Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2514 2518 [Generous Detective]

"!" The two high school girls came to their senses and found that they were only playing with the music box and almost forgot the key point. They quickly stopped talking and listened to the client's description again as if nothing had happened.

Yuki Haruna thought of the past and sighed silently. She touched the music box and looked at Jiang Xia: "Actually, I want you to help me find someone."

"Oh, find someone." Suzuki Sonoko nodded and took notes: It seems that this is a mysterious disappearance case!

Yuki Haruna: "The person I'm looking for is called 'Akigo'. I met him through the BB machine three years ago-at that time, I came to Tokyo from the countryside to study at an art university. Because I couldn't find common topics with my classmates around me, I never made friends.

"I was away from my family and was really lonely, so one day I had a sudden idea, made up a number at random, and sent a message through the BB machine. "

Speaking of this, Yuki Haruna smiled: "I remember what I sent at the time was 'Hello, my name is Haruna, are you willing to be my friend? '.

"I thought that maybe no one was using that number, and that the other party might be bored and just throw the message aside... But unexpectedly, not long after, I actually received a reply.

"That person said that his first love was also called Haruna, and he was very happy to meet me and was honored to be my friend.

"We started to communicate like this, we shared our feelings with each other, and sometimes I would chat with him when I encountered difficulties. He provided me with many useful suggestions - although I had never met him, I could feel that he should be a very kind old man."

Suzuki Sonoko listened to the client's words, and a complete pink picture slowly unfolded in her mind. However, before she started to write down the details, she was hit by the three words "old gentleman", and the image of the mysterious handsome man in her mind was instantly shattered.

"It turned out to be an elder..." The imaginative female high school student sighed, and her interest in this commission was slightly reduced. At the same time, her IQ also returned, "In this case, you can send him a message to ask him to meet, so you can see him anytime, right?"

Yuuki Haruna shook her head: "I would like to contact him, but..." She reached into her bag and took out a blue pager, "But his pager is with me now."

"?!" Suzuki Sonoko, who had just wilted, stood up again after hearing this, "Could it be that he was kidnapped, and the kidnappers sent this thing to you to threaten you?"

"No." Yuuki Haruna stroked the small communication tool in her hand, and her expression became a little confused and worried:

"That was last Christmas. After I came to Tokyo, I worked hard to earn tuition to realize my dream of art. But the art school is expensive and the courses are not easy. I really couldn't hold on, so I had to apply for withdrawal from the school and planned to return to my hometown.

"Tokyo, this prosperous city, has left me with almost all bad memories. Only the electronic pen pal I have never met makes me a little worried. So I decided to meet him before returning to my hometown. ”

“After I sent a message to ask, he readily agreed and asked me to meet him in front of the loyal dog statue in Shibuya.

“On ​​Christmas Day, I arrived there in the light snow, but after waiting for a long time, I didn’t see anyone like him around.


“I was wondering if something happened, but at this moment, a pager suddenly sounded next to me.

“I looked over and found that a paper bag had appeared under the statue. The music box was in the bag, and the pager was on top of the music box.

“I wasn’t sure if this was something Qiu Wu left behind, but when I got closer to check, a message suddenly came from the pager - he said it was a very valuable music box, and asked me to sell it to continue my studies and not give up my dream.

"But how can I just accept someone else's things? So I took the music box to an antique shop. Since it is a very valuable music box, maybe the people in the shop can know its origin and find its owner and return it to the original owner.

"But the people in the antique shop said that this music box is just an ordinary and a little old music box that can be seen everywhere, and it is not a valuable item.

"I took the music box home as a souvenir. I thought the matter was over, but who knew that from that day on..."

Yuuki Haruna's expression gradually became fearful: "From that day on, my pager has received some inexplicable messages one after another."

"For example, 'I have something to talk to you about, you immediately go to such and such place alone. Remember, come alone'-and it was sent in the name of Mr. Qiuwu."

Jiang Xia: "..."

Suzuki Sonoko: "...This trap is too straightforward, you didn't go."

"Of course not." Yuuki Haruna is not stupid, and shook her head repeatedly, "Since Qiuwu gave me the pager, it means that he doesn't plan to contact me anymore. Even if he changed his mind on the way, he wouldn't say such words-he is a kind and gentle person, and this is not his usual tone of speech."

"I don't know who sent the message, I was scared to death, so I didn't reply.

"Who knew that this seemed to anger the other party, and that night, I received more than a dozen messages in succession. Those messages were very dirty, saying that I was a thief and a vixen...

"This time, I felt that there might be some misunderstanding, so I carefully sent a message to ask, but the other party never replied again."

Speaking of this, Yuuki Haruna quietly looked at Jiang Xia: "At first I thought someone might have sent the wrong message, but then I thought the timing was too coincidental, maybe the guy who sent the message was related to Mr. Qiu Wu's disappearance. The more I thought about it, the more worried I was about the safety of that pen pal, so I wanted to try to find a detective for help..."

But the powerful detective charged too much, and the unknown detective had no idea after hearing her description. Later, she heard that Jiang Xia did not raise prices all year round, and often gave customers free meals when she was happy, so she came every now and then to try her luck, and she didn't expect to really meet him.

The master detective really didn't care about the fees. It seemed that he heard that she was in a difficult financial situation, and the detective casually swiped the letter of authorization and generously filled in a 0 for the fee.

Then he asked Yuuki Haruna in front of her extremely surprised eyes: "Do you still receive those strange messages now?"

Yuuki Haruna shook her head quickly: "Those messages only lasted for a few days, but then disappeared."

Jiang Xia looked like he was thinking. After a few seconds, he took the music box on the table, opened the block and looked at the internal structure.

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