhist beads as projectiles.

While thinking about it, he looked at the fragment of the Bible that Maya was carrying, and quickly discovered the problem.

"You probably tore off this paper and used it as a notepad." Jiang Xia pointed to the blank space above the title, where there was a line of faint marks, "13'Last Supper'-is this what you wrote down?"

Maya hesitated: "I don't remember much."

Amuro Toru looked at the two words and couldn't help but frowned - "The Last Supper", although it cannot be ruled out that the person who wrote it down had some associations after seeing the Bible and wrote it casually. But it has to be admitted that this word is easy to make people have many bad associations.

Jiang Xia didn't care too much about this. The detective with strong mobility had already speculated other things based on the Bible: "Tearing off the paper at hand to record, this situation usually happens when you suddenly hear some news, especially when you are on the phone."

"In other words, there should be a Bible at the place where you call. And it is most likely not your own home - otherwise if you want to read the Bible, you won't tear it up, and if you don't want to read it, you probably won't put the Bible in such a convenient place to use."

Amuro Toru thought about this and soon had an idea. He took the paper from Jiang Xia, flicked his fingers to check the material: "Good quality, it should be something in a high-end hotel room - I saw it when I was working part-time before."

Jiang Xia remembered the frequency and number of times Amuro Toru worked part-time: "...Do you remember which store you saw it in?"

"Of course." After a pause, Amuro Toru said, "But when I said 'seen', I meant seeing Bibles placed in hotel rooms, not specifically this kind of Bible."

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