Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2517 2521 [Script] Request for monthly votes

Chapter 2517 2521 [Script] Please vote for me (`)

"Bring it." Yuki Haruna quickly touched the paper bag and took out the ancient music box.

"Mr. Akigo said this is a very valuable thing." Yuki Haruna sighed, "If this is the case, I think it is better to return it to its original owner and return it to the Ogata family."

Mrs. Ogata took it with a smile: "Thank you very much."

She looked down at the music box, fumbled for the spring with some unfamiliarity, and twisted it twice. Soon, a piece of music flowed out.

"This song sounds familiar."

It seemed that this was the first time Mrs. Ogata had seen this box. She was trying to remember it when suddenly, a voice came from the side: "Come, Spring."

Mrs. Ogata was startled and asked following the voice: "Husband?"

Mr. Ogata walked into the house. He saw the guests in the house and explained to everyone: "This is a piece that my mother used to play a lot."

Jiang Xia looked back at the wall. There were more than one black and white photo of the deceased in this mourning hall - there was also a black and white old lady in a kimono hanging next to Mr. Qiu Wu: "Is this your mother?"

Mr. Ogata nodded talkatively: "My mother's name is Haruna, and she passed away three years ago."

"Haruna?" Yuuki Haruna was surprised, "Doesn't that mean he has the same name as me?"

The second son of the Ogata family followed him in at some unknown time. He smiled and said: "After grandma passed away, grandpa always went out for walks in the middle of the night. We were a little worried about his safety, so we asked him to bring a BB phone for easy contact - —Unexpectedly, grandpa became addicted to BB machines. He always said happily, "Haruna is back again." He probably thought of my deceased grandma when he was chatting with you. "

"That's it." Yuki Haruna breathed a sigh of relief: Sudden kindness always makes people a little uneasy, but now that she knows the reason, she feels relieved.

The two young men chatted for a few words about the deceased Grandpa Qiu Wu.

Next to them, the older generation couldn't sit still.

"Um..." Mr. Ogata, the current head of the Ogata family, couldn't help but ask after playing with the music box for a while, "Is there anything else in this music box?"

"Something else?" Yuki Haruna was a little confused, "No."

"How could it not be there?" Mr. Ogata, who was over fifty years old, was a little anxious. He stared at Ogata Haruna, "If you think about it carefully, are there those white, small, thin ones inside..."

"Hand-engraved stamps."

Another voice came from the door, interrupting Mr. Ogata's hint.

Curaçao looked around and found that this time it was the eldest son of the Ogata family. Unlike the sunny and cheerful second son, this eldest son looked smart and capable, but there was a hint of philistineness and cunning in his face, which made it difficult for people to like him. .

"With the parents, the eldest son and the second son, there are now four people." Curacao counted silently in his mind, "According to my experience, this has met Uzo's stage requirements... Tsk, you were careless. In the future When you go on a mission to other people’s homes, you have to plan the number of people and don’t go to a home with too many people.”

When the organization cadres secretly summed up their experiences.

Next to him, the eldest son of the Ogata family had mercilessly exposed his father's thoughts.

"Dad, why are you saying it so tactfully? You could just ask her - ask her if there is a set of hand-carved stamps worth 200 million yen in the music box, but she keeps the stamps to herself and only pretends to The worthless music box was returned."


"Brother!" The second son of the Ogata family was shocked, "What are you talking about!"

The eldest son of the Ogata family ignored him and just stared at the helpless Yuuki Haruna next to him: "Maybe grandpa didn't give you the stamps directly, but only told you where the stamps were hidden - you came to our house specially, that is To find out the whereabouts of that set of stamps, right?”

Yuki Haruna was stunned when she heard this: "I didn't..."

"Okay, no need to quibble." The eldest son of the Ogata family waved his hand, "Just wait, I will tear off your hypocritical mask right away - before that, you must first pretend to be a guest and finally... Enjoy it at my house.”

A truly strong man never gives anyone a chance to face off. After saying this in rapid succession, the eldest son turned around and left.

"This kid is so rude." Mr. Ogata sighed at his son's back, and then turned to Yuki Haruna and Jiang Xia. "Ignore him. His club has been in trouble recently, so he has a bad temper. I've got gunpowder - instead of this, why don't you stay at my house for a light meal tonight? I'd also like to hear more about my father."

"It was like eating from all sides. I have never been so tired from playing Werewolf." After dinner, Suzuki Sonoko collapsed on the tatami tiredly and complained to two classmates, "What do you mean, 'I want to hear about my father's past. ’, I don’t think they meant to miss the deceased at all, they just wanted to get the whereabouts of the torn stamp from Miss Haruna.”

Yuki Haruna also looked helpless: "But when I received the music box, there was really nothing else in it. Mr. Qiugo never mentioned stamps when he chatted with me."

"Oh, let's not mention this family. It's really disappointing." Suzuki Sonoko waved her hands in boredom. Suddenly she remembered something and looked at the corner curiously, and pulled in a person who was not involved in the conversation, "Ms. Shirai "Aren't you a lawyer? I don't seem to see you working what are you doing here?"

Curacao: “…”

What is she doing here? Of course, to do her mission. But now, a hateful guy has disrupted her perfect plan.

——Before coming here, Curacao arranged a subordinate, wanting that clever subordinate to pretend to be a close friend of the late Mr. Ogata, and come here to perform an efficient puzzle-solving. But now...

Uzo took her way, leaving her with nowhere to go.

Fortunately, the next moment after coming here and seeing Jiang Xia, Curacao immediately sent a "suspension of action" notice to that subordinate - otherwise, sending a fake detective to Uzo... is simply a meat bun to hit a dog, which will only waste the talent she has worked so hard to dig out.

"But how can Uzo's script be so similar to my plan?" Curacao muttered in his heart, "Is it because I have watched too many of his performances and unconsciously imitated him, or... there is really a ghost around me?"

This thought flashed through her mind, and the new subordinate who she originally admired quite a lot suddenly became suspicious.

As she pondered, she perfunctorily responded to Suzuki Sonoko's question: "I am responsible for publishing the will of the deceased old man, but the corresponding publishing conditions have not been met yet."

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