Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2536 2540 [Bus Robbers]

The more Conan looked, the more suspicious he became: And the shape of the ski bags carried by these two passengers was a bit strange, wasn't it? Could it be...

Before he could come to that terrifying conclusion, there was a crash, and one of the passengers dug into his ski bag and pulled out a pistol.

"Don't move!" The gangster disguised as a passenger turned around, pointed his gun at the other passengers, and sneered. "This car has been hijacked by us. Anyone who dares to make a scene will be sent to heaven!"

Teen Detective Team: "?!"

Akai Shuichi: "..."


Judy: "..." I don't know why, but my hanging heart seems to have finally settled down - it's really nostalgic, the feeling of being chased by cases wherever you go.

Belmode: "..." Sure enough...

Several people went their separate ways and had very different things in their minds, but they all had the same "unsurprising" feeling.

Compared with these few people who have encountered accidents frequently, the other passengers in the car have significantly weaker adaptability.

A group of people looked up blankly, not quite understanding the situation: "What?"

"what happened?"

"Is this filming, or..."

"Shut up!" The gangster had obviously planned this carjacking operation. Seeing the passengers gradually becoming confused, he did not hesitate and pulled the trigger.

A loud bang and the sound of gunpowder exploding quickly silenced all movement. The passengers all froze and did not dare to move in their seats, fearing that the next shot would be aimed at them.

The gangster glanced at the crowd roughly and put down the gun pointed at the ceiling with satisfaction: Huh, these guys who are soaked in peace will probably wet their pants when they hear the gunshots - I really want to appreciate their frightened faces... …But unfortunately there is still business to do now.

Thinking this, he winked at his companion.

The companion understood, strode to the driver's seat, and pointed his gun at the driver: "Don't play tricks, just listen to us."

The driver was also frightened by the sudden gunshots just now. He nodded quickly: "You tell me."

The gangster commanded: "Stop normal operation, hang up the 'Return' light sign, then maintain a constant speed and circle according to the route I told you - immediately!"

The driver was holding his gun, sweating profusely: "Okay, okay..."

The gangster added: "When you get to the next intersection, contact your main station immediately. I have something to tell them."

While he was directing the driver, the other gangster turned his attention to the passengers in the car again.

He took out a bag and said, "Listen, I will pass by your seats later. Prepare your mobile phones in advance, and then put your mobile phones into this bag one by one - don't play tricks, otherwise I will immediately be ignorant." There's a bloody hole in the guy's forehead, so you guys won't be able to make phone calls for the rest of your life."

He was talking in the front, but someone behind him was already playing tricks.

——As a mysterious organization cadre, Ireland certainly does not want to hand over his mobile phone to others. After all, for members of the organization, the exposure of intelligence means that they may be on a silence list at any time.

Although he has a daily mobile phone used for disguise, the disguise is just a disguise after all, and this mobile phone also contains some real traces about him. Normally it would be fine, but lately I have been encountering Uzo frequently...

After thinking about it, Ireland's brows moved, and a plan came to mind.

He took out his cell phone and quickly sent a message to Jiang Xia before the kidnapper came.

——A famous detective in Jiangxia is likely to use his work mobile phone and his personal mobile phone separately. According to Ireland's observation, this detective's pocket does seem to be stuffed with a lot of things.

Now that he suddenly encountered this kind of thing, I think this righteous detective would not refuse to lend him one of the mobile phones and let him use it as his own mobile phone to hand over to the kidnappers - of course, the obvious excuse is that it can be kept for them. A mobile phone to contact the outside world and deal with gangsters secretly.

Ireland wrote the email.

A pair of eyes quietly watched this scene from the gap in the seat, secretly anxious.

Conan: "..." You cunning guy, rather than lending you his phone, it would be better for Jiang Xia to hold the extra phone. Do you think that if you act anxious, Jiang Xia will be considerate...


The next moment, as the message was sent, Conan watched helplessly as a mobile phone flew out from Jiang Xia and quietly fell into the hands of "Mr. Edward".

Conan: "..."

...Jiang Xia! ! Why are you talking to him? As long as Edward hands the phone to the robber, and then hands it to the police when the robber is arrested, wouldn't it be logical to investigate the contents of his phone?

Unfortunately, the phone is not in his hands, and the initiative is not in his hands either.

In the end, Conan could only sigh depressedly and sit back in his seat: Fortunately, Jiang Xia was not the only one who brought an extra mobile phone - as a person who has both the identities of "Kudo Shinichi" and "Conan", he also has Two mobile phones. It seems that the important task of finding a way to contact the outside world will fall on him, a weak and helpless elementary school detective.

Unlike Conan's complicated mood, Ireland is in a good mood at this time - although Jiang Xia's position has been confirmed through various methods before, Jiang Xia's ability to hand over the phone so neatly at this time makes people feel more pity for him. Share trust.

While admiring the detective's loyalty, Ireland unceremoniously implanted a secret surveillance software developed by the organization. After that, he put away his phone, mixed in with other passengers, and waited for the criminals to come and confiscate his phone.

At this time, the bus just passed the next intersection.

The bus driver remembered the criminal's instructions just now and reached out to remove the intercom connected to the headquarters.

"I am Xiaolin from bus W707." The driver secretly glanced at the robber who was busy with other things, and couldn't help saying, "My car is now..."

A hand suddenly reached out and took the intercom from his hand.

"Listen, this bus has been hijacked by us!" The gangster snorted coldly, "We have only one request - you contact the police immediately and ask them to release the Yajima Gangnan who is currently in prison."

"If you dare to play tricks, dare or refuse our request, we will shoot one passenger every hour."

The gangster did not waste too much time on the call: "I will give you 20 minutes to prepare, and I will call you again in 20 minutes."

He spoke without being too evasive, with a full breath and a loud voice, and everyone on the bus heard what he said.

The passengers were pale, and Jiang Xia mixed in with them, and soon remembered who the "Yajima Gangnan" was.

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