Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2509 2513 [The psychiatrist is gone]

"Is that so..." Inspector Megure thought about it, and a light bulb suddenly lit up in his head, and he decided to start the process. "Anyway, there is only one entrance and exit to the restaurant, which means that the murderer must still be among the guests. Why not confirm their alibi first?" - If only one person is not present at the end of the investigation, then the murderer will be confirmed on the spot.

As he said this, he looked at Professor Iwama and Lecturer Arai beside him: "What were you two doing at 7:50 when the deceased died?"

Professor Iwama: "I have been in my own box, which is Box 3 over there."

He turned back and pointed in the direction of his box, then suddenly remembered something and looked at Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru: "I remember that at that time, my contact lenses happened to be lost, and I looked for them carefully for a while. On the way, I accidentally knocked over the dinner plate and made some noise."

Amuro Toru nodded, and recalled the scene at that time: when he stuck his head out, he happened to see Professor Iwama's box window snapped shut. In other words, he happened to become a witness to Professor Iwama's alibi.


Amuro Toru: "..." Oops, the bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

Beside him, Inspector Megure failed to notice the complicated look of the detective agency boss. Seeing that Professor Iwama had an alibi, he looked at the deceased's other companion, Lecturer Arai: "What about you?"

Lecturer Arai touched his pocket: "I was not in the store at that time. I went out to buy cigarettes for the professor - look, this is my receipt."

The receptionist confirmed this: "It happened that our store did not have the cigarettes that this gentleman needed, so I pointed out the location of a nearby convenience store for him. This pack of cigarettes should have been bought at that convenience store."

Lecturer Arai: "That convenience store is far away. It took me more than ten minutes to walk there. I didn't have time to commit the crime."

Jiang Xia glanced at the receipt in his hand and saw the information printed on it: the checkout time was 7:52 tonight, which was not much different from the estimated time of death of the deceased.

Inspector Megure took the evidence and put it away. At the same time, he began to have a headache: the acquaintances of the two deceased had alibis, so was he going to find a needle in a haystack among the remaining customers?

... Fortunately, there are only seven or eight private rooms in total, and this sea area is not too large.

He sighed and said to Officer Takagi: "You assign some people and ask for other people's alibis."

After everyone dispersed, Inspector Megure couldn't help but reach out and poke Jiang Xia next to him: Detective brother, is there really no faster way?

Jiang Xia was touched by him and took his eyes away from his colleagues.

The distracted detective cleared his throat and whispered to the front desk: "Where do your food delivery boats usually park? I want to go and see."

"Huh? Oh, okay!" The receptionist did not refuse the young man who seemed to be the head of the police. She took Jiang Xia into the employee passage, passed through the curious chefs, and came to a door next door.

"This is the dock where the food delivery boats are moored." The receptionist opened the locked door with a key, "Because the chefs will deliver the food directly from the window adjacent to the stream, this door is usually locked to prevent guests from entering by mistake."

After entering the house, there were indeed 5 food delivery boats quietly parked inside. The boats were of different sizes, the smallest was less than half a meter long, and the largest was more than a meter long.

Jiang Xia stopped in front of the largest boat. The food on the boat had been taken away, revealing the wooden deck below. There was a small pool of black, sticky liquid between the gaps between two wooden boards.

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Jiang Xia stared at it and asked the receptionist next to him: "Which box did this ship deliver food to just now?"

The receptionist recalled: "The three professors' boxes used it. They ordered a lot of food, and when they made the reservation, they asked us to use a large ship to deliver all the food. So we used this ship to deliver food once at 7:30, and then sent whiskey as a drink."

Next to him, Inspector Megure watched this scene and whispered to Jiang Xia: "Brother Jiang Xia, did you find anything?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "Let's go to Box No. 3 first."

When Toru Amuro, who had just followed, heard this, his heart skipped a beat: Box No. 3 was the box where the psychologist he was looking for was just now, which was next to them.

Jiang Xia suddenly wanted to go there to check, could it be...

He took a deep breath and followed Jiang Xia to Box No. 3 without giving up, wanting to see the situation with his own eyes.


Due to the absence of the main character of the banquet, most of the food in Box 3 had not been eaten. Professor Iwama and Lecturer Arai only ate some side dishes while waiting for someone.

Amuro Toru's eyes fell on the small table with the stall, and he saw that there were only two disposable chopstick wrappers, one of which had disappeared.

The expensive puffer fish caviar in the plate was also a little messy. In addition, there was a little wet mark in the corner of the window, and two very inconspicuous small holes were nailed on the window frame.

Amuro Toru: "..."

His hanging heart finally settled down peacefully: the doctor this time was useless.

At this moment, Amuro Toru suddenly realized something. He raised his head and found that Jiang Xia was standing in front of the window looking at him, as if he was waiting for something very patiently.


After a moment of silent staring, Amuro Toru felt that he understood. He nodded to Jiang Xia with great heaviness: What to do, he is not the kind of outlaw who lets the murderer be a psychologist for his employees.

Beside him, Vodka quietly watched this scene: "..." Although he didn't know what these two guys were talking about, Bourbon's look was really funny.

He quietly turned around to hide his smile, unethically building his happiness on the misfortune of his ally.


The person who sent the doctor had already taken the initiative to ask to end the case, and Jiang Xia couldn't just drag time to continue to grab coffee.

He turned to the long-awaited Inspector Megure and said the line that made the police feel +100: "I probably know who the murderer is."

Inspector Megure felt relieved for a moment: "Who is it?"

Jiang Xia pointed to the artificial stream flowing gently in the distance: "It's a person with a unique advantage-the largest food delivery boat in this restaurant is more than one meter long. Although the motor and sensor are installed inside the boat board, there is still enough space to deliver the food.

"The murderer took advantage of this to travel between his box and the crime scene by boat and successfully get rid of the person he wanted to kill.

"In other words, the case went something like this. The murderer made a reservation at this restaurant and asked the restaurant to "deliver all meals and drinks using the largest ship possible."

"A high-end hotel that puts service first certainly wouldn't refuse. So they delivered all the meals at 7:30 according to the customer's request, and then delivered whiskey and ice cubes a little later."

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