Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2533 2537 [Explosion]

In order to save the unfortunate unknown renter, the police started their efficient operation.

Officer Takagi picked up the phone and called back without hope. At the same time, he asked his colleagues in the technical department to try to locate the person, hoping to contact the lawless maniac Mr. Yuda as soon as possible: if he was told that he had bombed the wrong person, Yuda might be willing to provide some methods to disarm the bomb and make meritorious contributions. After all, his revenge plan had failed. Rather than resisting stubbornly, it is better to look forward again...

A set of rhetoric has been thought of, but soon, bad news came back.

No one answered the call that Officer Takagi called back, and his colleagues stood up from the positioning device in disappointment: "The other party used a public phone near the rental car yard. We are retrieving the nearby surveillance, but..."

But not to mention that retrieving the surveillance is time-consuming and laborious, even if they are lucky enough to find the other party's figure, it may be too late.

On the other side.

Sato Miwako contacted the rental car factory while taking a few colleagues to step on the accelerator and rush over.

Then she heard a series of infuriating news:

"What? The surveillance in the store is broken?"

"What? The phone number left by the customer is invalid?"

"What?? The payment was made in cash, and there is no transfer record?!"

A vein popped out on Miwako Sato's forehead: Is this guy waiting to be rescued a poor man or an outlaw? Even a criminal with a little less experience can't cover up his whereabouts to this extent!

For a moment, she wanted to let this guy who seemed to be an outlaw fight another outlaw himself.

But in the end, as a police officer, Officer Sato could only take a deep breath and continue to rescue innocent citizens due to his sense of responsibility.

"Calm down - didn't the front desk say that the customer was very anxious? Maybe he just accidentally filled in the wrong number by one digit when he was anxious, causing the number to become invalid.

"As for cash... Although more people use credit cards, there are indeed quite a few people who use cash. It's normal, it's normal. "

The experienced Miwako Sato quickly calmed down and began to think about other ways to save the poor citizens with her colleagues.

When the police were busy.

Ten minutes ago, on an ordinary bus in Beihua Town.

Dr. Agasa and Jiang Xia took a group of real and fake children on the bus and found their seats.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to walk back, but just when he walked to the middle, he felt a little hand reaching out and tugging at his clothes stealthily.

He turned around and found that Huiyuan Ai pointed to the seat next to him, and then secretly winked.

"…" Jiang Xia thought about it and didn't care where to sit, so he turned around and sat down.

"It will be stressful for the children to sit in front of you." Huiyuan Ai also followed and jumped on the same row of stools. She whispered to Jiang Xia, "Why not take it step by step and start by sharing a car."

Jiang Xia nodded, and he looked back: "Actually, I like them very much, but they seem to have a little misunderstanding of me. ”

Gray Hara Ai: “…” There’s nothing we can do. These kids are so unlucky that they always run into all kinds of lawless lunatics, and then see you beating up the lawless lunatics…

She sighed and shook her head, not mentioning this difficult problem anymore, and turned to study the specialties of the ski resort.

The bus swayed forward and approached the next stop.


When the bus was about to arrive at the stop, Gray Hara Ai suddenly sat up straight.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Xia also looked out the window, with a little more interest in his eyes.

“Why…” Gray Hara Ai wrapped her coat tightly, and her comfortable look disappeared. : Why did she seem to sense the breath of the organization? !

Although Huiyuan Ai's perception of the breath of the organization has deteriorated because she usually lives too close to Jiang Xia and has too much contact with Jiang Xia, at this moment, she still sensed a disgusting and terrible breath.

She instinctively put on her hood and huddled in her seat. Not long after, the door opened and a group of passengers came up one after another.

The new passengers walked back through the aisle, and the chaotic footsteps approached and moved away. But suddenly, Huiyuan Ai's ears moved and found that a footstep did not go far after approaching, but stopped next to Jiang Xia's seat.

"Jiang Xia?" A slightly surprised voice sounded, and Ireland smiled, "What a coincidence, I met you again. "

While greeting, Ireland tensed up silently, his peripheral vision instinctively scanning the surroundings: Although using Jiang Xia to deal with Wu Zuo was his basic strategy, he bumped into this detective right after getting on the bus... Isn't this a little too coincidental?

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, and past experience tells him that in addition to the members of the organization, Wu Zuo has also been messing around with Jiang Xia, the "Sherlock Holmes". And now he has just split up with Vodka and met Jiang Xia...

Although there is no evidence, he always has a bad premonition: this split operation against Vodka in secret, he may lose.

"But Jiang Xia lives near Beihua Town, and his usual workplace is mostly in Beihua Town. Although the probability of encountering him here is not high, it is definitely not low. "

Irish quickly judged the situation here: "Stepping back, just like what I experienced before - even if something happens, it is easier to escape by bus than by car. In addition, with Jiang Xia here, there is no need to worry about being wrongly accused of being a murderer, nor do you need to be too afraid of the police. Overall, my strategy was correct.”

Thinking of this, Ireland exchanged a few words with Jiang Xia, and then deliberately chose the seat behind Jiang Xia to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, he suddenly noticed a gaze from the dark.

"!" Ireland turned his head sharply, and met a pair of eyes wearing round-framed glasses - the little boy with glasses from Jiang Xia's neighbor happened to be on the bus, traveling with them.

The two sides looked at each other, and the child smiled at him cheerfully, looking away.

... Just a primary school student, not a hidden enemy.

Ireland was slightly relieved. He leaned on the bus seat, confirmed the position of the window breaker, and then swayed forward with the bus that started again.


At the same time, on a busy street not far away.

Judy held the arm of "Dr. Shinde" like a piece of taffy, and chatted with the fake school doctor of Teitan Middle School next to her in her deliberately awkward foreign accent, interpreting the appearance of a passionate foreign teacher to the fullest.

However, in fact, this talkative foreign teacher was actually quietly distracted in his heart.

Judy: “…” Ever since Shuichi realized his mistake in time and changed his strategy towards the enemy, the days seemed to have become unusually peaceful since their FBI group stopped chasing after Uzo and instead focused their attention back on Vermouth.

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